
when Wang Hao xuan appeared at the Sand Sea press conference, he laughed and said,' if you care about Lei Wu, you are in a mess.

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& have spent byXu LeiA season of adventure drama based on the original bookSand Sea"Was launched in Beijing yesterday. creatorLei Wu,Qin Hao,Yang Rong (actress),Alina Zhang,Jin Zhu,,Wang HaoHin and others gathered at the scene.Sand SeaasThe Tomb NotesThe new iron triangle has long been in the spotlight, withLei Wuas li tuo andWang Haoxuan as su wan andJin Zhu,as Yang Hao. At the press conference, when asked about his relationship with li tuo,Wang Haosaid with a smile that "caring is messy". One sentence immediately triggered heated discussion among fans.

In theSand Seaseries,Wang Haoxuan, a newcomer to the culture of nanlin, plays su wan, a handsome gao fu student and friend of li tuo. Different from ordinary gao fu shuai, su wan, as the disciple whom the blind man took the initiative to accept, seems weak, but actually he is smart and careful. His thinking is open-minded and harmonious. In the words ofWang Haoxuan himself, "su wan is a little lost boy who loves learning, but he values his love and righteousness, so he can do anything for his brother."

"Pineapple crisp" CP youth attack Wang Hao xuan plays su wan

In the trailer released by the press conference, the anxious su wan has been calling his good brother li tuo to find the missing li tuo. When asked about the relationship between the two,Wang Haoxuan described su wan as "concerned but confused" and said that he had done a lot of stupid things in the play because he cared about li tuo's study, love life and life safety. Tomb raider series of heavy love and righteousness of the "pineapple crisp" youth attack, they will be in the play what sparks? On July 20, we searched for the answer together with tencent video.

Wang Hao xuan joined the big IP potential youth in succession in the future

In addition to playing su wan in popular IP "Sand Sea",Wang Haoxuan also joined the big IP of ancient costume fantasy.Courage", as the popular villain xue Yang. From his debut at the age of 15 to his death in yicheng at the age of 27, xue's experience and personality are far more complex and complex than those of his old costume characters.

"Sand Sea" and "Courage" are both big IP addresses with a huge base of fans and a big unaired show. The characters of su wan and xue Yang are also different and different in character. The former seems soft but smart, while the latter is cruel and hot. According to the released stills and previews,Wang Haoxuan not only fits the character, but also handles the contrast between the characters. In addition, the addition of fresh blood likeWang Haoxuan has injected a youthful energy into the series to match the characters. Look forward to his wonderful performance in the two big IP, the youth future can be expected!

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