TOP GUN(TV)[2001]
TOP GUN(TV)[2001]

《TOP GUN》Episodes

《TOP GUN》Ep17:Episode 17

Yao Wei blue is very appreciative of Li Liang, transferred to him for Wuzhou, where Zhou entered the airline, engaged in computer computer development work. This weekend, Heping let Li Liang call Xiang YuanFang to play at home. She intended to introduce Xiang YuanFang to her parents. Xue XiLian acquiesced in the relationship between her and him as a flat son. He Min got stomach pain and was admitted to the hospital by Nie XiaoDan on Sunday. He Min got stomach cancer after examination. Bad news came, He HuaiDe felt that he was wrong, insisted to Heping married Li Liang. He Ping refused, accused his father was negligent, actually sacrificed his daughter's life to make up for happiness, He HuaiDe lame denied, only recognize that the pulp that year as a marriage. New flight training began. Li Liang did a half-way landing on the ground without permission, causing an accident and being demoted. After flying to the three regiments, the F-7 was still able to reach the state of maximum flight. Due to the urgent need of a group of pilots on Sunday, Li Liang took the opportunity to persuade Li Liang to switch to civil aviation to fly international routes. Li Liang refused to say that it would not find an eagle-like feeling. Atian learned He Min suffering from advanced gastric cancer, came from the rural areas to visit her and Li Liang, He Min see his senile, ragged, tears quietly fall.

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