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Zhen Wang TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Zhen Wang Works 20 ,And Feature 8 ,Romance 7 ,Suspense 4 ,Crime 3 ,Motivational film 2 ,Urban drama 2 ,推理1 ,Youth drama 1 ,Fantasy 1 ,Adventure 1 ,Modern opera 1 ,都市女性1 ,Romantic drama 1 ,Costume Drama 1 ,Martial Arts 1 ,Palace 1 ,Historical play 1 ,Thriller 1 ,Comedy 1 ,Short 1 ,Family drama 1 。

Works Index

Zhen Wang Filmography(20)


唐人街探案 (TV)[2020]


光怪陆离的泰国,接连发生多起奇异的案件,“唐人街第一神探” Tang Ren 的徒弟 Lin Mo ,野田昊的弟弟 Ye TianHaoEr ,纷纷陷入探案的谜团之中。死者妻子IVY、酒吧歌手 A Wen 、五大灵童战队成员 Lu JingJing 、初出茅庐的女警 Sa Sha 也悉数登场,错综复杂的线索背后,藏于黑暗的真相正慢慢浮出水面 。


Go go squid! (TV)[2019]

Feature: 剧照深夜, Han ShangYan 推门走入了一家小网吧。此时,计算机“鬼才”,在读研究生 Tong Nian 为表弟家看管着网吧。单纯软萌的 Tong Nian 对 Han ShangYan 一见钟情。她勇敢,却连他十年前的绯闻女友都不敢细看;她淡然,却因害怕打扰他,连坐在身边偷偷瞄一眼都带着不安;她习惯了大场面,却因他在她微博下的留言而觉得呼吸都要停滞;她接受惯了采访,却在给他打电话时,准备了半天的话题,一个字都想不起来;她那么喜欢他,可是因为觉得对不起,却只能流着泪说分手。就是这样的 Tong Nian ,打动了不近女色,早已波澜不惊的 Han ShangYan ,也在 Han ShangYan 的激励下, Tong Nian 重新加入校队,继续国际计算机学会世界编程大赛的比赛。两人各自投入到了夺取冠军的征程,在不同的领域大放异彩 。

我的 mo geli 男孩 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《我的 Mo GeLi 男孩》剧情介绍:讲述了 Mo GeLi 是在森林里被守林爷爷抚养长大的男孩,从小便与森林中的动物嬉戏成长。身为独立创业女性的凌煕误将 Mo GeLi 带回城市,本想尽快送其回森林,不料因工作室的营销需求不得不留下 Mo GeLi 。 Ling Xi 与 Mo GeLi 住在了同一屋檐下,两人渐渐建立起了不一样的感情, Mo GeLi 作为人类和自然的桥梁,在凌煕的帮助下,逐渐学习与融入到现代社会生活,知道做人的道理;而凌煕在 Mo GeLi 身上学到了大自然的哲学,并加入生态保护行列,拯救环境,两人互相学习,一起成长。 

Mr monster (Movie)[2019]


Ji Mo (Jessie Li) has been regarded as an alien since she was a child because she could see "monsters". It was not until one day that she saw "monsters" again in the supermarket at work and had a magical encounter with "monster hunters" -- Meng Ge (Shawn Yue) that she discovered that "monsters" really existed in the world. Meng Ge luckily solved the monster that appeared in the supermarket, but the process of striking the monster was unfortunately caught by the monitor and out. The two young men were involved in a new storm.

禁锢之地 (Movie)[2019]


影片讲述电视台主持人 Ren ZhiHao 因节目事故跌入低谷,一场火灾事故的幸存者同时也是被指控为杀人案嫌疑人 Wu RuoXin 成为他的事业转折点,在调查中 Ren ZhiHao 发现 Wu RuoXin 曾被 Wei KeDuo 禁锢在康复中心内,为此 Wu RuoXin 想尽办法逃离这座阴森恐怖的囚牢,随着调查的一步步推进, Ren ZhiHao 发现事情背后隐藏着不可告人的秘密,最终一步步揭开事件的真相。


Battle of Memories (Movie)[2017]

Feature: The story took place in 2025 because of the breakup of Zhang Dai Chen's marriage with his wife, Jiang Feng, who went into memory at Master Medical Center for surgery. Unexpectedly, the surgical error memory was erroneously overloaded and he inexplicably turned into a murderer. The chase of Shen HanQiang, a police officer, led him to find out gradually that the wrong memory in his brain was not only the key to solving the crime but also the only hope of redeeming himself. At the same time, Chen ShanShan, a woman who appeared beside her wife, seems to have inextricably linked with the mysterious woman in her memory. A memory brainwashing campaign also started.

