

《BlackMirror》Ep11:S304 San Junipero

The medical system developed a new treatment method using the latest awareness of storage and regeneration technology, so the birth of Saint Junipellos virtual nostalgia city. According to the law, the deceased voluntarily chose to remain conscious in Saint-Junipellor after his death. People with conditions such as terminally ill or dementia can be given a trial of the Saint-Junipell system on a Saturday-weekly basis to ease their pain or to treat Alzheimer's disease with nostalgia. Yorkshire is one of those probationers. She is a homosexual, because of her unusual sexual orientation can not be understood and accepted by conservative parents. After a quarrel with her parents, she was driving a car and was only able to stay with her bed. She was only 21 years old that year. Allowed to trial San Junipellia when Yorkshire was diagnosed with cancer for only a few months of life. She lingered in the city, once again experience the body when she was 21 years old. This is a city full of passion, everyone is so happy. Yorkshire has not left the hospital bed for decades, and now she is curious about everything around him. A bar popping with popular songs of the late 1980s, she accidentally met passionate Kelly. Kelly has a charming appearance, so that Yorkshire first met her some distracted. Only a long time the shackles of thought so that she did not dare to accept the enthusiasm of Kelly, on the excuse of fiance, hurriedly left. A week later, Yorkshire went to the bar again. She wants to satisfy her inner desires until the end of her life. Just this night, once the taboo was left behind, the love between same sex to Yorkshire reluctantly. Whether she is willing or not, her life at Saint-Junipellin will end at zero and return to reality again. Again on Saturday, Yorkshire had not seen Kelly in the bar for a long time. Since then she has come to Saint Junipell every week with her expectations, and has returned with disappointment. Finally, she saw the familiar back. Kelly's attitude and very different from a few weeks ago, it seems no longer willing to maintain that short-lived feelings. Yorkshire never experienced love suffered the first time she fell in love, she sat sad on the roof, he also felt some over Kelly looked over. Kelly is just a visitor to Saint-Junipel. She did not know whether she would stay here forever, afraid to have an affair with the people here, to escape Yorkshire. Yorkshire did not blame Kelly and she was getting married next week. Kelly suddenly produced an idea, want to see the reality of Yorkshire. Elderly Kelly nurse in the arm, walked into the hospital quivering. She passed hundreds of kilometers, just want to see the reality of Yorkshire. Yorkshire stays motionless on his bed and can only survive on a life support system. Here, Kelly met Yorkshire's fiancé, care worker Greg. Greg had, out of pity, agreeing to marry Yorkshire, a few decades older than him. After the wedding, he will sign an euthanasia as immediate family member, ending Yorkshire's life. Yorkshire's consciousness will remain permanently in Saint-Junipellin, where life is carefree. With Kelly's pleas, Greg used her own franchise to convince Kelly and Yorkshire to meet in San Junipellos.Kelly asked to marry Yorkshire single knee, Yorkshire readily accepted. In front of the bed, the priest held a simple ceremony for the two men. After the ceremony, Kelly signed the consent of the euthanasia of Yorkshire. Maintenance system was removed, cyanide along the pipette into Yorkshire body. Kelly dressed in wedding dress that night in San Junipellin to see a long time waiting for Yorkshire, after excitement Kelly into a deep contradiction. She had had a marriage in her life, had her daughter. The accidental death of her daughter at an early age, gray hair sent to the pain of black-haired entangled Kelly and her husband for many years. When her husband passed away two years ago, her husband refused to come here because her daughter missed Saint-Junipellos. Kelly loves Yorkshire, does not mean she has no feelings for her husband and daughter. She has always been unable to decide whether to remain here after her death or to accompany her husband and daughter in her tomb. After several days of repeated thinking, Kelly made a decision. She had euthanasia, her body with her family in her grave, and her conscience with Yorkshire in Saint-Junipell. At this point, Yorkshire and Kelly's chip of consciousness became a flashing little spot on the server interface of Saint-Junipellos, and it was firmly in one place.

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