
From the grassroots singer to the national first-class actor became famous after giving her husband a luxury car and mansion.

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In the entertainment industry, compared with the professional singers, there are some grassroots singers, such as these Zhi - wen Zhu, The sun is shining brightly caomaojie ...... Today introduced the hero, is also the grassroots singer origin, she called Wang Erni .


Speaking of Wang Erni, I'm sure many viewers will remember her on stage with her Abao The scene of singing. Wang Erni, born in 1985 in a village in yulin, shaanxi province, studied opera dance for two years. In early 2001,Wang Erniwent to Beijing on behalf of ansai county to participate in the first farmers singer contest and won the first prize. In 2007, participated in CCTV's Avenue of Stars The show was officially announced. On the stage of Avenue of Stars, Wang Erni, with his unique rural image, touched many listeners and became a household name among grassroots singers. Later,Wang Erniperformed many classic songs, such as "love northern shaanxi", "decoration of colored lanterns", "suntan blossom red yan yan", "harvest China"




About Wang Erni's life aspect, in 2014,Wang Erniand Li Fei, To get married.Wang Erniannounced the couple's marriage on the very star release stage in 2015.Wang Erniand her husbandLi Fei,are childhood sweethearts. From nothing to now, they have been inseparable for many years.Wang Ernialso gaveLi Fei,a luxury car and a mansion after he became famous. Though they were very affectionate, they had never had any children. The reason is that they have been busy with their careers and have no time to have children.


Wang Erni, who became famous, did not forget his origins, but also devoted himself to public welfare. Today,Wang Erniis also a young national singer and a state-level actor in Beijing Opera and dance theater.Wang Erniis also known as the "king without a throne" in northern shaanxi. From grassroots singer to national level actor, Wang Erni's music is with the people and gives back to the people with music from the people.


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