Fragrance Jian Yu (TV)[2017]

Feature: "Fragrance Sword Rain" tells the story of all-powerful gods and great powers in vamp arena, means cruel and indulgent teach others massacre others. Knight Lvnan jealous, learned that day to teach friends to attack Ling BeiXiu, rushed to the rescue has failed. Lvnan returned home and found the house was invaded, his wife, Xue RuoBi is also a leader of the Catholic insult. The original day trying to capture the meaning of Lu Lu "fragrance sword" Cheats. Unexpectedly, the sword is actually a fictitious, but Lvnan people so broken home death; Fortunately, seclusion for many years passed the two masters of art, and the establishment of a just help to eliminate the day of war. After Ling BeiXiu was captured, he could not resist the temptation to surrender to the enemy and was ordered to find Lü Nan people alive. During the search, Ling BeiXiu happened to meet her missing wife and daughter, and her family members were called upon to reclaim human nature and secretly help Lv Nan people to deal with the day's controversy. The leader found Ling BeiXiu betrayed, then killed, Ling BeiXiu repent to Lv Nan before death, and confidential teacher revealed - the original God is actually trying to teach Lvnan wife Xue Ruobi. In the face of the old lover, sandwiched between justice and emotion, Lv Nan people still adhere to the big picture, righteousness destroy the pro-Peoples killing, snake scorpion beauty Xue Ruobi also get due retribution, self-defeating effect. The fragrance of sword rain is a costume martial arts play based on the novel of the same name by Cologne. It is jointly produced by Ai Qi Yi and La Feng Feng Media and directed by Hu Ming Kai. Wu Ta-You, Ming Ren, Guang Ze Gao, Xiao Yan, Zhuo Yu Qian, JC Lin, Wang Bo, Yu Yang and Yi Zhang starred together.

Unlawful crime (TV)[2017]

Feature: Yan Liang (Qin Hao), a police officer with a foul gas band, was tentatively assigned to unlock the mystery of the series of murders by the "Snowman" and dig out the truth. In the meantime, Zhu HuiRu (Jia Jia Deng), who took care of his brother Zhu FuLai (Jing Hao), and Guo Yu (Dai Xu), who took part in a whirlpool to save his beloved girl, were involved one after another in successive confrontations , The instinct of survival makes humanity continue to enlarge. Tear off the reality and beat everyone in real life with a whipping of humanity & nbsp;

Shanghai Womens Guide (TV)[2017]

Feature: Adapted from "Tokyo Girls 'Guidebook", "Shanghai Girls' Guide" is starring Toby Lee with Wang Zhen Er and starring Li Xian. Sheng Yuanren plays a role in starring Yuen Weng Hong, Yao Hsuan, Ma Dezhong, Liu Zi and Jin Sha. To magic all Shanghai as the story background, concerned about the growth of women, depicting urban people chasing desire groups.

TheEmpressofChina (TV)[2014]

