
“she's a born actress,” says herring, who was praised for “coming home to mazu.”

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Linkeddb News November 5& have spent The cross-strait story film "matsu home" is in full swing recently shooting. The work was adapted from a writer Hong Wang The novella "letter from Taipei" interprets the great charm of the blood ties and matsu culture of people from both sides of the straits from a unique perspective. One of the young actors in the film, herring played the wife of two men, ke cuilan, the role was officially killed a few days ago.

1. Hering's the return of matsu. JPG

He Lin, graduated from the performance department of China academy of traditional Chinese opera, has solid acting skills and successfully shaped many roles. Also worked with Hu Jun , Kiton , Chang Rong And other veteran actors, always adhere to the principle of live up to the audience live up to their own. This time, in the return of matsu, hering first tried this kind of bitter and oppressive role, which was a new challenge for her. In the film, kohlrabi raises her children alone, tastes the pain of her life and waits for her husband to come home. Speaking about the understanding of the role, herring said, "I see the expectation and despair of people on both sides of the strait in the general environment. Actually contact the script for the first time, read through the article completely, the deepest impression is KeCuiLan, her scenes although not much, but in front of so many characters on her appearance, can say she is a breaking point in the movie, in front of the plot in all 7) stems from her, why say so, such as film, you will know!!"

Hering's dedication and talent and love for acting were recognized by the whole group, especially Jian Pu Director and director of photography professor Kim guirong's praise, she also praised in such a professional team is really a happy thing! Director Jian Pu said: "some people are born to eat this bowl of rice, and herring is such a person. She is very perceptive, a little bit thorough, and has a very accurate grasp of emotional control and rhythm. What is most valuable is her love for acting, which will keep her going. & have spent

5. Hering's the return of matsu. JPG

In hering's mind, acting is a part of life. Everything you need in acting is inseparable from life. No matter what kind of role an actor plays, he needs to feel it with his heart, blend in and become the role itself. This state does not come easily, but needs to be accumulated in life. Because everything you experience affects how you perform and how you feel. She believes that the skills learned in school are only a foundation, and that the rise depends on life experience.

6. Hering's the return of matsu. JPG

Life is a thick book, a treasure chest, a castle to be explored by actors all the time. Hering is just like this, using his emotions to touch every corner of life. She knows very well that an actor is always ready, and a good actor is always recognized and loved by the audience through strength, professionalism and understanding.

4. Hering's the return of matsu. JPG

3. Helin's the return of matsu. JPG

2. Hering's the return of matsu. JPG

Whether it is a strong woman, a teacher, or a cruel teacher, we see many possibilities in hering, so let's look forward to what surprises hering will bring to us in matsu home.

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