The Diamonds Dream(TV)[2013]
The Diamonds Dream(TV)[2013]

《The Diamonds Dream》Ep3:Episode 3

Bi De asked Liu Meili to report to Ye GuangYi about Xie JingHua and asked if she wanted to quit before she could meet Zhou Xuan. Xie JingHua asked him, he heard his mouth to quit? Do they not understand themselves when they work together for so many years? Admitted to being very sad about his refusal, but she would never leave like Shirley, and at the same time she promised, even if the day to leave the sky, and will not step into the cloud like half a step. Quietly pull her to apologize to Jinghua, Jinghua persuaded him to return to heaven, with them together to fight the cloud thought. In their persuasion by Wang Wei, broad-based decision to defeat the cloud together. Liu Meili went to the restaurant with Yang Ting and Jinghua introduced them to a few people of Ye GuangYi. When Yang Ting collided with Wang Wei while going to the toilet, Wang Wei hugged her and both of them accelerated their heart rate and introduced themselves. Broadly came, Wang Wei excitedly holding him that he fell in love, this is not the same, in a broad sense, he ate more aphrodisiacs. Liu Mei-li told Jinghua excitedly, she was Yun want to be admitted as a costume designer. Quiet asked her when to report? Liu Meili explain tomorrow morning. Liu Mei-li did a dream there: she dreamed that everyone lined up to welcome the company to work, Bi De told her that she was hired Yun want to be the chief designer, but also to her with a special assistant ... ... Mom to see the beautiful to sleep Keep laughing. Xie JingHua went to the supermarket to buy things. The cashier said she had insufficient balances on the cards. When she checked her bank card, she found that she was left with only a few dozen dollars left. When her mother was playing mahjong at home, Jinghua was angry that she had dropped the card on the table and asked if she had lifted the money above the card. Mama died do not recognize, Jing Hua, when the alarm is ready to stop her mother, admit that she took the money. Men accuse Zhang Qing of how to do so, even the money of her own daughter steal. Zhang Qing said that the money she will return, Jinghua accused her of being too much, knowing how hard it is to earn the money she earned. Liu Mei-li went to work the first day, anxiously opened the elevator closed, but above the overweight, angry people inside the elevator pushed her out. Liu Mei Li sat on another elevator and found the elevator up to the thirty floor, so she began to go down the stairs angry. Bi De meets a new employee, who named him one by one, asking everyone to introduce himself. Liu Mei Li anxiously down the stairs, this time Bi De kept shouting Liu Mei Li's name sharers film and television, when he announced the cancellation of Liu Meili's qualification, Liu Meili arrived. Bi De Sheng Xu ZiYan as new staff leader, the first task is to carry out Liu Meili. Liu stood there complaining, accusing them of excommunicating themselves. Zhou Xuan and Yan Rong both saw her there and took the thread to her feet, but Liu Meili did not stumble when she stepped back. Zhou Xuan slipping back and unexpectedly slipping it behind, while coffee Also sprinkled on his body, Liu Mei Li stepped forward to pull him up, only to tear off his suit a piece. Yan Rong accused Liu Meili, Liu Mei-li angry that he is not her superiors, so now they were expelled. Zhou Xuan accused Bi De, who let him expel Liu beautiful, he did not play enough, so ask him to immediately get back to Liu Meili. Xie JingHua sat there drinking, she talked about her family in a broad sense.Her mother-in-law accused Pin Ti of not being a good woman and now she realized that it was wrong to force Gao Chao to marry her that year. Pin Ti said that she would live comfortably now if she did not save her money with money that year? Gao Chao goes downstairs and sees Pin Ti pushing her mother to the ground. The hospitalized mother apologized to Gao Chao, who should not be forced to come back to get Pin Ti, Gao Chao urged her mother not to think so. My mother said that Yun wanted to be saved Now become a tool Pin Pin against the big clamor, and knew this, might as well let cloud collapse. Zhou Xuan hurried to the hospital, and Gao Chao told him that Grandma had a broken leg. The doctor checked her cough and found that she had lung adenocarcinoma. Gao wants to go in to see her grandmother, Gao Chao stop, let him call Beibei. General will drunk Jinghua back home. Bi De went to the beautiful home and asked Liu Mei-li to go back. Liu Mei-li said that it was not enough for her once again. The beautiful parents did not agree to let the beauty go back to work and the beautiful did not go back to work. Bi De was nervous. He said that beauty can not go back and he can not Go back to work. Bi De, the beautiful dad, went out and Bi De said that if the beauty goes back to work, he is here to make a dress. Bi De asked for beauty to go back to work. She said beauty was so strange. Bi De said she always asked for her, so I asked him to go back to work tomorrow. Beautiful agreed to him, Bi De excited to leave, unexpectedly went to the door and fell, just kissed Yang Ting, Yang Ting angrily beat him, because her first kiss is gone. Zhou Xuan Liu Mei-li sneaked in to sleep when he slept to his neck. Zhou Xuan woke up and thought she was murdering. She yelled and Yan Rong rushed in and pushed Liu Meili into the ground, accusing her mind of infusing water It? Zhou Xuan said angry must let her mind into more water.

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