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Annie Liu TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Annie Liu Works 22 ,And Romance 12 ,Feature 8 ,Comedy 7 ,Crime 3 ,Costume Drama 2 ,宫庭2 ,Thriller 2 ,Action 2 ,Short 2 ,Action movie 1 ,古代宫廷1 ,Through 1 ,Terror 1 ,Martial Arts 1 。

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Annie Liu Filmography(23)


jiu long 不败 (Movie)[2019]


警探 Jiu Long ( Zhang Jin 饰) ,查案方式奇异狠辣却屡建奇功,是叱咤香港警界的精英干探, 但他处事独断爆裂,又被警队视为“偏执狂人”。 Jiu Long 奉命调查一桩妙龄女警连环被凶杀 案,用尽手段后不仅毫无线索, 他的警花未婚妻 Fang Ning ( Stephy Tang 饰)竟然也在这场抓捕行动中意外失踪。在爱与痛的边缘挣扎的 Jiu Long ,突然发现女警连环遇害只是第一步,凶手还有着更加血腥的阴谋,自己和未婚妻竟然也被算计其中。此时澳门再度发生女警被杀案,这次的作案手法更加令人发指,但凶手好像故意留下了线索,是危险陷阱还是复仇曙光? Jiu Long 义无反顾出发,在好友 Wang MengQi ( Annie Liu 饰)及国际拳王 Xian LiShan (Anderson The Spider Silva 饰)的协助下, 与澳门警司 Cao ZhiDe ( Kevin Cheng 饰)联手展开调查。魔高一丈,道高几何!血债血偿之前,就算流干最后一滴血,也要誓不罢休。

下一任:前任 (Movie)[2019]


Lin XinTian 暗恋 Huang KeQun 许久,长大后两人无数次错过,又遇到一些缘分不到的爱情,以为此生不会再见。最终,在两人的努力和坚持下,走到了一起。

A witness out of the blue (Movie)[2019]

Feature: 心狠手辣的犯罪团伙头目 Wang XinYuan 与同伙在一场珠宝店抢劫案中造成多人伤亡。两个月后,他的同党被人割喉谋杀,惨死屋内。以分赃不均陷入内斗为由,警察将 Wang XinYuan 列为头号嫌疑人。随着小警官 Lin FaLiang 深入调查,发现案件真相并不简单。

Deep In The Realm Of Conscience (TV)[2018]


Tvb TV series "Deep In The Realm Of Conscience" Plot Description: In the Tang Dynasty Tang Long years, Li LongJi (Steven Ma ornaments) together with aunt Tai PingGongZhu (Alice Chan ornaments) coup d’état, Wei HuangHou ( Michelle Yim decoration) Local Fa-rectification, supporting Xiang Wang Li Dan (Lee decoration) to return to Datong! Seemingly returning to the calm of the Tai Chi Palace, it is actually raging.... As you rise above the church, the situation changes and Li LongJi and the Tai PingGong Zhu camp split. Among the deep palaces, Xiao Tingli, Wang Zhen (Nancy Wu ornaments) and Zheng Chunxi (Chrissie Chau ornaments) are working on their own. Some people give up their righteousness because of their high power. Someone also loves to give up everything! Long Wujun Ren SanShu (Kenneth Ma ornaments) and He Li (Edwin Siu ornaments), female history Yuan Yue (Lesson Liu Liu ornaments) and Gan Ruxuan (Jacqueline Wong ornaments), with its true feelings, embellish a deep romance for the deep palace... Shen Gong Park After ripping, it reveals secrets that have been kept secret for years; the turbulent shadows of Tai Chi! Under the shadow of the high walls, there are scenes of love and hate!

Next stop: predecessor (Movie)[2018]


Lin XinTian has a crush on Huang KeQun for a long time. When they grow up, they miss Huang KeQun many times. Finally, with their efforts and persistence, they got together.