Feature: In the first year of the Dragon (AD 705), Prince Li Xian forced the palace to be forced by Zhang JianZhi et al. Faced with the dignified Wu Zhou Zetian and the weak Li Xian, Zhang JianZhi felt that the atmosphere of the Tang Dynasty had been exhausted, But did not expect that all this is Wu ZeTian's surprise; so many years, she was waiting for someone to let her rest assured Datang country entrusted, waiting for someone to let her return to the Tang Dynasty, with the With the disappearance of the Great Week Dynasty, the legendary life of the only female emperors in Chinese history was unveiled. Zhenguan eleven years (AD 637), Lee state (now Sichuan Guangyuan) Wushu girl wishful election into the temple of Don. At the time of the first Queen Sun Long bogey days, the court is being ranked "Lan Ling Wang into the song," the dance, Ruyi wonderful dance posture Yan Qunfang, and Taizong Li ShiMin encounter Yu Cheng Qing Temple. This year, Wu Mei Niang is fourteen and Taizong is thirty-nine. On the evening of the festival, Zheng WanYan, a showwife, died in disgrace. All the evidence was satisfactory. She was tortured. She was sent to Yeetun. She met Taizong's eldest mother-in-law, Peng, and Peng because the " And always unwilling to forgive him, the old dead do not want to see each other, and wishfulness has become Taizong and the eldest mother of the emotional bond, the knot knot Taizong, one year expires, wishful was to be released, in the North Korea meeting over and over again Revealed the first color, making Taizong thanks to her name Mei Niang, and seal her as a talented person, Mei Niang temporarily become the target of all the women in the harem of the public, caught in a variety of intrigues intrigues of the court; Crown Prince struggles bloody, Mei Niang unexpectedly being scrolls, Mei Niang and Taizong their love experience from the pressure of "Goddess Wu's" prophecy, Mei Niang to retreat but did not think Li ShiMin crashing away, took away her most passionate love in this life. "Wu Mei Niang legend" ultimate poster hair cut for Nepal's Mei Niang for the abdomen plans to leave the flu Temple, however, the erroneous mistakes back into the palace she actually aborted, all the evidence pointing Wang HuangHou. In order to revenge, Mei Niang went to admire her forever. Li Zhi of Emperor Gaozong, Yong micro for three years (AD 652), Mei Niang was named Zhaoyi, and elaborate revenge finally let Wang HuangHou and Xiao ShuFei make their own living, however, accompanied by Li Zhi experienced brother rebellion, Mei Niang gradually found that Li Zhi gave her home, one she could not bear to leave. Yong micro six years (AD 655), Mei Niang was empress. Mei-niang help Li Zhi Qing gatekeeper strength, Datang increasingly prosperous, and Li Zhi was overwhelmed, the Crown Prince fierce dispute. Yongchun two years (AD 683), Li Zhi Jia collapse, the new imperialist incompetence, the prince Lonely Yehe, Datang country's future, everything will push Mei Yan to the cusp ... ... The first year (AD 690), Wu Mei Niang Dressed in a royal robes, wearing a crown of dynasties, watching the next step in the sky, then known as the Holy Spirit Emperor. Sitting on the throne of the emperor, was worshiped by the common people in the world, overlooking the beings, Wu ZeTian recall all the past, are all eros caused by love without right? One after another loudly shouted Long live sound, so that Wu ZeTian can not see whether he is in so many years of palace tendencies in the lost ...... The first year of the Dragon (705 CE) In November, Wu ZeTian died in Shangyanggong, year eighty-two .Two years of the Dragon (AD 706 years) in May, with the Emperor buried tombs, no monument monument. Country dream, floating a fool, meritorious deeds, any comment on future generations.

中国合伙人 (Movie)[2013]


Cheng DongQing ,农村出身的土鳖,两次高考落败,眼看就要屈服于当农民的命运,他最后一搏,搏命背下整本英文字典,从明眸变成近视眼,第三次试考,考上北大。 Meng XiaoJun ),精英知识分子,强烈自信,内心认定自己永远是最优秀的那个。 Wang Yang ,八十年代的浪漫派,样子俊朗,热爱文学,一生梦想是当个诗人。这样三个各走极端的人,居然就在燕京大学碰上,戏剧性的建立友谊。三子跟八十年代莘莘学子一样,怀抱着一个美国梦。申请签证的结果是:两个成功,一个被拒。土鳖 Cheng DongQing 延续失败的命运,眼看两个好友出国完梦,他失望透顶,他只有留在燕大任教,却又因在外私自授课,被校方发现,央求悔罪仍被除名,毫无余地的成为一个真正“失败者”。美国那边,孟晓峻正要一展抱负,却未料堂堂燕大高材生,在美国根本找不着工作,落得在餐馆当侍应助理的命运; Wang Yang 签证成功,却因一个一见钟情的美国女孩放弃出国,贯彻其浪漫派个性; Cheng DongQing 一无所有,只有偷偷在肯德基办补习班,其独特的自嘲教学法,却渐渐吸引不少学生。这是命运的安排,他从没想过,被拒签这个人生最失败的挫折,亦是成就他人生中最成功的契机。 Cheng DongQing 请 Wang Yang 加入一起办补习班, Cheng DongQing 毋忘 Meng XiaoJun ,让他回国强势加盟,正式开办“新梦想”学校。三人凭借个人魅力,包括 Cheng DongQing 的自嘲式幽默教学法, Meng XiaoJun 的美国经验和签证技巧,以及 Wang Yang 的创新电影教学,让新梦想空前成功。新梦想再扩规模, Cheng DongQing 被媒体和青年塑造成为留学教父,不由自控的散发着一股从土鳖蜕变成领导者的光芒,让 Meng XiaoJun 看不过去,二人渐貌合神离, Wang Yang 左右做人难。 Meng XiaoJun 远走沈阳,三人的友情面临重重考验。然大时代一幕又一幕的挑战,包括1999年南斯拉夫中国大使馆被北约军机轰炸、还有ETS美国普林斯出版社控告新梦想侵犯版权,又把三子再次凝聚起来,共同面对新梦想的困境。


