
The TV series Gold Investors' finale introduction What is the ending of the original novel?

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The TV series " Gold Investors " was adapted from the novel of Yong Yu Yu Tong Ming , starring Yang Xuwen , Zhang Hao and Chen Long . In the TV series's version, when dealing with the details of the financial industry, various plot plots of the Shanghai conspiracy and stock prices have endorsed the qualifications of professionals, restoring the truth about the workplace and the cruelty of business warfare. A major highlight of the play. Not only that, the drama adds a more delicate emotional element while creating an industry drama. The process of youth struggle and harvesting of beautiful love are all very moving. Such a process will make the process of this group of young people fighting and dreaming more vivid, and it will also arouse the sympathy of the audience.

 Gold Investors

Which novel is Gold Investors adapted?

The TV series “Gold Investors” was adapted from the novel of Dragon Yu Yuming, describing how when dreams and realities meet in a narrow path, when career and love are attacked, Fang Yubin will find his position in the fierce competition in business warfare, follow his heart, and become a gold medal. Investor's story.

In the original book, like millions of young people, Fang Yubin, a young man who came to the big city to fight, has become a mid-level elite in investment companies by virtue of his talent and hard work. After he had manipulated an investment project that was a classic case, he was involuntarily involved in the high-level struggle of the company and was at the most difficult moment in his life.

Shopping malls are battlefields without gun smoke, allowing you to climb into the sky and allow you to fall into the abyss. Facing complicated conflicts of interest and powerful opponents, how does Fang Yubin win the help of an honorable person and walk out of the difficulties of life? After coming out of the trough, how did he use his investment skills and game intelligence to defeat opponents in a thrilling master showdown, break the critical situation and become an investment? A rising star in the world has ushered in a brilliant life?

It is understood that Yang Xuwen plays the role of Fang Yubin in “Gold Investors”. With his talent and hard work, he has become the middle layer of the investment company. In the face of complex interest disputes and strong opponents, he has solved the crisis and became a rising investment community. A new star, usher in a brilliant life. In the previous exposure of the show's posters, Yang Xuwen's eyes were perseverance, dressed in a tailored white suit, and calm but undisguised youthfulness was the perfect interpretation of financial talent.

What is the ending of Gold Investors' original novel?

Living in today's capital era, whether you want to join the wave of vigorous entrepreneurship, or seek better development in the workplace, learning to invest in knowledge is undoubtedly necessary. However, most of these financial works have often deterred readers. "Gold Investors" is an inviting opening chapter. Through a series of questions and answers, it reveals many capital laws in a simple and easy-going way.

For example, speaking of Soros, the author of the novel, Fang Yubin, said: “Soros’s power lies in his subversion of the traditional economics framework. Other investors will only bury their heads in analysing the economic model, but Soros will also try to figure out human nature.”

There are three places where the novel attracts readers: good subjects, dry goods, and good intentions. Long Yuyu, the author of “Gold Investors,” is a senior reporter. He had in-depth interviews with a lot of heavy news and enjoyed the successes and failures of the political and business elites. The best method is to dry goods and have a great vision. "Gold Investors" believes that relying on wisdom to get the right path can only be a real success, and the story of Fang Yubin in the book confirms this concept.

In the outcome of the original novel, Fang Yubin was obstructed by many parties in the process of selling Jin Sheng. However, under the accompaniment of Su Jin, he did not change his mind, did not step on the bottom line, was not controlled by anyone, and eventually sold all of Jinsheng. Fang Yubin became the general manager of Rongding Shanghai and became a well-deserved Gold Investors.

Click to view: Gold Investors Plot Introduction

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