
Ning Hao Xu Zheng (actor) "I am not a drug god" reproduces the realistic problems after the signature black humor laugh.

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Ning Hao + Xu Zheng (actor), which is one of the best CPs in the country, rarely produces a movie " I am not a drug god ." In addition, Xu Zheng (actor) is the starring player and Ning Hao is the guest. This is the fifth time they have teamed up. Yesterday afternoon, the film premiered at the newly-launched film studio in the Oscars. Some fans, many media and industry personnel commented on the film very highly. Some viewers even said, "I just said that "I am not a drug god" is the annual NO.1."

"I am not a drug god" is based on real-life news events and is based on the "Lu Yong Case". It tells the story of a conscience that was discovered by Chang Yong (Xu Zheng (actor)), an inconvenient pharmacy owner, who initially bought medicines from India to collect money, and gradually changed the people and things he met.

Ning Hao Xu Zheng (actor) Signature black humor, upgraded again under the weightlifting of young director Wen Mu Ye . At the same time, as the first humorous element movie to meet with the audience in the summer, the practical significance behind it should not be underestimated.

The theme of "I am not a drug god" is not easy, but the video is very readable. The first half is full of humor and comedy. However, the second half of the movie is a sharp turn and tears.

Each actor has a special flash in the film, and Xu Zheng (actor) contributed a breakthrough performance as an absolute actor. Eric has completely turned himself into a leukemia person in the film. He has lost 20 pounds for the film and his face has been awkward. The final result is truly real. In addition, Zhuo Tan , Yiwei Zhou , Xinming Yang , etc. all contributed very high-light acting skills.

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