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Jianjun Tang TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Jianjun Tang Works 17 ,And Comedy 12 ,乡村3 ,Romance 3 ,Countryside 3 ,Feature 2 ,Modern opera 1 ,亲情1 ,Family drama 1 ,Ethical play 1 ,Costume Drama 1 ,破次元时尚喜剧1 ,Modern legend 1 。

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Jianjun Tang Filmography(17)


乡村爱情12 (TV)[2020]


镇里新派来的女村官 Du XiaoShuang 和 Liu YiShui 承担起了建设生态新农庄的重任,二人一路磕磕碰碰,即将修成正果之时 Liu YiShui 却意外查到得了慢性胰腺炎,最终拒绝 Du XiaoShuang 追求独自进了手术室,一水的手术是否顺利,他和 Du XiaoShuang 的结局究竟如何?富二代 Li Cheng 继承公司后续情感线又将走向何处。被挖墙角的大拿狗场又将面临怎样的局面。象牙山F4, Liu Neng 、 Zhao Si 、 Xie GuangKun 、 Wang LaoQi 又将上演什么样的相爱相杀,敬请期待乡村爱情第十二季。


大明风华 (TV)[2019]


明永乐元年,靖难之役,建文帝削发入山,行踪遂成千古之谜。建文旧臣,尽遭屠杀,御史大夫 Jing Qing ,夫妻罹难,长女若微,被 Fu Jiang Sun Yu 所救,次女蔓茵,为太子 Zhu GaoChi 所救。骨肉同胞,一在宫中,一在江湖,同时长大。十年之后,若微图谋刺杀 Zhu Di ,妹妹蔓茵嫁入宫中,若微在刺杀中,遭遇皇太孙 Zhu ZhanJi ,目睹了金陵城波云诡谲的政治叛乱,苍茫暮色中,曲折隐微的帝王心事,国家正在从乱象中恢复,平关外,迁首都,通运河, Zheng He 下西洋,扬威海外,编撰《永乐大典》,盛世将成。最终若微决心放弃个人仇恨,辅佐登上皇位的丈夫,为天下人谋取最大的幸福和安宁,她历经了五帝六朝,以自己的气度和智慧,数度救大明王朝于危难,在历史洪流中,孤身一人,溯流而上,见证了一个伟大时代的诞生 。


Country Love 10 (TV)[2018]

Feature: "Country Love 10" (also known as "Country Love Concerto") is the tenth series of series. A series of comedy series jointly released by Penguin Film and Ben Shan Media jointly directed by Fu Ji and Meng Lingyu, screenwriter Zhang Jiren and edited by Li Haibing. Bibi Zhou, Shufeng He, Xiaoli Wang, Jianjun Tang, Eugenie Liu, Weili Cai, Yuexian Yu, Song XiaoFeng starred in the country and other rural comedy. The play season mainly focuses on the ivory mountain young people's love story begins. Liu Neng and Xie GuangKun join hands to set up the "Council of Oldest Youth Marriage" to make suggestions for solving the problem of single youth in the young age, but making a series of laughter stories. The play premiered on Tencent video on February 5, 2018.

Country love march (TV)[2017]

Feature: Ivory Village's grades are not ideal, Xu secretary is a headache. The villagers learned that Xiang Xiu and Ma Zhong often quarreled that Ma Zhong had bully incense, and that Xu Zhong, a man who had enjoyed great grace, heard the incident and asked the villagers to find Ma Zhong. In the town, Xu thought it was too aggressive. He removed his post and appointed a "First Secretary" to preside over the village. The first secretary arrived, did three things - to re-elect the village director, support the Mongolian bean curd factory benchmark for the village-run enterprises and lead villagers online sales of agricultural and sideline products. But Bigfoot met Huang ShiYou, a foreign doctor who looks like Chang-Gui and pursued it. With the help of the villagers, Fukugan finally agreed to live in Ivory-Shan Village and brought in a handsome girl and a woman The villagers commotion. Xiaoyan pregnant, Dana instigated by the students, the suspicion of the child's life experience, Xiao Yan sad. With the joint efforts of the villagers, Song XiaoFeng became the head of the village and returned the village of Ixiangashan to the outstanding village; Liu Neng and Yutian's e-commerce businesses were in full swing; Yongqiang stood with the help of everyone; Reverted to good; Ivory Hill in a thriving scene to greet the New Year.

