
The Qing Dynasty is clear! Su Ma defends the case and wins the party’s public apology

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The Qing Dynasty is self-cleaning! Su Ma defends the case and wins the party's public apology. At the beginning of this year, a "stay overnight" incident made the entertainment circle turbulent, and the netizens were also arguing Yang Yang. Not only did the Jia Nailiang family come in, but Su Ma was also pushed to the forefront of public opinion. Su Ma's various false statements on the Internet have been widely circulated, causing certain damage and influence. Su Ma has resolutely used legal weapons to defend his rights.


Just this morning, the law firm commissioned by Su Ma issued the trial result. The defendant Li had to publicly apologize to Su Ma on the microblogging case and compensated Su Ma for a total loss of 35,000 yuan.


The following is the case details:


Subsequently, Su Ma Studio also forwarded the company's Weibo, and issued a statement will continue to sue other rumors, indicating zero tolerance for online rumors.


The defendant Li Mou published his apology letter on Weibo this morning. All of them handwritten their true apologies. Even so, in this Weibo message, there are still various dissatisfaction of netizens. Blame.


The following is a letter of apology:


In fact, at the time, the biggest trouble with Su Ma on Weibo was Huang Yiqing. He was insulted in various languages. Not only did he have to apologize to Su Ma, but he also broke the information that Su Ma did not know, which made Su Ma Deeply hurt. In this regard, both the law firm and Su Ma Studio stated that Su Ma's other reputational rights and criminal prosecution cases are also in the process of legal trial.


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