
《ToAdvanceTowordsTheFire》Ep8:Episode 8

Lei ZiFeng a group of people after careful deployment. In the night sneaked into the Japanese bases stationed in the city base to rescue his mother. After a bitter bloody battle between both sides, Lei ZiFeng eventually saved his mother and escaped. On the way back to foxifeng, everyone a little slack. Suddenly out of the slopes on both sides of the road a group of Japanese troops, the gun fired on the crowd. Lei ZiFeng led Shang GuanYuFei in the chaos and escaped to the village, while Lei Mu fought and retreated with Hou Zi, A Fu et al. Lei Mu was seriously wounded in the fierce battle because of the number of enemies. Lei ZiFeng led Shang GuanYuFei fled back to the village, taking into account the Japanese may follow. Lei ZiFeng decided to blow up the weaponry in the basement. The two went downstairs to install a time bomb in the basement and had just walked up from the basement. Ikeda had already spent a long time in the wooden chair in the hall with a bunch of men. Ikeda coldly looked Lei ZiFeng two, asked to hand over the black box. Face muzzle of Japanese dark hole. Lei ZiFeng Two people look calm. Because the basement bomb is about to explode. Ikeda see Lei ZiFeng not answering, extremely angry and took out a pistol. At this moment, the bombs in the basement suddenly exploded, and the whole ground was shaken violently. Lei ZiFeng took advantage of the chaos while holding Shang GuanYuFei out of the house, back to the stone village with the men confluence. Men see the boss came, all without saying a word raised his head. Lei ZiFeng, unknown, asked A Fu where her mother is. A Fu sad silence silent. Until Lei ZiFeng moaned. A Fu told Lei ZiFeng, Aunt Leon was seriously injured, I am afraid that time is running out. Lei ZiFeng heard the news came to her mother burst into tears. Lei Mu is calm. Will Shang GuanYuFei called around, some of Lei ZiFeng previous things originally told Shang GuanYuFei. Lei ZiFeng formerly known as Zhang Tianshun. Because lover was raped, angrily made the king made the bandits bandit. And Lei ZiFeng lover looks exactly like Shang GuanYuFei. Lei Mu hopes Shang Guan YuFei can marry his son. Round your own wish. In the face of imminent imminent Mu Lei, finally promised to marry Lei ZiFeng. Living in turbulent times of war, survived today, perhaps tomorrow will be the first of its kind. So something must be done quickly. Lei ZiFeng and Shang GuanYuFei married at the fastest speed, finally round the mother's wishes. Next, fox teeth peak can no longer be stayed. Stone village has become a place where everyone rests. Lei ZiFeng called his son Hou Zi to the side, arranging for someone to organize some rooms to live in. In addition to go to other villagers at home there is no use worthy of something. Hou Zi nodded promised. Before leaving Lei ZiFeng also confessed to each into a village home, you must first burn incense in the door, in order to express the sad heart of the village soul. Such a request Hou Zi naturally no objection. Now with A Fu began to find in the village can be settled clean houses. The two talk while walking. Hou Zi went very fast, blinking A Fu behind him. Unexpectedly, one of the pedestrians around suddenly raised Hou Zi, cursed Hou Zi is a thief. Scolded Shang GuanYuFei attracted, scheduled to see a sunny, pleasantly surprised to find Liu JianGong is also the scene.

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