
Reckless waste Ji'' Sitar Tan''s album ending ''Men'' chivalrousness, tenderness and tenderness

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Sitar Tan sang " Reckless waste Ji " ending song "Men"

The "Reckless waste Ji" adaptation of Daquan IP novels has been on the air for some time. The play was starred by popular student Hawick Lau . Ou Wang , David Chen , Johnny Zhang , Junfeng Niu , Lee Wei , Yuxi Zhao participated in the performance. For this reason, Reckless waste Ji has exceeded 800 million records and continues to climb. With the further broadcast of the episode, Ji Ning (Hawick Lau) and Yu Wei (Ou Wang) have been framed by Guan Jingzang. Ji Nong (David Chen) joins the gap between Men and the untold waste. The scenes of fabulous drama gradually unfold. This makes the long-lasting battle of wasteland development more exciting and interesting. It makes the audience unable to stop.


Recently, the film party released the end song of "Reckless waste Ji". The title song is called "Men" and it is sang by Sitar Tan and David Chen. The song's lyrics "I live in a city, you are "Men in the city" prolonged the untold misfortunes of the untamed heroes. The lingering lyrics portrayed the emotional world in the play. The careful audience watched the MV and discovered the scene. It unlocked some unknown new plots and foreshadowed the new direction of the story.

Since the launch of "Reckless waste Ji", it has created a unique world outlook of wasteland and distinctive oriental aesthetics, attracting many young audiences to watch. The play is getting better as the special effect is close to the movie level and the actor's superb acting and blessings continue to rise. Up to now, Reckless waste Ji has exceeded 800 million video players. As the story goes deeper and deeper, it has triggered an upsurge of network interaction. Netizens who have played around have played numerous tricks around Reckless waste Ji. Many expressions related to the show swept across various social media - "Jinong style roar", "Winter's chilling refusal", "Muzizai's dumbfoundedness", "Nine Lotus Cry" and many other expressions became Network Hot Men Emoticons. The keywords such as "Brothers working together to fight a wing snake" and "Fangyang people" have also become hot words on the Internet.


In the latest exposure of the “Men” ending song, there are many groups of CPs in the famineless mind. These CPs are inextricably linked with emotions, flashing the emotional moment in the play: there is a vigorous love, and there are also relative tenderness. Ji Ning (Hawick Lau) and Yu Wei (Ou Wang) share the same difficulties and their eyes show deep truth; Ji Nung (David Chen) and Jiu Lin (Yuxi Zhao) are dressed in red wedding dress. Yong; Dong Qi (Johnny Zhang) looks into the sleeping Nanxuan (Ou Wang) with a look of deep love; Junfeng Niu is facing the strong enemy and shows martial arts skills while facing danger; (Lee Wei ornaments) Wings holding the prince of the Treasure of the Moon ( naomi decoration); no man Meng Shui ( Embedded by Mengyao Chen ) quietly leaned back in his sleep. Men Men main winter seven (Johnny Zhang decorated) shoulders.

It is like an old dream, deep and heavy, and the MV screen conveys the sentiments of gallbladder, liver, and nerves, so that the world may be deserted, dreamlike, or real or magical. The netizens who had watched the MV were all moved by it. They really wanted to go through the deserted world and be a knight and swordsman.

Click to view: Reckless waste Ji Plot introduction

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