Deep In The Realm Of Conscience (TV)[2017]

Feature: "The Story of the Deep In The Realm Of Conscience" revolves around the story of the Tang Dynasty and tells the story of the twists and turns between Huang Di and the princess, the queen and the royal princess transformed from the common people. The protagonist of the series takes the form of a male with three girls. In the Tang Dynasty as the background, Steven Ma plays Huang Di, Annie Liu starred in is a princess, Kung Fu is great. Nancy Wu plays the queen, and another actress Alice Chan plays. Visual Palace fight drama code ultimately.

My Wife is a Superstar (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Zhu Qi (Annie Liu) has always wanted to be an actress. However, she has only been able to play a minor role in the play when she has been immersed in entertainment for many years and has always had a lack of luck. Occasionally, movie company boss Jeff (Alex Lam) Fan Zhu Qi, she was handpicked to make a very prosperous New Year movie actress, Zhu Qi excitement while afraid of their own married Identity will affect the way, so decided to hide this fact. Zhu Qi's husband, Lai Mao (Pakho Chau) is an entertainment journalist who, for the sake of his wife's future, reluctantly matched Zhu Qi's footsteps. However, with the popularity of Zhu Qi, Lai Mao found himself farther and farther away from his wife and could not help but suspect that it was only after ambush that Zhu Qi and Jeff were confused with each other in ambiguous ways.

MyWifeIsASuperstar (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Zhu Qi (Annie Liu) has always wanted to be an actress. However, she has only been able to play a minor role in the play when she has been immersed in entertainment for many years and has always had a lack of luck. Occasionally, movie company boss Jeff (Alex Lam) Fan Zhu Qi, she was handpicked to make a very prosperous New Year movie actress, Zhu Qi excitement while afraid of their own married Identity will affect the way, so decided to hide this fact. Zhu Qi's husband, Lai Mao (Pakho Chau) is an entertainment journalist who, for the sake of his wife's future, reluctantly matched Zhu Qi's footsteps. However, with the popularity of Zhu Qi, Lai Mao found himself farther and farther away from his wife and could not help but suspect that it was only after ambush that Zhu Qi and Jeff were confused with each other in ambiguous ways.

SforSex, SforSecrets! (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Po and hung new year, should have lived the sweetest honeymoon, but why they always do not coordinate sexual life, the couple find their own solutions, it has led to more contradictions and antagonisms. Shi Yong and Guo Bang have been married for many years, both as celebrities in business entertainment and as model couples recognized in the city. But behind the little-known Guo Guo is actually a sex addicted patient, Shi Yong is worrying about Guo Bang's problems and, at the same time, actually launching a young suitor. Two couples, two very different stories, met you and I met him the problem.

KnockKnockWhosThere? (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Isabella (刘心 悠 饰) and her boyfriend Harry (陈家乐 饰) drove to the night after the "headless" happy party. Harry stole a car accident to escape the paparazzi, causing his girlfriend's head to be hit by an oncoming train. At the funeral, Isabella, who became a ghost, saw the old dream of love - Royce (Cai Hanyi) in the funeral home. "Cat" born Yin and Yang of the show (Xu Zishan ornaments) operating in the funeral supplies store uncle work, bad gambler aunt O (Wu Jiali ornaments) in order to fortune, actually show the groom has been feeding the cat caught To nail into the coffin. Stimulated by the show, physical and mental changes have taken place. "Deadwood" work in the funeral home Ah Yin (Xie Tingting ornaments) no taboo, a way back home she picked up a cell phone, and then chat with the host voice to become good friends. Later, she promised to help the owner to find something, in accordance with the instructions removed to a butcher's work place ......

