The New Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre(TV)[1986]
The New Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre(TV)[1986]

《The New Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre》Episodes

《The New Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre》Ep9:Episode 9

Zhu JiuZhen Hongmei Villa Zhu unruly self-willed, no one in the eyes of Zhang WuJi call, and she was fond of cousin Wei Bi. Zhang WuJi found that Wei Bi was not well-behaved, not only sweet to Zhu JiuZhen but also gentle to his sister Wu QingYing. On the 1st, Wei Bi wanted to occupy Zhu JiuZhen. Zhang WuJi hit and shot Wei Bi. Zhu JiuZhen defended Wei Bi. Zhang WuJi was almost killed and his father Zhu ZhangLing was stopped in time. Zhu JiuZhen After being taught by his father, Zhang WuJi was fascinated by Zhang WuJi's obedience and care. Zhu ZhangLing's worshiper brother Yao QingQuan returns from the Central Plains and Zhang CuiShan, the beloved benefactor of the deceased, Zhang WuJi believes herself and exposes her identity. The son of the seven princes Tooth-tucium crush Zhao Min, accompanied by his father to go to Ru YangWang House relatives, Ru YangWang refused to refuse, fictitious at the appointed serpent. On the contrary Zhao Min does not fake the color, between them there will be a more chaotic love line. Zhu ZhangLing played a scene for Zhang WuJi convinced each other, and decided to take them to find a righteous father on the island of golden fire Lion. That night; Zhu JiuZhen Zhang WuJi unconsciously, secretly point his acupuncture points, and Zhu ZhangLing other in the farmhouse to discuss plans, acupuncture points after Zhang WuJi doubts, after breaking through acupuncture Zhu Zhu ZhuZhen, so that their tricks , The original Zhu people were wearing sheepskin, hoping to get Zhang WuJi trust to take them to the island of ice fire to seize the Dragon knife.

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