Bloody Xiangxi(TV)[2007]
Bloody Xiangxi(TV)[2007]

《Bloody Xiangxi》Ep18:Episode 18

The day before the wedding six prickly heat was Wang Zhaofeng borrowed to help the hotel to help bandage the goods to half the butler Longgui to the inn to find six prickly heat to prepare to go to the wedding cake, bring cake and Wang Zhaofeng is packing goods packaging Exactly the same. Wang Zhaofeng also inadvertently said these goods are Tong Lian brought samples from Chongqing, only Tong Lian and Tian DaYou only know what, such as Liu Bangzi change clothes to get the cake with Wang Zhaofeng but Wang Zhaofeng mixed with goods to help find Out of the "cake". Liu Bangzi rushed to the platoon leader, at noon time Pegasus rushed Lei Gongzhai brought unexpected news: responsible for escorting these consignments D and Wang Zhaofeng eat bad morning belly town now can not send manpower to take the goods last resort Can only ask Tian DaYou staff to run a trip, "Lord Tell me you know, I am sorry to trouble you tomorrow, married woman" Tian DaYou What better off? Calculate the time to get things fast also have time to rush back to give her daughter to send Well, refused to take everyone objected to lead the way Liu Bangzi wedding cake to the platoon, but Ma DaGuaiZi did not think of the cake box Do not like the cake, then actually a pack of cigarettes to ask where the six prickly heat, six prickly heat simply do not know how serious these only Master said the goods were checked Ma DaGuaiZi anger suddenly Zhangzhang Gao! Pick up the gun with the brothers to chase Tian DaYou, Ma DaGuaiZi on the night mountain road and Tian DaYou escort team met a fierce battle, Tian DaYou cover all the people and the war and retreat to help take a small part of the goods after the break Tian DaYou A shot hit Ma DaGuaiZi. Came to meet his relatives Shi SanNu met dog dog, heard Ma Dayu just suffered a life-threatening news of Tian DaYou gun. Shi SanNu breath Chong Tiankeng Ridge cottage rearing foster father just swallowed the last breath grab a bag of cigarettes found. Lei Daizhai Tian DaYou Pegasus hurried to send relatives sent troops, and quickly set out to help Pai Gang will immediately take revenge on the groom did not welcome it how to send the bride truth? We all do not understand But Tian DaYou but there is no doubt that the collapse of the bridge on the Qingyan River, the three anger delay and then drag on the request team immediately walked until the delivery of the sedan chair disappeared dawn night in the Tian DaYou and quickly return to the stockade left Young from the back of the village to hide up! Can not hurt the entire stockade Zhazidai only one person can face the innumerable revenge knife.

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