GoingInLove (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Chen JiaSheng, Zhou QiGuang and Li Yulan are good friends of childhood and sweetheart, and the lighthouse becomes the place where they often hang around. Home sound and A light found them at the same time fell in love with magnolia, the last Magnolia chose the sound of home, a light with sadness sadly left Macau. Arab light 45 years later is the rich in Macau. Aiguang's daughter, Debbie, grew more independent and independent every day, helping busy business with her father. Every day it was boring, she changed her encounter with He GuanZiHua in the casino. Yang ZhenQiang is the voice of his family, the son-in-law of Magnolia, whose daughter died in a car accident five years ago, leaving her strong and 8-year-old son surging. Surging and classmates Xiao Yan mouth to father and Aunt Li ZiFen drag together. Xi Jian has become a fan of the car because of his father, his girlfriend Phillis (love) singing, a chance by the music producer to appreciate and arrange her to Japan training. Both of them are aware that as long as Phillis becomes a singer, their love will end.

HungryGhostRitual (Movie)[2014]

Feature: Mid-Yuan Festival, Buddhism Bon Festival, the annual Lunar New Year in July festival of sacrificial people, has always been a well-known cultural symbols. In Hong Kong, the Obon Festival is a grand and grand occasion - the tide-olds who used to move to Hong Kong have brought Hong Kong to their traditional Yura Wongsheng, which has lasted a hundred years. This magnificent Bon Gala will be held from the first day of the seventh lunar month until the end of July. Activities include sacrificial offering, burning paper money, sending peace meter, lucky draw, performance of god drama and so on. The movie "Bon glory" story, it is happened in a forthcoming God drama class. Zong Hua, played by Nick Cheung, is the son of the opera class owner. He did a publishing business in mainland China. As a result, he was fooled into bankruptcy and his girlfriend jumped to his death. Jing Jing, his half-sister after his return, had a bad attitude toward him and the rest of the troupe was not too kind to him. However, the old master was daughter of hospitalization, the god function drama is about to come to power, Xiao Hua sister when the flower girl let Zong Hua contemporary class, propped up the troupe. Guessed the strange things began to happen one after another. First Jing Jing was possessed, then Zong Hua began to see many visions, then Xiao Yan sister also lost God, the entire troupe was harassment from the outside world will not be calm. Finally, Zong Hua heard anecdotes from the staff of the troupe. There was a huge fire in the place where the stage was located forty years ago, killing and wounding countless people. The old master aware of things is not good, running back from the hospital to save their children, the result is not only powerless, but also almost attached to the demon strangled his son. At a critical juncture, Zong Hua shouted at you, and after he was ghost, he (and the audience) finally got to know the haunted reason of the troupe - the fire forty years ago was the mother of Zong Hua, Hua Dan Qiu Yan put put. At that time, she was banned by the young old head teacher because of injuries and injuries, and replaced her with her disciples. Yan autumn sister in order to return to the stage willing to devote themselves to class, but who knows the class also with that little disciple, Yan Qiu sister lost their will and desire, unwilling to give birth to retaliation, so a burning stage is playing. Those mischievous ghosts, it was the female disciples and other ghosts who died in that year, taking advantage of the ghost month to return to earth, they want to find a substitute, they want more revenge. Finally, Zong Hua replayed the scene where her mother died in a futile attempt to die and cut off the power of the Bonjour.

Poor Rich Dad (Movie)[2014]

Feature: Li Bing, a wealthy and wealthy, struggled to make his son rich after the death of his wife. However, his increasingly spoiled son made Li Bing aware of his mistake and pretended to be bankrupt. With his son, he started a ridiculous journey to Hong Kong. Hong Kong trip has just started father and son on both the contradictory, Guizi son and bad dad encountered a "wonderful work" tours, "guns set Hong Kong gold shop," the ghost horse completely annoyed bad father, is It was this incident that made Dad deeply aware of the problem with his son. The emergence of Xin Er, a reporter in a hidden tour group, caused a subtle change in the relationship between the father and son. However, as the Hong Kong tour is approaching a successful conclusion, the status of rich father Li Bing is revealed.

