The Diamonds Dream(TV)[2013]
The Diamonds Dream(TV)[2013]

《The Diamonds Dream》Ep21:Episode 21

Jinghua and Zhou Xuan proposed to move into the company to prepare VIP apartments for high-rise. Zhou Xuan let Yan Rong take care of her. When the matter was completed, the two chatted outside the company. Jinghua and Yan Rong said that they thought Zhou Xuan had a vision Problems, put aside so good Yan Rong do not, actually like to be beautiful, but Yan Rong believes that love depends on fate, she and the vice president is only a working relationship. Zhang Qing couple originally thought that Jinghua moved away just to say that they did not expect that Jinghua actually moved the real ones. Jinghua said unless they both gamble, or she will not come back. Zhang Qing angered this matter to help move the beautiful Jingjing , Think it is beautiful encouraged Jinghua to leave home, ran and Xiao Hong quarrel, thanks to the four seasons Xie timely stop, let a war subsided. For Paolo Federico's bidding, Shirley was confident in preparing to show that she would prove her power at Paolo Federico's party. Generalized and Shirley home with the design see Yiping, Yiping accepted Shirley, the amplifier can still be cold attitude. Jinghua tried to cry to the group in the cloud but was criticized by Zhou Xuan for being conservative and beautiful in his ideas and designs. He encouraged Jinghua to show his designs to Jinghua. In the evening, Zhou Xuan crashed into beauty and burst into tears. Pretending to be the grandfather of Grandpa Wu wrote a letter to Grandpa Wu. After knowing the story, Zhou Xuan criticized that beauty should not lie, but beauty asked him if he had said anything of goodwill. Zhou Xuan said guiltily embarrassedly . The next day the two went to visit Grandpa Wu, beautiful forcing Zhou Xuan to read the letter to Grandpa Wu, the two together to sing songs to coax Wu grandpa happy. Gao Chao went to visit her grandmother, and when she came out of the hospital, she accidentally saw Gao Bei walking out of the mall with her broad sense. Gao Chao called Gao Bei, who in a broad sense lied to be the person selling insurance Phone call.

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