
《XueZhanChangKong》Ep38:Episode 38

Kraike is recruiting Air Force personnel, candidates Frank knows they want to build a small air force, he suggested that he read the recruitment manual. Dick Fly P-40 has been in the top four, he needs money, mainly due to debt owed a large debt, and Claire let him find ways to persuade the commander let him retired. Many pilots report to Claire, they are not afraid of war. Clare gave the priest the third-best player in the Volunteer Group, with him as second-best. Soong learned about the offer from Clare, and was prepared to change the visa for these Air Force personnel as soon as possible. Claire believes the volunteer team will become China's new air force, and Lao Du is known as a flying stunt to address new pilots and check out Li and Yang MingDa's comments on the stage. Lao Du is going to have two Air Force guerrillas selected in the Twelfth Flight Trainee. Liu YiFu came to Mrs. Cheng's home and took her something out and added that she graduated early to join the guerrilla fleet and was ready to go to Guilin. Mrs Cheng sent the jade sent from the Jiming Temple to Liu YiFu's neck and gave it to him. She promised to pray for him and let him forget the letter afterwards. Morikawa to the battlefield to the army, he will lead the Japanese navy in the Pacific battlefield opened up a new situation. Gao YunTian learned that Morikawa was very angry after his withdrawal from China. Claire reported back to Madame Chiang after returning from the United States. He knew that the next big task was to train the pilots. Some of his flying teams encountered problems and she would send people to help them. Matthew became Claire's flight secretary, and Claire was training Volunteer Corps, who presented the Japanese combat manual to pilots in exchange for the four pilots of the PLAAF. Claire discovered that the Japanese pilot was the most disciplined pilot in the world and allowed the pilots to study them like the Bible. The Japanese stopped the bombing of Chongqing and found that the Japanese were investigating the Pacific naval and air force forces and that Mrs Chiang had ordered the cheeks of the Chinese people to change their colors more vividly. Gao YunTian ordered the repairs of the airstrip and the U.S. volunteer team will soon arrive here. Gao YunTian ordered 20,000 people to come and build it. They need to bring their own tools and dry food reports. The efforts of tens of thousands of people Kunming Airport in full swing to build a day and night repair they achieved results, Gao YunTian feel really not easy. Kato sent an airplane model to Morikawa before leaving, claiming that all the pilots of the aircraft carriers are determined to die and Morikawa understands the importance of the battle. He believes he is luckier than his 12th aviator and wishes him all the best. Wishful, Kato drinking Farewell to the Morikawa, Morikawa know attacked the pearl of the time set for December 8, his twelfth aviation team can only be disguised illusion.

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