Piao (Movie)[2012]

Feature: "Ticket 2012" tells the story of a touching family story, the hero Jiang wind is a city in Beijing hard-working white-collar workers, his father in the town of a man alone life, Jiang wind bent to figure it out, but the capital's life, work pressure is very Large, busy in the day, Jiang Feng forgot his father. JiangFeng know a girl in the company, two people passionate development, so he decided not to go home New Year. In reading the old books, Jiang Feng found an old movie ticket, evoke his memories of his father, combined with the realization of his father's poor health, feelings of guilt suddenly, then rushed home to visit his father, an apology on his knees ... ... The film was filmed in the coldest winter in Beijing and was hit by heavy snow the day before it was turned on, and the old cinema used to film the memories was not found at this time, but the magic was that on the day of boot, everything was resolved . Cinematography filming scenes of memories, is the last in Beijing to retain the ancient theater, located in the Beijing Military Region General Hospital. When shooting, the theater is ready to be removed, crew members approach, the theater has been put up around the scaffolding, simple shed. After filming, Beijing can no longer find such an old theater, this movie is ...

YuLeShiGeQuan (Movie)[2012]

Feature: The story took place in the most concerned about the entertainment, anonymous singer "" in order to fame at all costs of all the property cast into the record, not only failed, the record company also closed down, in order to save himself When the dream was raised around, the trouble came again, injuring Wang ChunHua who had just arrived. Wang ChunHua To find her boyfriend "Liu KeJi" came to Beijing this place without a kiss, Song Yu's girlfriend Wei watched pitifully took her and got her a job. On the other hand, the famous movie star "Chao Ren" was stabbed and caused an uproar. All media outlets are fighting for news and fighting out of their own secrets. Of course, Lisa Chen, who just came to the new newspaper, is far behind. He tried his best to gather news and happened to know Chao Zhang DaWan, Ren's agent, started an ambiguous relationship. Two irrelevant worlds turned out to be tightly linked by Wang ChunHua's boyfriend Liu KeJi. A dramatic story happened.

Educated youth (TV)[2012]

Feature: The "educated youth" tells the story of a rainy night in the woodland in the northern great wild in 1969. The train laden with knowledgeable young people from major cities across the country. Yang BingKui, head of the birch railway station, looked at a tender and youthful face and preconceived that the arrival of these people would bring about a radical change to the Great Belards & nbsp ;.

Clues (Movie)[2011]

Feature: Zhuang XiaoYa, who is still in her junior year, comes home suddenly. Life-long sanitation workers are about to retire their parents were car collision, admitted to the hospital, poor family Zhuang XiaoYa only drop out of school to supplement the family. High medical costs, the perpetrators escape, can not be verified, lying in the hospital has not woke up Zhuang Mu, so Zhuang XiaoYa such as rock and roll top pressure in all aspects of the wall run out of hopelessness, Xiaoya chose to register as sanitation workers, hard Looking for escape drivers, but also adoptive mother a fair. But was strongly opposed by her boyfriend Dou Ming, after several twists and turns Dou Ming eventually helped Xiao Ya found the runaway killer, but found Xiaoya words and deeds infected her group of buddies - a group of university graduates girls, they want to use the action To help Xiaoya inadvertently, the emergence of a group of beautiful women's sanitation, the city's health has been improved, while their behavior caused great concern to the media in public opinion, a time flies

MingYue (Movie)[2010]

Feature: The early 90s of last century, due to village party secretary's plea, 19-year-old moon in this small village in a contemporary teacher, passed year after year, she gave up the college entrance examination and work outside, and the school children in this village Integration, is a community with a vivid life. Reflected in the early 90s of last century, occurred in the foot of a remote small village behind the story. As a result of living here, teaching conditions are tough, only a female teacher quietly left. The poor family of high school graduates in the village resolutely turned into a temporary substitute teacher. Thanks to her efforts, her teaching environment and conditions have been improved, and she has given up the opportunity to enter the city with the army. However, on the eve of her wedding, her fiancé died in flood fighting. The love for students and the affection for their hometown have firmly determined the moon to take root in the countryside and dedicate themselves to the cause of education, showing a broad-minded vision of aspiring young people.

