The Diamonds Dream(TV)[2013]
The Diamonds Dream(TV)[2013]

《The Diamonds Dream》Ep6:Episode 6

Beauty to find the "Maxim" Wang Wei to send a plaque broad terms, welcomed him back to the company to work, so there is a real save, their cloth Zhuang also saved. Ye DaQi came to let the generalist and Jinghua two, try their best to suppress the arrogance of cloud. Zhou Xuan received a phone call from Yan Rong and learned that Ye GuangYi was reinstated. See broad general home, leaves mother excited approached son. Ye DaQi said the car keys have been put there, after not to be the chairman himself to be a coachman. Ye mom said what the chairman, into the house there is no chairman, only father and son, after she warned Ye DaQi, next general and then forced to leave, just like he never finished. Pin Ti blames Bei Bei, who says she runs to Ye GuangYi and will not spare her if she dares to destroy her plans. Bei Bei asked her mother, the last promise of their own things still count? Pin Ti tells her that if she collapses, she is allowed to marry Zhou Xuan. Zhou Xuan reported to her aunt that Tianyu had defeated Zhou Xuan in one fell swoop, and then she raised Xie JingHua. Bei Bei claimed that she was the one who played the role of defeating her, and Pin Ti said she was defeated The last straw in the clothes. Zhou Xuan visits his tomb to visit his parents. Three more girls agreed with the beautiful girl. After Yang Ting compared the three girls' faces against each other, she determined that one of the girls was a beautiful girl, and she was excited to want to rush forward. Her mother stopped her and asked her some questions Question, when the girl answered all the questions, the beautiful excited approached the girl called her beautiful heart. Beauty with Maxim home, beauty heart Speaking of her years of hard life, the family is too poor, never wear new clothes. Beauty decided to bring beauty to buy clothes. Jing Hua mother rushed back to tell Xie, Liu Mei-li's sister came home. Old Xie let her a little noise, Jing Hua mother worried beauty recognize them, Lao Xie said that things have passed for so many years, no, and he was mixed among the crowd looked, she did not remember the accident, but also Say it is lost in the department store yet. Jing Hua mother guess this sister will not be fake? The old Xie said that if the best fake, if Liu Meili really found the real sister, their big trouble, and now a fake sister to find, she would not find a sister. Beautiful mother whispered, they casually say that the sister was lost in the department store, and now a sister really said to be lost in the department store, do not know what she plans? Beautiful dad said that this Maximus can not take long time, morning and evening dew stuffing. Beauty with beauty to the bar to find a few people Jinghua, Jinghua asked beautiful, to determine that the girl is her sister? This will not be a liar again? At this moment, Maxim lives drinking with Wang Wei. Wang Wei said his sister is very bold. When Jinghua went to work, Dad talked about the beautiful things she agreed with her sister and told her not to mix beautiful things and let her not talk nonsense outside. Beautiful parents ask girls, why she fake Maxim's heart? What is the purpose? The girl shouted, so that neighbors have come to see Liu's parents do not recognize their own biological daughter. Liu admonished the girl, her purpose is most clearly, do not let her catch the handle, or you're welcome. The girl cried, he will prove she is Maxim.Liu Beili learns to bark inside an elevator. Zhou Xuan said that their company has banned dogs. Inside the elevator accused Liu Meili is a crazy dog, hurriedly left. Yan Rong asked Zhou Xuan, 52 what happened? Zhou Xuan said he did not understand dog language, and then asked Yan Rong to call Xie JingHua. Generalized and Jinghua, who look at the conference, Jinghua received Yan Rong phone. Jing Xuanhua please Jinghua coffee, Jinghua let him prepare two cups, because she brought a friend over, then generalized came. Zhou Xuan told Generalized that he is willing to give him a salary five times higher than that of him. Xie JingHua, broadly speaking, Jinghua is not a commodity, so the final decision is in her hands. Jinghua will hire a contract to Zhou Xuan, Zhou Xuan saw the signature at the NO, can not help but lament pity it. Zhou Xuan asked Jinghua Why choose a small interest in the party? Jinghua said she only like people cooperation. When Bi De gave a lecture to everyone, Liu Meili used the mop and rag to clean the past. Bi De to say one, Liu Meili took the sentence, prompting Bi De was upset, asked Liu Meili to take some of the goods in the warehouse. Beautiful mother think Jane more wrong, because she cried and cried, joking and laughing. Listening to the quarrel outside the beautiful parents went out to see a man pulling on the treasure, and shouting her wife. When beautiful calls Yang Ting, the fabric falls to the ground. Zhou Xuan just passes the accusation of beauty, but the beauty is aching and painful, and the headaches are sorely scratched off. Mother Jane asked Zhenzhen, the man in the end is how is it? Jane Zhen said she took care of the father to see a doctor before it received the expensive dowry, and now Ah hurried her to get married, but she did not want to get married. The beautiful mother let her return the money to others. Jane cried. When she learned that she owed the other 300,000 yuan, the beautiful parents left Zhenzhen to leave. At this time, she came back beautifully and Jane Zhen played in front of her again.

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