House front and back(TV)[2006]
House front and back(TV)[2006]

《House front and back》Ep9:Episode 9

It turned out that after the first homework test hit, Cheng YuanYuan knew no hope, the next few exams did not participate. Returning home, Cheng YuanYuan, caught in painful despair, can not shut out without seeing anyone. Cheng DaHe worried about Tang YuXiu's body and kept it from Tang YuXiu. Tang BingFu learned that Tang YuXiu is coming soon and came to visit. Tang BingFu told Tang YuXiu that for two days, Cheng YuanYuan's door never opened. Tang YuXiu hurriedly hurried home from the hospital despite her own body. Cheng YuanYuan flames came out of the cottage, filled with smoke, everyone was surprised. Cheng DaHe urgently, open a small wooden door, but it is Cheng YuanYuan burn their own review bibliography. Cheng DaHe scolded Cheng YuanYuan mischievously, thanks to their many years of hard work has been pulling her, this pressure can not bear. Cheng YuanYuan sneers and rids her of grievances and misgivings she has accumulated over the years. When I was young, I mostly lived for others. How do you say what I did? I can not live according to my own ideas.

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