XiaoChengDaAi (Movie)[2009]

Feature: Based on the true story of Chen Jing, an "angel of love" at Jiangsu University, the film "The Great Love of a Small Town" tells the story of the young people in the 1980s who, in the midst of a crisis of terminally ill illness, love their passion and love for conscience, In the ancient town of Zhenjiang interpretation of a heaven-sent love relief. Chen Jing (王振 饰) and Ding YuLan (叶青 饰) girls studying in the Department of Computer Science at Jiangsu University are very good companions. Ding YuLan unfortunately has leukemia and is unable to pay high medical expenses due to family poverty. Chen Jing Still led her classmates to go to the streets to raise funds for her, but even more unfortunate is Chen Jing himself suffered from the same disease, the affectionate angel suffered deeply touched the people of Zhenjiang, people went to the streets for her fund-raising, set off a Field love relay storm, yellow ribbon like the flag of life flying in the streets of the city ... ... "Little Town Love" is a digital movie, the total station by the Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu University and Beijing Galaxy Star Culture Communication Co-funded filming, Twenty-first Century Campus Digital Cinema Line Assist Distribution. Actor Chen Jing acts as Wang Zhen, the latest actress in "Blue Peacock". Cui Lin starred in the male one, had "seventeen-year-old bike ...

LoveinaFallenCity (TV)[2009]

Feature: In the 1930s, Shanghai, where the ancestors had flourished, the white houses of the Qing Dynasty and the Qing dynasty were decaying over the years, taking pictures of stills and mountains, and their families fell into even daily routines. In order to do a decent wedding, Bai LaoTai to raise money for each room, the third son Bai LiangYue, Lao Si Bai LiangYong two push each other, all sorts of small accounts to care about, Bai LiuSu early touching Warmth of the world. After a failed marriage, she was penniless and cynical in her relatives, looking at the worldly climate. Occasionally met a fanciful bachelor Fan LiuYuan, he took himself as a bet, went to Hong Kong, Fan LiuYuan to win love, to fight for a legal status of marriage. In the Repulse Bay Hotel, Bai LiuSu seems to be defeated. However, when Fan LiuYuan is about to leave Hong Kong, the Japanese started bombing Repulse Bay and Fan LiuYuan turned back to protect Bai LiuSu. At the time of his death, Talent to be true to each other, promise forever.

KongQueLan (TV)[2008]

Feature: "Peacock Blue" is a youth drama to show the style of university students in the new era. The play tells stories of contemporary college students' learning and growth, ideals and struggles, emotions and responsibilities through a lifelong interpretation of the protagonists represented by blue and blue through campus stories that resonate with young people. Its content is healthy, fun, body.

Love in a Fallen City (TV)[1999]

Feature: In the 1930s, Shanghai, where the ancestors had flourished, the white houses of the Qing Dynasty and the Qing dynasty were decaying over the years, taking pictures of stills and mountains, and their families fell into even daily routines. In order to do a decent wedding, Bai LaoTai to raise money for each room, the third son Bai LiangYue, Lao Si Bai LiangYong two push each other, all sorts of small accounts to care about, Bai LiuSu early touching Warmth of the world. After a failed marriage, she was penniless and cynical in her relatives, looking at the worldly climate. Occasionally met a fanciful bachelor Fan LiuYuan, he took himself as a bet, went to Hong Kong, Fan LiuYuan to win love, to fight for a legal status of marriage. In the Repulse Bay Hotel, Bai LiuSu seems to be defeated. However, when Fan LiuYuan is about to leave Hong Kong, the Japanese started bombing Repulse Bay and Fan LiuYuan turned back to protect Bai LiuSu. At the time of his death, Talent to be true to each other, promise forever.

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