GreyMetShrek (Movie)[2014]

Feature: Grey in the famous area, was a famous high-heeled shoes attracted, she was unwilling to be cynical clerk's cynical, unwilling to be ridiculed, the first time in life stole the store's most expensive high-heeled shoes. Grey flew to the mall unloading area, hurriedly ran to a van to escape. Coincidentally, Shi LiJia car theft, both mistakenly believe that the other is a shop employee, on the way numerous jokes. Suddenly, Shi LiJia received an urgent call from his son's school asking him to pick up Di as soon as possible. As a result of the injunction he can not be close to his son, so ask Gray pick up his son. School mistakenly believe that Gray kidnaps children, alarm processing. Jing Tan took over and found that the woman was a female thief who stole the shoes in the morning. Later, things got bigger and bigger. Jing Tan locked up a series of incidents that were triggered by a pair of male and female thieves and issued a wanted arrest. Cinderella and Shi LiJia only "fugitives" to start a very good and funny and touching 36-hour love fairy tale.

FloatingCity (Movie)[2012]

Feature: In the early nineties, Bu HuaQuan, who was only 40 years old, has risen to the management level of the Empire East India Company in Hong Kong, England. He was born in a fisherman's family. He was only 21 when he first year of elementary school. When he went to the interview, he just filled in the column of "literacy" on the column of his academic qualifications. How could he struggle to become a Chinese elite in the days to come? In addition to the efforts of the United Kingdom to bring the sovereignty over Hong Kong's colony into control in China. Bu HuaQuan does not look like a purebred Chinese, people are very surprised why there will be a fisherman in the typhoon shelter like foreigners. A Quan also wanted to know the secret of his own life experience. He has six siblings, all with his looks are different, he would like to ask the plaintiffs, but parents always refuse to reveal the clues, each always falling end by side. After a typhoon to the sea and spring fountain to the sea, Quan Ma shouldered the heavy responsibility. In addition to taking care of the children, he also took a lot of debts and forced some of his children to go to the orphanage. Some gave relatives and others themselves Boat work. At this time, A Quan led by his friend Liu ChaoLi, admitted to the Imperial East India Company to do a fatigues, A Quan can work while reading. During her rise, A Quan met a fashion professional woman from abroad, Fion. In the workplace, this beautiful and capable woman helped Aquan quite. A Quan hard at work and ignore the family, the new position has brought new troubles, childhood sweetheart A Di bear a lot of inner suffering. Quan Ma, on the other hand, never gave up her hope of reunion. She endeavored to read the words of the owner and try her best to get her children back to the boat for a reunion. This time has come. In 1997, before the handover of the political power in Hong Kong, heavy rains began. Before the British flag lowered, A-chuen found himself secretive like a foreigner.

NaturalBornLovers (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Zhang TaiLin (Julian Cheung), an accomplished family member, met the pretty nurse Kuang MeiBao (Annie Liu) by chance. The two fell in love, but afterward, Tyrion gradually discovered the other side of MEBO: suspiciousness, jealousy, Strong control and a slight tendency to violence. Tyrian unbearable proposed to break up, but still by the MEBO tracking. When Mei Bao met her in the hospital with her ex-girlfriend, Hui Xin (Christine Kuo), she learned about the unknown Tailin's secrets. At this time, the relationship between Tai Lin and her mother, Qing Qing, a girl with a blind date, became even more intimate. A coincidence, Merrill Lynch and Tailin confront his secret, the original crazy love has just begun ...

