Happy lover(TV)[2014]
Happy lover(TV)[2014]

《Happy lover》Ep56:Episode 56th

At Joyce's board of directors, Zhang Hanyu and Cheng Xin went on the battle. Zhang Hangyu presented evidence to the directors that Cheng Xin intends to sell Joyce equipment and bring the entire R & D center to Singapore. Cheng Xin poured all the dirty water on Hu Shaohe and Hu Shaohe was expelled from Joyce. Li Lian was still feeling soft when she collapsed due to ailment of pain. He wanted Li Lian to take a break and Li Lian woke up knowing she was happy. Chang Han-woo said she knew she had a reason to leave, but he could not accept her suddenly later, but also angry because she did not participate in his growth. Li Lian told him that in fact she came back many times, she has been quietly accompanied by Han Yu, HannYou did not know it, she could only secretly looked at HannStar, Han Yu heard it all very guilty sad , Shouted loudly to Li Lian mom. Peas back with Zhang Han Yu Ming and Qing Hospital to find her mother, Zhang Han Yu Ming Ming and Qing Hospital quickly ran to know, Fan Zhen Dong Yan said to pick the Shuyuan, Mu Yan still can not recognize Fan Zhendong, Fan Zhendong sighed deeply , Do not they can not be a family together, in fact, Mu Yan is for Fan Zhendong she did not want to stimulate the fan. Peas look for Fan Yun and see pea flutter Fan Yun's arms cry miserable, Peas kneel on the ground and ask Mu Yan let her stay in Fan Yun side, ask Mu Yan not to be her mother, Mu Yan I heard all this broken heart. Muyan decided to leave Fan Yun, she decided to give up, she did not have the heart to let Pea sad, do not have the heart to let the days of Fan Yun living in pain, Muyan requested Hanwo let go, strong, she told Han Every feeling of love in the heart is already forever. Mu Yan recalls the various between her and HannStar, the final reluctantly took Hannu gave her the necklace. Fan Yun woke up and found himself wrong, not so simple bipolar disorder, her ability to degrade seriously, and even can not take the glass can not get away, Fan Yun could not believe how his illness will be so serious. Mu Yan to Peas can have a happy family, decided to complete the Peas left here, Han Yu Peas sent farewell to Mu Yan, Peas said she would make Mu Yan then have a baby, do not know Mu Yan heart on the beans How deep is the love of beans

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