Taiping Heavenly Kingdom(TV)[2002]
Taiping Heavenly Kingdom(TV)[2002]

《Taiping Heavenly Kingdom》Ep23:Episode 23

Twenty-three-year-old birthday was held for Fu ShanXiang. Taking the opportunity to examine his own power and attitudes toward heaven, Hong XiuQuan smiled weakly and ordered two elders to give a great gift. At Fu ShanXiang birthday party, young general Li XiuCheng met Shi YiYang, the daughter of Shi DaiKai. When the banquet orgasm, the East King out to congratulate Fu ShanXiang birthday, Baiguan kneeling, suddenly King East "Brother attached", said Qin RiGang, Chen Cheng-capacity two "demon." The audience was shocked, Ceng Xian assassinate the East at this time start the king, no result. Shi YiYang seized a small Ceng Xian, East King want to make it a true girl, Shi YiYang declined. Qin RiGang Courage, panic, North Wang Wei ChangHui sent a token, an exception to put Yan Wang out of town. Shi DaKai told Shi YiYang Ceng Xian assassination of the East King is just revenge, Shi YiYang regret it, determined to save a small Ceng Xian. Li ShouChun, an enigmatic leader of the East, has been jealous of Fu ShanXiang for a long time, persuading a small Ceng Xian to confess that he is Fu ShanXiang. Spies everywhere reported the king of the kings to King.

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