Mr. Lingerie (TV)[2017]

Feature: "Underwear," tells the funny double life of a young man named "A Jing." The hero in the dual identities seamlessly switch, hard work, full of "can not do it" spirit of inspiration. In the underwear company, Ah Jing Mo adorable, experience the ups and downs of the workplace newcomers. In the family business, Ajing turned over hegemony president, calm and wise, headed by two veterans, "shrimp soldiers crab will" wits. The alternative wisdom that does not follow the common sense is always able to easily and deeply funny veterans easily Fun, again and again the crisis with unexpected humor to resolve.

槑 head 槑 brain (TV)[2016]

Feature: "Baba Tuan Nao" is a network comedy comedy starring Cheng Af, Huo Yunlong, Donna Mills, and Yan Fei, starring Xiaofeng Song, the village love Bao An captain. "Tuan Tuan Tuan Nao" tells the story of two daunting rural youth, The dream came to the city, with its own dedication and kindness, to influence and help the successful transformation of three young people with personality traits. The story allows you to laugh at the same time, finally let you have a hint of moving.

Countryloveromance (TV)[2015]

Feature: Photograph Wang XiaoMeng (Bibi Zhou) Born twins, Xie GuangKun (Jianjun Tang ornaments) and strive to do a big celebration; Zhao Si (Eugenie Liu ornaments) as Liu YiShui factory vice president, full-time official faction (Liu Xia ornaments) to lay off, Song XiaoFeng (Song XiaoFeng ornaments) came up with the Song Qinglian broke up to attract sympathy for the strange move ; Xie DaJiao (Yuexian Yu) as Wang XiangXiu's stepmother, has been concerned about her married life, unwilling to divorce her and Li DaGuo; Wang DaNa (Zhao Benshan ornaments) home ushered in Yang XiaoYan (Tingna Guan decorated ), "Wang Ge", Wang MuSheng also wants to develop real estate; there are the ruptures of Wang TianLai (Xiaoshenyang) and Li QiuGe, the compilation of Su YuHong and trabeculae, the labyrinth of Xiao Zhang and the business of Liu YiShui.

veteran (TV)[2014]

Feature: The "veteran" tells the story of Zhang XiangBei, a veteran who returned to the northeast homeland after the war of resistance against Japan and originally thought that he could live a peaceful and happy life. However, bureaucratic corruption at that time left his good wishes gone. Zhang XiangBei's father, Zhang YuanTang, The delivery of supplies was framed by Yang ShiLiang, a police chief, as a traitor to the Japanese soldier. Zhang XiangBei ran around without any result and his family business was looted. Jin ZhuanYun, chairman of the Liao Dynasty Chamber of Commerce, returned to Liao City. He was a man of integrity and was well-known in Liao City. Jin ZhuanYun tried to rescue Zhang YuanTang, but Zhang YuanTang died in prison because of several unsuccessful attempts by Yang ShiLiang. Zhang XiangBei eager to avenge his father. Jin ZhuanYun saw Zhang XiangBei's courage and resistance, actively guiding him and secretly giving his support. Zhang XiangBei fell in love with Yang Shih Liang's daughter Yang Huan, but was imprisoned with Yang Huan's Liao Cheng police inspector Yan HongSen design jail. Jin ZhuanYun took Zhang XiangBei with thousands of dangers to find an arsenal of arms hidden by the Japanese army and found a great deal of arms to be handed to me for their contributions to the War of Liberation. Liberated Liao City, Jin ZhuanYun cleared the traitor for Zhang XiangBei's father and led him to join the revolutionary ranks.

