
Jing Tian 2017 popularity explosive momentum strong data soaring firm standings list

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Every year at the end of the year, the major media will publish the year-end data to sing the annual event. Recently, a portal issued a white paper at the end of the year. Jing Tian has risen to as high as 10106181, ranking third in the rising star network in 2017 In 2017, the number of performers in drama networks rose to second place.

In this era of big data decision of the character, since the opening of " The Great Wall " hot and " Datang Glory " hit, Jing Tian data drool growth; reality show broadcast and fashion explosion , So Jing Tian frequently appeared in the major media coverage, gossip after discussion, but also become hot search regulars. Popularity soared at the same time also won the audience's favorite.

In the recent annual festival, Jing Tian gained 851.46% of its total revenue, 58460366 calories, and 68% search hits, winning the annual leap performance. Data in full swing, discussion overwhelming, the heat is obvious. 2018, adapted from the eponymous comic drama "King of fire" ready to go, looking forward to Jing Tian more surprises for us.

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