beauty of the contract(TV)[2014]
beauty of the contract(TV)[2014]

《beauty of the contract》Ep3:Episode 3

Flower sister to the cafe blind date, Wei Wei gave her the point of grapefruit juice and papaya juice, Ms. Flower said she really do not drink, to the cup of white water on the line. Hua Wei asked Wei Wei how much money they think this matter appropriate. Wei Wei said first to mention money, her body and skin, why fake marriage. Really got it. Flower sister said she did not think of marriage, mainly for the son's account. Wei Wei said he thought so before he came, but changed her mind when she saw her. Fellow told Liu DeYi, a year later to call him, let alone 300,000 to give him 600,000 also. Speaking sister Wei Wei, only the sale between them, one with money to get an account. Wei Wei made 600,000 requests, Miss Hua said he had too much, up to three hundred thousand. Wei Wei finally proposed 580,000, Miss Hua said she went back to consider. At this moment, Liu DeYi heard the talk of Hua Wei with Wei Wei. Hua MeiLi called Jones about the incident just as Liu DeYi waited for her. Liu DeYi told Hua MeiLi that she had just collapsed with the man and that they could continue because he needed 300,000 she needed an account, He is also a Beijing account. Hua MeiLi asked him who is it. Liu DeYi is singing and singing again with Hua MeiLi, giving her the name card before leaving, let her take a good look. Hua MeiLi complained that Jones had given her what kind of person, opened his mouth on the 600,000. Jones said how many people are the rights of others, she did not give it a chant, after which she told Hua MeiLi and arranged for her three more tomorrow at her fitness swimming pool because the swimming pool is a killing ground for middle-aged men. Speaking of a middle-aged man who meets today, Hua MeiLi said that his life encountered a hurdle. Hua MeiLi advises Jones to take him to the swimming pool as well, and Jones said she does not know anyone on the road. Hua MeiLi wants to get rid of Liu DeYi business card, but how to find can not find, Jones let her not looking for, because now some men specialize in the cafe pit, rich middle-aged women waiting for money. Liu DeYi bought a gift to see aunt, before entering the door secretly stuffed hundreds of dollars inside. Aunt asked what kind of work. Liu DeYi said the work is extremely busy, and now people love to go to the gym, both decompression and weight loss. Aunt worried about people let him do after two years why. Because fitness trainers are not young and do it. Liu DeYi said he is not an average coach at the moment and has been promoted to head coach by bragging that he can get over 10,000 a month. Liu DeYi asked her aunt if the motor had called her home recently. Aunt was sad to hear the name of the motor, she cried complacent, a few days ago she dreamed that the motor is gone. Liu DeYi came to comfort Auntie. Auntie said that each time the motor is called to turn off, deliberately advised Aunt, shut down is correct, prove that the motor every month to charge money inside, proving that he still just hide and do not want to see them. Liu DeYi texted the motorist in the night and advised him to come back and cancel the debt between them. Jones accompanied Hua MeiLi to the swimming pool, and Mr. Zhou took the balloon to go in the past. Hua MeiLi straightforwardly put forward the conditions of 150,000 for one year fifty-three years. Mr. Zhou promised that Hua MeiLi would be stunned. Then she asked Zhou Mr. three questions, Zhou Mei HuaLi hesitated after the answer.When Chow went back to look at beauty, accidentally fell into the swimming pool. Hua MeiLi did not want to see the next two people, Jones took her not to let her go, when Mr. Qian came over, he said Hua MeiLi can pick glasses, because the eye is the soul of the window, she took the glasses They are good friends. Jones asked Mr Qian to raise the price. Mr Qian put forward a tax of one million yuan and added a piece of the contract. They could not meet within three years and saw another thousand dollars at a time. That Mr. Qian gambling, Hua MeiLi advised, the two sides chatting not agree with Mr. Qian's heart gas uncomfortable, quickly took out the drug suit. When Jones and Hua MeiLi were ready to leave, Mr. Qian accused Jones of being an unprofessional agent and accused Hua MeiLi of being a non-professional. Hua MeiLi let Jones call the third man to let him go, when Jones's cell phone rang and Mr. Yu said he had already come, but he would not have appeared because the first to meet her People walked and almost drowned in the water, while the second person almost committed a heart attack, so they would worship it.

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