
Li yong (television host) why do not want to be buried after death? jin xing in the hometown of a speech summary, the point awakens everybody!

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Li Yong (television host)Why don't you want to be buried in your hometown after death? Jin Xing A paragraph to sum up, the point awakens everybody!

I believe that everyone is still distressed and shocked at the news of the sudden death of the famous CCTV host Li Yong (television host). But from the wife of Li Yong (television host) Ha Wen Post: "" after 17 months of cancer treatment in the United States, I separated at 5:20 am on October 25, 2018 and lost my love forever... ". As soon as the news came out, Li Yong (television host), who was humorous and dressed in a unique style, really left us.

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AlthoughLi Yong (television host)is only 50 years old, the memories of his childhood in the 1980s and 1990s are always hidden in my heart. "Lucky 52" and "very 6+1", for example, became classics for us. I still vaguely remember the scene ofLi Yong (television host)hosting "very 6+1" at that time. The hosting style was light and humorous, especially his curly hair, which made people shine at the moment and was deeply loved by the audience. Now, the long-legged uncle who accompanied many children on the very 6+1 stage is gone forever, may heaven be free of sickness!

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Following Li Yong's death, tributes poured in from the entertainment and hosting industries. Then, the question of whether Ha Wen, wife of Li Yong, will take Li Yong's ashes home has attracted much attention from netizens. Some netizens believe that Chinese people are particular about returning to their roots and that Ha Wen will definitely bring back the ashes ofLi Yong (television host)to China for burial. But an article revealed that Ha Wen had buried the ashes ofLi Yong (television host)in the United States. The news came out Some netizens cannot accept it and do not understand why?

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Why didLi Yong (television host)not want to be buried in his hometown after his death? As a comment on the sharp Jin Xing, there is a paragraph of summary, is really a wake up public. Jin Xing sighed: "Li Yong always kept a low profile during his life, and even when he was sick, he did not want to tell everyone that he would not want to make too much noise after he left. If Ha Wen did bring back the ashes of Li Yong, there would be many netizens to worship, which would make Li Yong very upset. Never forget that it must be Ha Wen who understandsLi Yong (television host)the most!"

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After hearing Jin Xing's remarks, the summary of this paragraph is really a bit of a wake-up call. Those who can't understand it also think that Jin Xing's analysis makes sense. In our opinion, we should respect Ha Wen's choice whether the news is true or not. After all, couples who have been in love for decades must know how to let their dead rest in peace. Finally, I hope Ha Wen and her daughter can live well!

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