MengHuiLuDingJi (Movie)[2011]

Feature: The vast downtown night sky, but the atmosphere weird, Wei Wei, a white-collar workers sitting in his office, in front of boring stocks, gold, fuel, futures, online games, Wei Wei's heart eager to find an exciting way of life. Suddenly, a "" book appeared on the screen of the computer and was involved in the online games world. In Kang Xi's years, "Ao Bai, who knows the secrets of the Qing dynasty and knows nothing but secretly died after another unknown secret, learned that a battle to save the Qing dynasty and the entire earth was triggered at a glance. During this crisis, Suo FeiYa, the emperor of Lohas, also came to help out. This time, Kang Xi Emperor and Andy together with Sophia's assistance can catch Ao Bai, and Wei XiaoBao's seven sisters will also follow him Through the side by side, fighting together, when the light of peace once again shine on the territory of the dragon dug, the two brothers, loyalty, but they also like Sophia. Whether the two will parted ways because of Sofia, all choices, are so difficult.

ScarletHeart (TV)[2011]

Feature: Zhang Shishu knows the history, originally a bustling city of white-collar workers, but because of a foot and empty through the tunnel of time and space, the embodiment of a 16-year-old Qing Dynasty girl Martell Rui Xi, into the fiery court. Arrived at the Qing court, her personality is flagrant, her words and deeds are not conservative and gentle and ancient women, "step by step startling" stills atmosphere of pride, she and brother pride, fighting with the princess, even the emperor laughed that she is "desperately ten Sanmei. " Time 荏 苒, when the wayward little girl grew up, was mistakenly admitted to the imperial court imperial serving tea, and was involved in the duel among the nine children unable to extricate themselves, personal feelings mixed in the tragedy of Gong Dou Suffer Ba Age breeze Longines smooth, so Ruoxi heart admiration, coupled with the smell of his sister's infatuation, but my heart is afflicted with his appearance, let Ruoxi pity love. Eight princes guard silently Ruoxi rely on the loneliness, heart finally impressed. Ruoxi wholeheartedly accepted eight princes, but resolutely asked him to give up competing for the throne, but regrettably Ba Age chose the country, Ruoxi "step by step startling" exquisite album hit. Step by step startled scramble for the imperial power, Sia Ge did not hesitate to candidly let her hesitate to believe that when Sia Ge subconsciously life-saving, Ruoxi decided life to follow. That several priests have tragedy ended in succession from their own, Ruoxi emotional collapse, despair left the palace. Experiencing several love and hate 嗔 crazy, if Xi Xi could not support physically and mentally exhausted, before dying, she seemed to hear a burst of singing, lead her to dream. (Album source)

Kingfisher (Movie)[2010]

Feature: Naive optimistic hooligans Yu Zai, loves pregnant with a baby's girlfriend, Yu Zai intends to make a big one, so his wife had a good life, so accept the local corner of the commission of four to assassinate a Although the task was successful, members of Parliament did not accidentally hit Mei-Ping, an innocent woman, a dog's wife. A dog is a grassroots police officer, personality temper, decadent, was divorced with the Mei Ping, marriage has not yet gone, his wife was killed, and her daughter Pei Pei also over-scared due to shock, because the accident let the family Encounter the accident, a dog rekindled, he vowed to agree with his daughter, will personally catch the murderer. The police killed four people in the process of pursuing the arrests and thought that the four were the murderers who shot the MPs. They concluded that the shooting was over but that the dog believed that the murderer was still another and that he was privately investigated and found out On the other hand, four died, Yu Zai did not get any money and had to wander through the sand bank all day long, waiting for somebody to pick it up. On this day, Yu Zai and A dog met on the sandbar because of a heavy rain. They were trapped in the middle of the sand bank. A fatal shootout brought the dog back to life again with Yu Zai, who did not notice each other being Murderers and police, but they recognized each other is a fellow 20 years ago. Twenty years ago, A Dog had done something I am sorry Yu Zai, a thing that changed their life, deeply buried in the heart of the memory, began to re-emerge from the memory of the water, chatting for a while, suddenly a dog Yu Zai is aware of the murderer he is about to arrest, but because it will not swim, watch as Yu Zai escape. Azerbaijan found little fortunate and newborn children at the hospital and detained them. In order to save his wife, Yu Zai lied to be a distant relative of the dog and took Pei Pei abducted and asked him to go to a village called " Yu Zai is a covert girl. Pei Pei did not feel guilty of being kidnapped. Instead, Yu Zai brought Pei Pei back to his long-awaited home for a lie. Yu Zai's father mistook Pei Pei for Twenty years ago passed away daughter, the past, leaving Yu Zai mixed feelings. Pei Pei was tied, a dog lost his calmness, he without telling the police, with Yu Zai's wife went to the nest, a dog deeply felt Yu Zai's determination to protect the family, which makes a dog feel for their behavior Conflicts, after twists and turns, the two sides exchanged hostages in the nest, similar to the seawall in the hometown to make the final cut off. Came to the same place, the two deliberately forgotten past gradually emerge, a dog must regain the situation that happened in the past, carrying a sense of guilt for so many years, he has been accustomed to that kind of incompetence and make the mistake again? Or is he willing to break the fetters of this fate? Fish still flying in the sky, looking for food in the sandbank, looking for each other, looking for meaning ...