Country Love Waltz (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Country Love Waltz" also known as "Country Love Series seventh" tells the feelings of Xie YongQiang and Wang XiaoMeng gradual stability, but they have been infertile Xie GuangKun became the hearts of the top priority, the family meeting decided to discuss the small Montgomery to the city to check, to conceive pregnant, not to adopt one. Cuddly children will not recognize the father and mother, made Xie Xie embarrassing exception. Coincidentally, Zhao Si's heart meat Zhao Lanni lost by Liu YingNiang, Liu Neng suspected Xie GuangKun dry, the three families can not help but make a scene. Xie DaJiao was so enthusiastic for a while to persuade Xiangxiu to have children and help Song QingLian to say that Song FuGui readily agreed but did not expect the man to be the security captain. Wang MuSheng, son of Wang DaNa, came back and proposed to take over the residence of Liu DaNaoDai. Wang DaNa did not know what to do for a while. "Country Love Waltz" will continue along the witty, humorous, relaxed, natural light comedy features, with real, true performance of those involved in the ivory village about the minor matters, parents in the short, grace and grudge, right and wrong. Based on the original success of the basic conflict and character, the play will continue to tell stories about love, marriage, and career.

Village of love. (TV)[2013]

Feature: Village Love Variations The stills Liu Neng (Xiaoli Wang ornaments), Zhao Si, Chang Gui, Xie GuangKun, Wang LaoQi These benefactors in the land of "capable" after the success of the third generation, but also because of face, comparisons , Stingy, a lot of people have a lot of stories; those young people who do not let father and mother worry Wang XiaoMeng (Bibi Zhou ornaments), Xie YongQiang (Shufeng He ornaments), Liu Ying, Zhao YuTian, ​​Wang TianLai (Xiaoshenyang ornaments), Su YuHong The cause has become bigger and bigger, but contradictions still exist such as love, marriage, baby birth, etc., which make the audience ridiculous; remarried Xie DaJiao and Wang Yun have to confront the "crisis of marriage." The Ivory Villa of Liu DaNaoDai has once again expanded its scale and Put Wang DaNa (Zhao Benshan ornaments) out of the crowd, Wang DaNa thought a lot of interesting ways, all kinds of stories staged every day.

CountryLoveStory (TV)[2012]

Feature: The village opened a bank, the villagers handling deposit and withdrawal and other related business also made a lot of jokes. As one of the important scenes of the show, the audience familiar with the "Bigfoot Supermarket" has undergone new changes after it was repainted. From the first two small tile-roofed houses to six-room houses, the supermarkets' brand-name plaques have also been renewed. In addition, the dress and dress of several major figures are gradually moving closer to the city people and new changes have been shown in rural areas.

Not a matter of money (TV)[2012]

Feature: Exclusive Stills - Under the background of deepening the reform of the cultural system, the ambassador for China in the Grand Bar, Yinling Folk Art Troupe, has also entered the track of the restructuring of enterprises. In this small art troupe in Northeast China, Acrobatic, because the program a single box office is not ideal, the troupe from business units into enterprises, members of the heart also undergoing tremendous changes. Captain You RenYou with seven or eight team members, in order to adapt to the trend of reform to keep the performance team, to overcome one by one from the unit, family, market and other aspects of the difficulties, the successful completion of the "system by eating" to "market by the market" Great change.

Country love (TV)[2006]

