beauty of the contract(TV)[2014]
beauty of the contract(TV)[2014]

《beauty of the contract》Ep29:Episode 29

Jones cheated her mother and said her older brother was working late tonight because the gym had come to a group from the United States. Mother let Jones give brother soup, Jones did not want to go, the beautiful promised her to send, with the quarrel to go along with him, he wanted to see how foreigners jump up at night. Beauty requires a rush to take a bath and sleep tomorrow, have to go to school yet. Asked Liu beautiful mother, proud night is not as good as Chuang tube? Liu mother said that when he was young, he used to be a child, and when Jones was a child, he used to provoke trouble. Whoever bullied her on the outside always bullied that bully, but he was always complacent, but his heart was very soft. Jones returned with a chicken soup, and Mo Chou laughed proudly, and Jones said she wanted to drink and drink. Beautiful received the police station phone, police let her talk about Liu DeYi thing. Jones and the United States rushed to the police station, police said something unexpected, Liu DeYi playing with people inside, Jones warned the police, if there is a prison prison cell bully, must be sued to the court. Police said Liu DeYi is now in the hospital, after reading him directly on the line. Beauty and Jones rushed to the hospital and learned that Liu DeYi had already gone, and that he had so much injuries that his face was spent. Jones called the brother, but no one answered. Beautiful that if her brother did not come back overnight, they are not reported by the Public Security Bureau missing? Jones said as it? Public Security Bureau provides 24 hours before being reported missing. Beautiful call Liu DeYi, he just hung up and hung up the phone. Jones beat his brother and her brother hung up on her phone, for which Beauty sent a message to Liu DeYi, initiating an emergency call in their contract, asking him to say where he was. Liu DeYi reply, that he was in Xiangshan, beauty and Jones rushed past to view. The beautiful two take the cable car up the hill, just met Liu DeYi down the mountain, the two sides agreed to see Yamashita. Liu DeYi sits down to eat a hotpot, beautiful wants to give him a drink, Liu DeYi refused, as soon as he saw the wine on the tension, because he turned into this look exactly because of wine. The original Liu DeYi was sent to the police station, just with the drunk driving the two brothers together, Liu DeYi education two people, but it was two were a mere pass. Beautiful asked Liu DeYi fight back? Liu DeYi said he was holding the key area is not fight back, so that the two play, so he came out to eat hot pot, and the two brothers in which to eat. Liu DeYi worried about how to go back to say her mother? Jones said he could not say he fell in the gym, beautiful said his injury is not to fall, obviously being hit. Liu DeYi suddenly remembered his excuse for courageous courageous criminals. Jones said brother to this time also to his face gold. Liu DeYi told the beautiful that he had to go with her mother at 5 pm today, but he still had to trouble her for another night, but he promised to leave tomorrow morning. Beautiful asked how he plans to tell his aging mother? Liu DeYi intends to tell the truth, at the same time confessed to Jones, let the ambulance wait downstairs early tomorrow, in case the mother fainted in time to pull away. Liu DeYi beautiful why asked to take that real estate license? Proud to say that the daughter is a small benefit to take the real estate license, but a person can not do anything, so he intends to go back. Beautiful asked him to take a real estate license is not to Chuang account?Liu DeYi speechless, then said the story turned up. Beauty suddenly patted the table told Liu DeYi, she agreed to transfer the house to him. Aged woman saw injured nervous stepped forward to see and asked him what happened? Jones said his brother is courageous. Beauty said nothing inside, are trauma. Asked his wife polite, the reporter interviewed yet? After she interviewed. Liu DeYi fabricated thieves things, his mother said he was an athlete, how to make a thief hit him like this? Liu DeYi said that there are people in the sky, people outside, strong middle-strong hand, the thief used to practice Sanda. Jones hiding behind her mother, laughing, beautiful, said the loss of thieves is a practice Sanda, if the thief is a special forces, the proud will not come back. Gao Chuang extended his hand to Liu DeYi for his admiration, but he did not admire him for being a thief. Instead, he admired him for beating him and for changing clothes. Beautiful to proudly mentioned, she transferred the house to him, and then to his house to transfer back takes a long time, so this time he and his mother must live in this home. Proud to say why? Beauty says she must take his mother as a hostage. Liu DeYi did not expect the beauty actually did not trust him, beautiful said she still trust Liu DeYi, but she is a businessman, what kind of person she has not seen before. Liu DeYi understands beauty, but he suddenly remembered what to do if his mother suddenly wanted to go back. Beautiful said no, his mother must live here. Asked Liu mother to eat beautiful breakfast, her pickles on the hot pot store selling how? How much did you earn? Beautiful said back to the quick meter to account, even with the band gave her back. That son to go out, Liu advised him not to go out because he was all on the brain injury. Proud to say that he must go out today, because he wants to do something beautiful with beauty.

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