
The finale of the TV show 'Leave the next stop', Hewei Yu Li Xiaoran Deduces the story of the contract

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The TV series " Leave the next stop " starring Hewei Yu and Li Xiaoran , tells the story of two strangers specifying a contractual marriage for their own reasons. The Qiuyang and Xia Sheng who do not believe in love in the ending of the TV series "Leave the next stop" Do you mean, what does "love incompetence" mean in the play? Do you feel the same in reality? Let's take a look at how the ending of the TV show "Leave the next stop" is performed!

 Leave the next stop

It is reported that the drama "Leave the next stop" is in line with the phenomenon of "love and incompetence" in the society. Li Xiaoran plays the leading role of Xia Sheng, a male doctor with powerful words, and a typical "career" woman, although Kochi Gao Yan Value, but on the road of love, after several waves. Because genetic diseases will occur, eager to get married. The Qiyang actor played by Hewei Yu has had two failed marriages and was forced to marry by his relatives and friends. Xia Sheng and Qiuyang, two people who are eager to be redeemed by marriage, have become a neighbor in a wrong manner, in the form of a contract. Began a nominal marriage.

TV show Leave the next stop

It is reported that in the ending of the TV series "Leave the next stop," Xia Sheng played by Li Xiaoran and Qiuyang played by Hewei Yu recognized each other's feelings. Finally, the "real" came together. They were one of the older unmarried female doctors. There have been two failed corporate executives. What happened between them?

Xia Sheng and Qiu Yang in the play were originally strangers who did not meet because Xia Sheng had an offspring situation and Qiuyang unexpectedly became her neighbor. At the beginning, the two chose a contractual marriage for their own reasons.

In the ending of the “Leaving the next stop,” Xia Sheng and Qiuyang each overcome the troubles of their thoughts and lives. After the friction between their lives, the two had new insights. In the process of getting along, love was born and there was love for marriage and love. A more correct understanding, and eventually boldly said the most realistic ideas of the heart, in short, Xia Sheng and Qiu Yang finally harvest their sincere love, the formation of a happy family.

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