L-O-V-E (Movie)[2009]

Feature: An elderly mother sitting quietly on the couch and bowed his head, and suddenly the phone rang, the mother picked it up, the phone was actually dead son of seven years, his son to take care of her mother, appointment to avoid the next day to call Japan go home . Originally Aged seven years ago, A Zheng happened to be suffering from terminal illness in the hospital. When A Road found that their voices were abnormally similar, the growing number begged A Zheng to plead A Zheng after he passed away. Call home, so lonely mothers do not have short search for ideas. For seven years, A Zheng has been carrying on this task. However, A Zheng, who is facing a major operation, has also recorded his own voice on the Internet, hoping to be as fortunate as Alu to find people who are very much like his own voice in order to protect his lover. A coincidence, in the famous art district in Taiwan, "Huashan" as commentator heart You, became the young singer Lens (ornaments) MV actress, but the director is precisely Lan Cheng-lung. Encounter again, the heart put a long time do not know the dragon is the expression, and before and after the lens with me and Lens Qingqing me. Heart leisurely attitude, forcing the dragon is finally intolerable, took out a photo of two people, revealing the couple's former relationship. At this point, Xin heart suddenly face full of tears, pull out crazy run, so that everyone is very puzzled. Originally, the two used to be a pair of sweet lovers, just because of the relationship between the two countries, the two quarrel, heart out of a car accident, impaired forehead, selective amnesia, for her, the sweetest and most painful VINS I deleted it from my memory After all the big white, the two decided to start this love again. Better ambitious stuntman and Kong Jie's girlfriend is working in the Cold War, so much that they fell in love, as it has been hurt each other. Once, Nguyen to go out to deal with a high-speed dodge stunt scene, they quarrel again, his girlfriend stormed away, Nguyen hurt the left hand more. Nguyen sitting in the driver's seat, take a look at his left hand is aching, and then start racing high-speed forward. Suddenly a man broke into his lane, he immediately brakes, the car issued a sharp and sharp brakes. He punched the man to get off a punch, while picking up the phone call his girlfriend's number, but did not respond. He ignored the work of the scene and drove the motorcycle to the airport, hoping to have time to say sorry to her. Running wildly along the road, he finally admitted that she was a girl equal to the rest of the world. An ugly and unhealthy girl fell in love every day, and finally one day she received instructions from a numerologist telling her she would meet six men who dialed the sea and the sixth would be her Real life son. She really encountered in the road every day really touched five handsome guy who sent the sea, although they are handsome, but each always have shortcomings or flaws, prohibitive. When five Liu Hai men passed, she was looking forward to the sixth finally appeared. She is full of joy that she found the real life of the Son, but missed the most important decision in life. He ran to her, and both hugged and kissed.

