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Jason Gu TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Jason Gu Works 5 ,And Costume Drama 3 ,Fantasy 2 ,星座2 ,Feature 1 ,Disaster 1 ,Youth drama 1 ,Campus drama 1 ,超能力1 ,Martial Arts 1 。

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Jason Gu Filmography(5)


烈火英雄 (Movie)[2019]




Oh! My emperors Majesty (TV)[2018]


"Oh! "My Majesty, Your Majesty," tells the story of the 21st century rejuvenated young girl Luo FeiFei due to an occasional accident. Crossing to the mysterious and distant country - Huang Daoguo. In the middle of the ecliptic state, a monarch rotation system will be implemented every thousand years. It is now the successor to Capricorn's Northern Church, and at the same time, it has a Pisces star Bei TangTang and Aquarius star owners Bei TangMoRan Naturally, there is no time for the limelight. With the arrival of Luo FeiFei, the original balance and dull appearance was completely broken, and fate Luo FeiFei became the most miserable woman in history, even more inexplicably became a weak chicken villain. The Luo FeiFei of the ghost horse and the 12 star owners with different characters frequently interacted with each other. Oolong was full of laughter, and became a favorite with the emperor. She was afraid of the challenge of the newborn calf and brave ambitions: I wanted the emperor.

Oh! My emperor season 2 (TV)[2018]


Network drama "Oh! My emperor season 2 : It tells that Huang Daoguo and the Ophiuchus are not standing still. With the identity of the Luo FeiFei constellation star owner uncovered, various guns and arrows are aimed at her, in order to protect Luo FeiFei. Zhou Quan, North Hall Sanjie made every effort, painstakingly, and gradually they found that thousands of years ago about the rebellion of the Ophiuchus, even do not have the mystery, the original behind everything actually has a big conspiracy. In order to save Luo FeiFei Bei TangMoRan, the wedding was announced. Regardless of Tai Huang Taihao's objection, Luo FeiFei was protected. Luo FeiFei, Bei Tangxuan, Bei TangMoRan’s love relationship continued to escalate and was amplified to the national level. The innocence of FeiFei and the Okubozu people did not hesitate to confront the whole world. Finally, the Ophiuchus finally fell to the snow, Luo FeiFei also became the 13th star of the Huang Daoguo... The king also finally ushered in his own. In love, people are getting close to something good, but they do not know that a bloody storm is quietly staged in the dark.


斗破苍穹 (TV)[2017]


电视剧《斗破苍穹》剧情介绍:讲述了被视为天赋异禀的少年武者 Xiao Yan ( Lei Wu 饰),九岁时母亲 Gu WenXin ( Carman Lee 饰)被人追杀致死,父亲 Xiao Zhan ( Yu Rongguang 饰)讳莫如深, Xiao Yan 将母亲留给他的戒指视为珍宝从不离身。 Xiao Yan 的功力一直到十五岁仍然没有进步,早已订好婚约的家族也来退婚,令萧家蒙受奇耻大辱。 Xiao Yan 无意中唤醒了戒指的主人 Yao Chen ( Baron Chen 饰)老人,在 Yao Chen 老人的帮助下, Xiao Yan 的武功进步惊人,并且得知了杀害母亲的主谋。 Xiao Yan 进入迦南学院学习艺技,在这里结交了一群良师益友,再次引起了敌人的注意。一次特殊修炼中, Xiao Yan 遭到陷害,死里逃生后,发现他的家族也遭到了灭顶之灾。为了一雪杀母之仇,也为了江湖的正义, Xiao Yan 毅然选择了只身一人向邪恶的势力发起挑战。最后联手女侠 Xiao XunEr ( Lin Yun 饰),共同战胜了强敌 。


Super Star Academy (TV)[2016]

Feature: The family of Fangs, who command 12 constellations, has become the most powerful family in the world. However, the patriarch of the Fang clan, Fang Meimu, has encountered an unprecedented crisis of succession. Fang Mo was in jeopardy, Mrs. Fang in order to safeguard the interests of the family brewing a earth-shattering conspiracy. Send people to kill the silent memory Leo's bastard, with their premature birth Gemini son Fang Tianze replaced. Eighteen years later, Fang TianZe became the president of the largest society of "Supernatural College" and the second largest association president, Li YaDang, was unable to do anything. Cheng ZhiEr, a newly enrolled admissions officer, offended Li YaDang in school Bullied by people, framed by Huo Bei Bei, who loved Fang TianZe for being entangled with Fang TianZe. Luckily, I met Wan ShiCun, a warm-blooded lion man who was involved in "Super Star" contest with Cheng ZhiEr, but Cheng ZhiEr had an affair with Fang TianZe in this competition. Lost Wan ShiCun in the "Super Star" finals show astonishing strength, to exert all means to force Fang TianZe Gemini super ability to make, but Fang TianZe unexpectedly used the super power of Leo, This makes Wan ShiCun shocked, he deliberately lost the game, let Fang TianZe won the honor successor inherited patriarch. After the match, a mysterious man found Wan ShiCun proposed to deal with Fang TianZe with him, and was rejected by Wan ShiCun. He was going to personally defeat Fang TianZe to prove himself. Following the ceremony, Wan ShiCun kidnap Cheng ZhiEr to force Fang TianZe has put Gemini avatar super-ability, the entire Fang family witnessed the fact that Fang TianZe exposure status. Wan ShiCun came out to expose Fang Mu's conspiracy 18 years ago, declaring himself to be the real Leo and the true heir to the Fang's consortium. Fang Mu was jailed, Fang TianZe was expelled from Fang Fang and Star Academy, and Wan ShiCun became the patriarch of the Fang clan and the leader of the twelve big families. Wan ShiCun conducted a large-scale cleaning and reform of the consortium's consortium, but unfortunate enough to let the snake's long-dormant snake into reality. The snakefallen who wreaked havoc with Wan ShiCun and infiltrated the claws into the Supernatural Academy, fortunate enough to be found by Xiao Zhang and Fang TianZe, uncovered a long-lost conspiracy. Ophiuchus overturned out of the super-star Academy launched a devastating attack. In order to guard the 12 constellations family, Fang TianZe and Wan ShiCun do their utmost to resist, it was too late; Wan ShiCun finally chose to sacrifice themselves finally suppressed the serpent family, however, these serpent family is only the entire Ophiuchus Vanguard force, the real main forces under the leadership of the ultimate villain hit. Cheng ZhiEr, the most extraordinary, suddenly awakened his supernatural power when everyone was helpless.

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