My son is wonderful.(TV)[2014]
My son is wonderful.(TV)[2014]

《My son is wonderful.》Ep29:Episode 29 Jiang Bo borrow money Sun Miaoxue surgery

Sun MiaoXue called to say he was going to die, Jiang Bo turned to find Sun MiaoXue, Sun MiaoXue plastic pad that the buttocks of the silicone detect carcinogens, must be removed immediately, but the cost of the operation is not small. Jiang Bo said on the spot that he should get the money. Liu YouFei Liu Jiang know about LiuFeiFei. At the dinner table, Liu FangFei boasted Sun MiaoXue, making the old couple do not know how to answer. Sun MiaoXue successful operation, but can not move freely, Jiang Bo come to the hospital every day to take care of, Sun MiaoXue feel happy in my heart. Poetry Organizing Committee invites Jiang YouSheng to call in Dubai to participate in the selection, but to pay 100,000 deposit. Jiang YouSheng borrowed money from Jiang Bo and learned that Jiang Bo lent the money to Sun MiaoXue and had no choice but to find Luo AiLan. When he was in a rush, he accidentally dropped a word about Jiang Bo lending money to Sun MiaoXue. Fall to the ground. Luo AiLan command Jiang Bo in the bed must break up with Sun MiaoXue. Jiang Bo reluctantly, reluctantly broke up. Lv Yue finally agreed to return to Beijing, but she and Chu SanFu did not interfere with each other.

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