IDo? (TV)[2009]

Feature: Bridal designer Xia YiXin (Annie Liu) prayers every day for a strange encounter with a strange man Li HaoZhe (Lan Cheng-lung), just pray each other for good days. Her inner knowing that it is called love, even if the photographer Tan YaoZong (Chen Yufan ornaments) care for her, her heart is all cast at work, but she could not expect the wedding will her again with Li HaoZhe again. Li HaoZhe dropped his fiancée Jian MeiLi (Lin Michelle) at the wedding and took Xia YiXin as bridesmaid. Later, Li HaoZhe and Xia YiXin went to marry him. Fu MingZhu (Yang Kuei-mei ornaments) and stepmother Ren LingLing (Maggie Shiu ornaments), the mother-in-law of Li HaoZhe, have done nothing to this proud son. When romance, passion, happiness, plus Li HaoZhe Jian MeiLi continue to be tempted, this only lasts 100 days of marriage ended.

Exodus (Movie)[2007]

Feature: Zhan JianYe, who worked in the military uniform Jing Yuan for more than two decades, was unsuccessful in promotion despite repeatedly participating in the promotion interview. Nonetheless, his wife was still silently supporting him behind the scenes and encouraging him from time to time, making him very touched. However, Zhang FangMuQin has been very janitorial work quite a word. Zhang often encouraged Zhang from time to time, find a better man entrusted with life. One day, on the afternoon of the same day, Zhan, who was on duty in the report room of the Police Station, is an oral record of a suspect guilty of photographing in a female lavatory. Guan not only denied the allegations, but also told Zhan he accidentally found a big secret in the female toilets. Originally, there was a woman organization in the world who was carrying out a plan to annihilate men around the world. Since the plan needs to be carried out in secrecy and can not leak any news, they choose to meet regularly and exchange information on men killing men in the absence of men - toilets - Just shows why women spend more time in the bathroom than men. Sense of determination to dive into women's ward and gather them for evidence of collective killings of men. Zhan believes that the argument is very ridiculous, but insisted, Zhan had truthfully recorded. That night, police colleagues called and said that the testimony was missing. When Zhan returned to the police station for the purpose of transcribing his account again, it not only turned itself back into a guilty conscience, but also guilty of making a guilty conscience. What seemed to be hiding something between words instead prompted Zhan's curiosity and decided to investigate. In the afternoon, Zhan found that after Du Qun Fang ZiQing had been in contact with the police, she was anxious to change her mouth at night. Zhan thought it was a matter of fact that there was a connection between the woman and the man who said Guan said. During this time, Zhan found his clues to get acquainted with his wife, and inadvertently fell in love with his wife. After Kwan was killed, Zhan's boss, Fang ZiQing, was one of the women who killed the man's organization, but unexpectedly found out that his wife was also a member of a piece of evidence recording.

MobSister (Movie)[2005]

Feature: Fei Bi (Annie Liu)'s father, Aguirra (Liao Qizhi), was hunted down by the widow Luo Hua (Karena Lam) 18 years ago due to the killing of her brother, and Fei Bi has also become an orphan. Fortunately, it was taken care of by the leader, Bai De (Eric Tsang), and adopted as a daughter-in-law. She even threatened to marry Fei Bi as a wife afterwards to prevent Luo Hua from further revenge on Fei Bi. One day 18 years later, when Bai De intended to retire, he was assassinated. As a result, Da Feng (Anthony Wong (Hong Kong actor)) also wanted to take this opportunity to monopolize power. However, before Bai's death, Chen Ge (Simon Yam) has been entrusted with the task of helping Fei Bi become the top leader of the society and become the "sister" of everyone. However, there was an undercurrent in the society, with Chen Ge and Hua Ge (Alex Fong (Actor)) looking for bodyguard Xiang Dong (Liu Ye (actor)) for Fei Bi. At this time, the chief messenger of Bai De, who is also rumored to be killed on the rivers and lakes, is Luo Hua and his assistant (Kwan-Ho Tse). The hatred of both sides is even deeper ...

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