
It has been revealed that rachelmomo's father allegedly asked for 50 million yuan ($750,000) in a video chat

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Net had suspected RachelMomo Dad once went on the show to ask for 50 million yuan to make trouble in public

A lot of people think ofRachelMomoin the TV series Fairview is not central The character of li changru in the movie. RachelMomo's portrayal of the villain not only won the audience's recognition, but also received a lot of professional media attention. Not only did RachelMomo's character in the play catch the attention of the audience, but she was also very cute and beautiful.


But one such girl has recently been dogged by some bad news. Recently, a father surnamed li, who is suspected to be her last name, participated in an interview program and asked her for $50 million in alimony. And on the show, the man blew himself up on drugs and put down the hateful words: "let's go to hell together."




Viewers who watched the show rallied to RachelMomo, lambasting the man. In addition, a screenshot of the man's chat with a TV show, in which he askedRachelMomoto change his name, was posted, along with the fact that he said his quality of life needed to be the same as RachelMomo's mom: "she lives in a villa and I live in a villa, she drives a hummer and I drive a hummer."


In recent days, the Internet has revealed that RachelMomo's father is suspected of chatting with others, in a bid to create a mob. He said he is currently raising money and is taking reporters, lawyers, witnesses and others to the cast for a press conference to forceRachelMomoto step forward.


See this netizen expresses, true person is red really much, suffer heartRachelMomoin succession. As for her past,RachelMomodescribed her time in the same year on twitter: "thanks mom for picking me out of the trash."




RachelMomo has been through some ups and downs in the entertainment industry. When it comes to career, I often find myself in the situation of not being a star. In the emotional aspect, also encountered setbacks. Now that the father, who looks like RachelMomo, is back, it's truly heartbreaking.


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