Feature: Xie YongQiang, a graduate from Normal University, and Wang XiaoMeng, a young girl from the same village, had a sincere love during school. Xie GuangKun, the father of Xie YongQiang, always wanted his son to excel and heard his son strongly opposed to Wang XiaoMeng and personally found Wang XiaoMeng's father, Wang LaoQi intervenes in the marriage. Wang LaoQi, who has always been concerned about the rise of Wang XiaoMeng, also expressed his aura: Wang XiaoMeng is married and will not marry Xie YongQiang. Xie YongQiang and Wang XiaoMeng love suddenly entered a dangerous situation. Xiang Xiu, the daughter of the village chief, has always been loving Xie YongQiang and has more illusions about the future work of Xie YongQiang. Chang Gui, the daughter of Xiang Xiu, personally finds the head of the township and Qi SanTai, the uncle of Xie YongQiang As a media. Xie family has been pinning hopes on finding work in Qi SanTai, Xiang Xiu's participation in the Xie family caused a wave. In order to Xie YongQiang's work, Wang XiaoMeng persuaded Xie YongQiang seemingly agreed to Xiang Xiu's marriage on the surface. Xie GuangKun Trick or treat really, conceal the sea, even step by step to force Xiang Xiu Xie YongQiang side. After a series of vicissitudes, Wang XiaoMeng also saw that there was a certain distance between him and college student Xie YongQiang. She re-examined her relationship with Yongqiang. In the meantime, Wang XiaoMeng invited neighbor Zhao YuTian to the city to sell his grain, unexpectedly a car accident. Zhao YuTian's leg was unfortunately injured. Zhao YuTian Future father-in-law Liu Neng worried Yutian's leg was a big problem. He commissioned Xie DaJiao to go to the hospital to find out about the actual situation. Xie DaJiao looked away and told Liu Neng that Yu Tian might be disabled. Liu Neng forcibly returned her daughter Liu Ying and Yu Tian's marriage. Xie YongQiang in Xiangxiu Yang and Xiang Xiu set a kiss. Liu YiShui, the head of the village farms, started Wang XiaoMeng, who secretly pursued the pain. Wang XiaoMeng indifferent, Xie XiaoMei, a city girl who resigned to work on the farm for Liu YiShui, could not help secretly hurt. Zhao YuTian's leg intact, Liu Neng sorry. Liu Ying went to Yutian to visit Yutian, but Yutian proposed to apologize to Liu Neng. Liu Neng refused to give his face due to face, but hope that Zhao Zhaoqiu him. Zhao, Liu two psychological warfare started. Wang LaoQi has been apologized to Yutian's parents, find the matchmaker Xie DaJiao asked him to put the marriage to Yutian, Liu Neng know his daughter Liu Ying and Yutian is the right pair, I heard this, very anxious, begging Xie DaJiao do not do Speaking to Yutian, Xie DaJiao feels "see-through" and can not help but Liu Neng secretly help him. Yu Tian phase several pro, all ended in failure. Yutian family are very sad. Wang LaoQi position in frustration, if Yutian could not find a wife, Wang XiaoMeng married Yutian. Yutian in order to get a small Mongolian even installed a lame. Was exposed by Liu YiShui. Xie YongQiang finally did not point to the city, but inexplicably assigned to the village as a primary school teacher, a huge loss Xie YongQiang can not lift his head, always want to be the city's Xiang Xiu regret, resulting in the idea of ​​de-marriage. Long afraid of mayor Qi SanTai angry, let Xiang Xiu persist for some time. Xiang Xiu, however, had a positive feeling about Li DaGuo, the driver of the farm, alienating Xie YongQiang. At this time, Xie GuangKun saw the loveliness of Wang XiaoMeng and embarked on the road to seek help from Wang LaoQi's family. But was rejected by Wang LaoQi.Village Love will continue to follow true, humorous, relaxed and natural light comedy features and tell stories of what happened in the village of Ivory Shan with true and true performance. Liu Neng, Zhao Si, Chang Gui, Xie GuangKun, Wang LaoQi After these third generations of successful people, the "capable people" in these landowners drew a lot of stories because of their face, comparisons and stinginess. Young people who do not let their father and mother worry about peace. Xiaoqing Wang, Liu Ying, Zhao YuTian, ​​Wang Tianlai and Su Yuhong have become larger and larger. Several couples in the village are making trouble for themselves Another person to chaos. Chang Daoguang Wang DaNa, originally known on the reservoir site, became a well-known wealthy man in the village. Chang Gui wants to introduce Wang XiaoMeng to Wang MuSheng, Wang DaNa's son, but did not expect to find himself a rival - Wang DaNa fanned Xie DaJiao. Although Wang DaNa is rich, she has not been able to get married successfully and has not found a suitable person. Wang MuSheng, son of Wang DaNa, is over 30 years old and a bachelor. His mouth is not very good, speak a little air leakage, relative to the time to speak on the exposed stuffing. Wang Ye and Madame Wang DaNa would like to have Xie DaJiao even having a meal without going to bed. The emergence of these two gods, to the otherwise not very quiet mountain village has set off a burst of waves. Xie DaJiao Shouted out Liu Neng's destruction of Yu Tian's marriage to protect Wang XiaoMeng. Yutian suddenly realized, take the initiative to find Liu Ying and Liu Ying and good. Xie DaJiao decided to divorce and marry him, but the eldest son of Qi SanTai, the mayor of the town at a crucial time, took a fancy on him and he was afraid hesitant to influence the transfer of work. Xie DaJiao gave a cell phone to his unwed Wang DaNa in a huff, and Chang Gui had to make a painful decision. Xie YongQiang calculated a blackboard: 3 +2 = Wang XiaoMeng math problems, teachers and students were ridiculed, Xie YongQiang left the school in a fury, a mind at home to learn to test a county cadres, However, I have not seen the admission notice yet. Xie YongQiang painful, painful, Xie YongQiang become a reality, he decided to start from scratch, to play a learned specialty, developed a barren hills, planted fruit trees. Down-to-earth Xie YongQiang enabled Wang XiaoMeng to find out what they felt when they first fell in love and reapply him. Wang XiaoMeng also helped him to open up the barren hills. When the fruit base of Xie YongQiang started to take shape, the admission notice suddenly appeared in the county. In the face of a large fruit trees, in the face of his hard-won love with Wang XiaoMeng, Xie YongQiang will go from here ...... Country love

