
Where's the dad to go' 5 perfect ending up sister Mei Ah hum shock shy face?

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Yesterday, my father where to go last 5 broadcast, there is no one and Xiaobian lick the same screen for more than an hour or still unfinished, after all, these cute baby cute ladies!


As the closing season for this season, the program group is also hard-won, got the last season's popular Meng baby, Angie, Ala Lei, small fish. Several children with stems together, is really interesting Duo Duo , but as this season's funny play, Routlet, tease girl master Hmmm King in the last issue is to give the audience a lot of surprises, a large number of capture "Old aunt," the heart.

 Jiang Du 和嗯哼

Remember when Jiang Du first went to where Dad was, he said in the program. Hmmm, a very shy, slow-moving, passive child.

 Jiang Du 谈嗯哼

However, in the first phase, the slow-hot ungha kong enthusiastically greet Chun Chun and took the initiative to move the puff. Later, shy ah, huh, huh, huh, kiss the little cheeks! This approach is so fast sister tease, prospective, ruthless, so that the 20-year-old aunt have an eye-opener.


Netizens have also said: You really do not know the situation ah! I really have not seen such a hum so so "shy passive" child it ha ha ha ha ha ... ...


In the next few times, uh huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh? Netizens can not help but sigh, so "shy" ah hum or when my father came back crying kid?

After reading Huo Siyan microblogging, only to find ah, huh, huh King of sister teasing , this is from small to large there ah! Huo Siyan had a microblogging said: "With hum hum to participate in a friend's wedding, uh-huh have been very busy ignoring my psychological acid until he grabbed the bride holding flowers to me and said:" Mom I love you " Really really sorry. "


And, even when the mother is swimming, Um Hugh King also forget the fancy wave.


However, in the last issue, Ah-huh, who had always been keen to tell her sister, suddenly shunned when she met Ala Lei. When Ala Lei arrived this time, EQ Electra Jiang Du glanced out at a glance a little unfamiliar, so let hum hum actively greet Ala Lei. I did not expect to hum this time, did not dare to go.

At this time the village head also took the initiative to shout ah hum, want to pass him, so that the newly joined Ala Lei as soon as possible into the children together. However, at this time, uh huh changed! He was very shy, pulling his head, nestled in the side of Jiang Du, completely like a personal change. Even Jiang Du laments: "Why did you do this? This is not the western side of the sun, it's weird, is he my son?"



However, later discovered that shy in the ugly king dictionary does not exist, at the dinner table, Ala Lei personally asked huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, did not think uh huh seconds change face of interest, smirk Said: "kiss, all kiss." At this time, neinei also came to want to talk to and hum, but uh huh a back to make a kiss to the position, directly scared neinei, followed by hum a look Bad smile, prank success.


Sure enough, this is the sister of tease sister ah ah!

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