
Zifeng li's new show upended the handsome figure and sent a message thanking the character for his acting.

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Linkeddb News October 16Recently, a popular actor Zifeng Li new Fights Break Sphere "The role of gu yuan in" has aroused hot discussion, and he even wrote on the social platform that he first tried such an aged and rugged role, but his heart was resistant at that time, mainly because he felt that the age and character of the character were far from his own. But he thought that character-building was the magic of the profession for actors, so he decided to try different roles to break through. Zifeng is said to have played gu yuan as the heroine Lin Yun The father of gu yuan, because of misunderstanding and complaints, has been divided between father and daughter. Fortunately, gu yuan's persistent care for his daughter for so many years was known, and his good intentions were finally understood. Although Zifeng Li has yet to feel deeply the feeling of being a father, many netizens said that the heavy paternal love for kaori and the frustration of the family's internal turmoil as a father all showed in gu yuan's every expression and look, making people moved.

Zifeng Li's new show upends handsome image thanks for the role's praise. JPG

Zifeng Li's new show upends handsome image thanks for the role's praise 2.jpg

Zifeng Li's new show upends handsome image thanks for the role's praise 3.jpg

Zifeng Li's new drama upended the handsome figure in a post thanking the character for the praise

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