
What did xu haiqiao do at the event?

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Star news: recently, Xu Haiqiao Participated in the "youth mango fruit festival" held by mango TV, served as the youth energy officer, and helped the public welfare cause. On that day,Xu Haiqiaowore a red striped blazer and a rose on her left breast, which broke the style of the whole dress. It was very gentlemanly. The hair color of miniaturized yellow curls slightly, the image that sunshine is handsome kills a ticket of fan younger sister every minute. As soon asXu Haiqiaocame on stage, she sang a song called "drunk on chang 'an" with her heart out, causing fans to revel at the scene. The last gentleman bowed, causing fans to scream wildly. The game session ofXu Haiqiaois also very interesting. No matter it is the interaction with the host or with the lucky fans on stage, it is very warm.

It is reported that this year,Xu Haiqiaohas three more works coming online, namely Son of Heaven "," Naomi belongs to my starlight "And" Beloved ", please look forward to it!

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