
Wang mohan's' worry-free 'co-star xu haiqiao opens science fiction tour

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Star connection aug 30August 29, by the yingrun media, penguin movie co-production, director Sun Kaikai Directed, Xu Haiqiao ", mohan wang, Liu En Shang , Haoyu Yang Starring in the science fiction spectacle network drama Worry - free "In Qingdao smooth start - up. Rising star mohan is set to star alongside popular actorXu Haiqiaofor the first time after her popularity soared.

王莫涵《Worry - free》

Based on the popular online drama "what's going on in a public opinion bureau," the series centers on a young man who grows up in an orphanage and spends his days wandering around the city. The two then work their way through the mysteries, rediscover themselves, and defeat evil to build worry-free. In the drama, wang mohan plays jiang mengkaku, who is introduced to modern society by chance and meets Yang shen xing (Xu Haiqiao). As they grow up together, they embark on a magical journey of science fiction. The use of marvel characters to create "wonder of science fiction" and the ups and downs of the plot design for the show to do full coverage, causing unlimited expectations of the audience.

王莫涵《Worry - free》

Worry-free is wang mohan's first film to play the leading role. The characters in it seem calm but filled with inner feelings. There are many inner scenes, which is also a challenge for her.

王莫涵《Worry - free》

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