mad as bad 3 (TV)[2006]

Feature: Ma DaShuai has been in the city for the third year. He has undergone a fateful ups and downs of fate. What about Ma DaShuai 3? Anyway, the school is gone, when the principal is not, the only remaining curled up in the corner to do a Hu eat sea, proud hometown dream. In real life, Ma DaShuai, a dangerous Spider-Man without any knowledge of Yufen, smashed the glass with too much pressure and alerted the boss and Xiaomi. Naturally, this dangerous errand was also lost. Yu Fen in order to reduce the burden on her husband also found a job in the cold drinks factory, but met a contented and crush her colleague Xiao Tang. And another hero Fan DeBiao, also found a "guide" of "legitimate" business life - in fact, to the small clinic as a medical care. Of course, this kind of "legitimate" business life certainly will not last long. In short, our old friends Lao Ma and Lao Fan did not have less frustration during the year. Three hundred and sixty-five lines can not be said to be all or almost half done. Farmers in the city is not easy to mix! The key is not so easy, but also always pop-up some city people, fellow constantly keep adding them, as a result, the two protagonists are not on the wall is the ditch, joys and sorrows, ups and downs, heaven and earth, suddenly cold Heat, a slip away enough, okay no white noise, experienced many let them understand: the leaves must be at the root. "Ma DaShuai 3" stills

mad as bad (TV)[2004]

Feature: "Ma DaShuai" is a series of TV series featuring Zhao Benshan's second peasant theme. The play is divided into three parts. The first "Ma DaShuai" was aired in 2004. The second "Ma DaShuai 2" aired in 2005. The third "Ma DaShuai 3" was released in 2006. The play reflects the peasant life from the countryside to the bottom of the city. Is a comedy with tears.

l IU Lao gen 2 (TV)[2003]

