
Rocky member of the tv drama series, mini yang ethan juan, who believed passionately and not afraid of soft red,

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Star connection news: adapted from the movie, co-produced by lime meng film, lime meng yue xin and penguin movie Return to the world The queen of Swinging, Yanyan Jie The writers, Yang Wenjun , Ze Xie Co-directed by li CAI, Yang Xiaopei As chief producer, The Mini Yang , Ethan Juan Starring, Yijun Liu, , Chin - sung Wang Starring, Vengo Gao , Yi Lai, , Zhang Yaqin , Ke Hu, , Han Yu Gao , Huang Ming , Yixiao Li , Long Jiang Co-starring TV drama Swinging "Last night (August 8) s high end at tencent video network broadcast amount exceed 13.08 billion into summer is only a broken billions of dramas, the show tells the story of solitary yong should be, a cavity with a totally natural andSwingingof the (Mini Yang), the heart is not the whole faith make wuzhou, and intelligent affectionate, with all the promise (Ethan Juan) such as companions, together with the sheer, toughness growth story. In the finale,Swingingfought against the unfair fate and broke the destiny problem by joining hands with the infinite. The series goes deep into the reality creation, and conveys the spirit and belief of contemporary young people to pursue their dreams courageously with bare heart. It is deeply appreciated by audiences at home and abroad, and has been well received by official media and thumb up.

The amount of network broadcast is red & NBSP; Jackson high popularity circle powder explodes summer vacation

With its ups and downs of plot, positive core of reality, inspirational transformation of the passionate love story and romantic love story,Swinginghas always been the focus of the audience from the shooting to the ending. It was the fifth largest network broadcast of the TV drama on the same day when it was first released. Since its launch, it has achieved great success: the cumulative broadcast volume of tencent video single platform exceeded 1 billion in 3 days, and the network broadcast volume exceeded 13.08 billion in 7 weeks after its launch, setting a new record for the single platform. With the popularity of the TV series, the leading role ofThe Mini YangandEthan Juanhave been in the TOP10 of "vlinkagelist in July". According to enton,The Mini Yanghas won the TOP1 ranking of the main cast of the new summer TV series of 2018 with business value index 6.7 and heat index 7.0. In addition to the number of online broadcasts and the popularity of the entertainer, although it has been on the market ever since,Swinginghas been on the list of the most popular TV series in the world, with more than 125 search terms. The main topic of TV dramaSwinging# has a popularity of 4.63 billion, with 17.185 million discussions. With a total discussion volume of 2.681 million, the main topic and related sub-topics have been listed in the top five for 33 times. The hot search with its own flow and the high topic popularity are the strong plots of the drama in theSwingingdrama, which set off social topics and aroused strong resonance among the audience.

Rooted in reality creation & NBSP; & have spent Inspirational dramas have great positive energy

"Swinging" girl with the xuan yuanSwingingdown into chapters as the main line, wuzhou motivational struggle around the thesis elaborate the growth, the story contains self refinement and metamorphosis, emotional grinding and thorough, a realistic technique and relevant conception of convey the one-woman kinda temperature pure heart and a real love, let the audience to follow the characters of growth trajectory concomitant growth all the way, feeling and soul harvest growth thinking. On Swinging, we see the "ten million people although I toward" fearless courage, "with the death of a person in his life," the livelihood of the mind, "the more the more they tried to suppress me, I just want to strengthen" tenacious, "how much force can have, armor can have advantages and disadvantages, but, can't lost integrity" of unyielding integrity,Swingingmotivational energy vigorous upward, its blood fighting spirit of unique soul, inspire the contemporary young people fear hardship, faith, persistent dream. In the shaping of emotion,Swingingand infinite never stick to the small love, never shrink back from the old heart and the wish of friends. In the finale, although they know that the fate of the ups and downs, but also face up to the fate of the hearts, to solve the fate of the hearts of the difficult situation, and meet together. The "five blessings" cp boldly changed their fate, and the emotional attitude of "not avoiding but not yielding" also reflected the broad recognition of modern people to "boldly pursue love, dare to bear" love view. With the original intention of delivering the positive values of the era,Swingingbroke out great energy with the integration and exploration of reality, and achieved the breakthrough of ancient costume in 2018 hot style, which was widely recognized by fans of drama at home and abroad.

Through more than 150 days of shooting cycle, regardless of the heat and cold in winter, the performers stuck to the front line, and made the audience favorite with their hearts, spirit of never giving up and hard work. Blood does not stop, struggle, "blood" wonderful unlimited.

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