
Media exploration of outside eight lines' tan songyun's first talk about the new experience of characters

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Star connection news: August 14, by Chen Kaige Supervised production, directed by Yang shu and liu tan, Tan Songyun , Oho Ou Starring in the legendary drama of the republic of China Outside eight lines "The first open media seminar. "Outside eight lines" is based on folk legends. Guided by the mainstream value of "the great man of chivalry, the country and the people", it carries out a dramatic and legendary re-interpretation of the quack work on the edge of traditional society.

Tan Songyun is not afraid of the hot weather and wears snow boots

Tan Songyun made her debut in a TV series about the republic of China. On the day of the interview, she showed up on the set with a dirty braid and a national costume, which was quite different from her previous looks. "Outside eight lines" was shot in the sweltering summer heat, but as a period drama, Tan Songyun's costumes were heavy and cast Qin Lan Making fun ofTan Songyunfor wearing snow boots in the summer. Some media asked whether the costumes could always be twisted out of the water after work.Tan Songyunsaid that although it was not that exaggerated, he could smell different when he took off his shoes. Other actors quipped: it could be the smell of roast meat. The actors' loving interaction led to a burst of laughter.

Tan Songyun starts by talking about the new role in exploring the role

In addition,Tan Songyunwas first introduced to the media about the characters' personality traits. Tan Songyun's genius, Onmyoji, is adept at manipulating the swarm, hiding them in a jar suspended from her waist. In order to fit the setting of miao jiang woman,Tan Songyunalso needs to wear a lot of bells on her body. When she walks, the jar and jar collide together and make a clear sound. "smell the voice before seeing the person" has become a major feature of her role.

Different from the casual drama before, "Outside eight lines" takes the rise and fall of the family as the main line of the story, and the previously exposed character's life language "strange female Yin and Yang, the love of guarding the skin" also foreshadows that the oligopoly played byTan Songyunwill be caught in the entanglement between the great sense of justice and personal enmity. As the leader of Yin and Yang, he is unkind and unkind, and the contrast between his personality and appearance tests Tan Songyun's understanding and grasp of his role.Tan Songyunrevealed in the interview that because the role is "multi-layered" she is constantly finding new understanding of the role, step by step, closer to the role.

It is reported thatTan Songyunstars in the TV series Under the clothing And the movie August Wei Yang "Has entered the post-production stage, looking forward to the early screen to see her works!

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