Feature: Through the painstaking efforts of Liu LaoGen and his son Da Kui and others, "Longquan Villa" finally has the size of "Liu LaoGen 2" stills. However, lack of funds has become a top priority. He then went to find Han Bing, the chairman of the board, with Han Bing's support. The old roots that are happy are also screened and evaluated for some newly introduced projects. Decided to re-Villa for some modern decoration. However, the prosperous Longquan Villa was developed in a difficult way and was fooled away by a liar for 30 million yuan for the development of the Villa. The booming villa suddenly faced bankruptcy, but at this time some of the villagers Feng Yuan et al at the behest of the opportunity to make trouble, have called for the withdrawal of shares. Useless day time, all the guests in the villa gone, and the villagers also took advantage of the trend went to Longquan Villa opposite the Phoenix dance village. The tree was tumbled, some shareholders gave the old root again, and the window on the door of the villa was covered with seals. The villa was full of armed police and saw the villa became so desolate that it experienced rough bumpy Liu Sitting in front of the Villa, LaoGen looked dull and was "insane" by these puzzled and unstoppable things. Mentally rooted roots under the arrangements of their sons, they returned to the original hut. Liu Xiang and Liu LaoGen bitter love 20 years of Ding tears burst under the guard day and night in the old roots. Looked like the root pain, Ding Xiang regretted why they have to leave their roots. "See the truth in adversity," Ding Xiang will discuss his own thoughts with several friends, and finally resolutely decided to marry the unregenerate life can not take care of their roots. And since Yao XiaZi became "mentally handicapped" at Pheuhao Villa after he "mutinied", he was all stained with food and drink. After coming back to the big city for a while, he also learned that rich people in the city had "got a mistress." May not be long, not how long it was Da LaJiao to know this, find Yao XiaZi is a meal, cried to death, but just tasted the sweetness of Yao XiaZi is "the prodigal son does not look back," this Really hurt Da LaJiao's heart. So Da LaJiao also went into the city. Through an acquaintance introduced to acquaintances a cadre of a widowed wife in the county, one after another to go there, really have a lot of feelings, so things have become. Yao XiaZi, a bittersweet man, smashed the room of a medic in her anger and drove out "mistresses". She closed her door and made up her mind to make peace with Da LaJiao. Da LaJiao also saw her husband's painful appearance and voluntarily admitted My own fault, so Yao XiaZi talent.Just as Laogen went abroad to cure the disease, Lao Xia Zhai "came out of the wall." Yao XiaZi also repents of her own loss of conscience and vowed to study painstakingly. She must have come up with a medicine that is pushed to the whole country and to the world, and Yao XiaZi not out the door, get in and out, day and night studying, he did not study how to cure the root of medicine, pondering out of a sexual medicine, what is called "ants vigorously pill", this medicine not only has no side effects, But also on the human body has ancillary effects, which came next Yao XiaZi another fire, many drug companies have come to Yao XiaZi signed a contract, but this time Yao XiaZi really have to be good people, he knew the way to apply for a patent , While examining the true intentions of these drug dealers, is not in a hurry to ask for money. And everything is up to date with Da LaJiao. And talk to Da Kui, the oldest son of Laogen, about how to buy back an already-auctioned Villa. Da Kui's daughter-in-law is also used to persuade Da Kui to support Da Kui. Da Kui listens to some of Yao XiaZi's ideas, sells the original company and secretly returns Longquan Villa, where Yao XiaZi really played Not a small role. Yao XiaZi got better decided to take up the manager of the Hill Medicated Department, waiting for the cure of the root of the root back Villa Resort, Longquan Villa won. As the saying goes "three bad things," Feng Yuan Liu Liu framed Liu LaoGen under the vigorous detection of the public security department finally revealed the slightest, all of a sudden scared admitted to the hospital, and Hu Ke grow together to lie to the roots of money were also caught Come back, the money chase back, so Fung Villa resorted to a lawsuit, the court sentenced Phoenix Resort Villa Longquan 2 million, but the Fung Wu did not have money, after a lot of hard work, and finally decided to "Fung Mo" mortgage To "Longquan", "Fung Mo" finally "Longquan" merged to form a "Dragon Fung Group."

Liu lao gen (TV)[2002]

Feature: After two years living in the provincial capital, Liu LaoGen, an old peasant in the Changbai Mountains of northeast China, returned to his hometown with simple thoughts and thoughts of "not old age and wanting to do something" and started a peasant resort with natural tourism resources. In the process of starting a business, Liu LaoGen constantly encounters unimaginable hardships, ideological shocks, emotional shocks and inner conflicts, making this visitor who used to seeing the big scenes have to reexamine themselves again and again. At the same time, the concept of advance did not hinder Liu LaoGen maintain deep-rooted habits of peasants, he smokes to tear the filter, the shirt in the suit is always scattered in the pants outside, the foot of the shoe has always been unable to replace the used round mouth cloth shoes, All of these are contradictory and harmoniously coexisting with him.

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