
Biguoli zhang has the acting skills chen baoguo meets du shuo: the real old play bone played a lifetime of supporting roles

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than Guoli Zhang There are acting Chen Baoguo Saw all cry uncle: true old play bone played a lifetime supporting role

When it comes to actors like Guoli Zhang and Chen Baoguo, many viewers are probably familiar. They are both actors of the old style, and also national level actors. In addition, Guoli Zhang recently served as the host of "I am an actor," and his acting skills are unquestionable. Today, I'd like to introduce the actor to you. He has the acting skills of Guoli Zhang, and Chen Baoguo met shudu: the real old actor has played a supporting role all his life.

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So who are we talking about? The old play bone Peiqi Liu ! Peiqi Liu has played more than 100 characters with a pair of small eyes. Whether it's qiao an shan in Leave Lei Fengs day or Big house door "Bai sanye, or" Nothing gold can stay "By zhou laosi. These are small people, but they leave a deep impression on the audience. Peiqi Liu has been acting for the film since her acting.

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Peiqi Liu 出道几十年,几乎没有什么绯闻,与妻子孟天骄也是恩爱了几十年。1990年, Peiqi Liu 认识了现在的妻子,但是两人结婚这件事情遭到了女方妈妈的反对。孟天骄却被 Peiqi Liu 的关心感动了,最后孟天骄背着自己的妈妈,从家里面“偷”出户口本。就这样,孟天骄便和 Peiqi Liu 携手走进了婚姻的殿堂。

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Than Guoli Zhang has the acting Chen Baoguo to meet shudu: the real old play bone played a lifetime supporting role, Peiqi Liu such an old play bone really worthy of our admiration!

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