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Shi Liang TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Shi Liang Works 25 ,And Feature 7 ,Crime 4 ,Romance 4 ,Suspense 3 ,Comedy 3 ,轻喜2 ,Love 2 ,War 2 ,Republic of China 1 ,Solve crimes 1 ,视效1 ,Disaster 1 ,Action 1 ,Spy war 1 ,近代革命1 ,Military 1 ,抗战1 ,公安1 ,Anti-corruption 1 ,涉案1 ,Ancient legend 1 ,Urban drama 1 ,Modern city 1 ,Costume Drama 1 ,Family drama 1 ,Sci-Fi 1 ,Historical play 1 。

Works Index

Shi Liang Filmography(25)


狼殿下 (TV)[2020]


《狼殿下》讲述了唐朝末年,梁王 Zhu Wen 篡位称帝,建立后梁。后梁奎州城主马瑛之女 Ma ZhaiXing ( Qin Li 饰),结识了自小生长于山林间的野少狼殿下年( Darren Wang 饰)。不谙世事的野少年为救幼狼遭到追杀,失足坠崖,被 Zhu Wen 收为义子,封为渤王。十年后,渤王偶遇并救了摘星。他心动于摘星的聪慧与勇敢,摘星也发现,出身草根的渤王虽然已经身居高位却依然保有着天性中的善良和正义感。在摘星的感化和支持下,渤王反对苛政、扶助百姓、匡扶正义、阻止兄弟相争,在这个过程中两人的感情也在不断加深。虽然此后也有过争执和误会,但是二人始终怀揣良善之心,坦诚相待,不离不弃。在历经重重磨难和考验之后,渤王和摘星秉持善良和正义战胜了各种危机与挑战,最终也收获了属于自己的幸福 。

民国奇探 (TV)[2020]


民国十四年以后,从英国留学归来的纨绔公子路垚凭借其超高智商和推理能力,被身手不凡的巡捕房探长乔楚生邀请做探案顾问,之后二人又携手正义感爆棚的女记者白幼宁组成侦探小分队,侦破了一个个看似诡谲蹊跷的命案,性格迥异的三人在乱世中坚守着正义,维系社会安定的传奇 。


上海堡垒 (Movie)[2019]


《上海堡垒》的故事发生在,外星黑暗势力突袭地球,企图夺取人类赖以生存的能源宝藏,能源所在的地球重镇依次遭到重创。国家的边界被打破,各国精英组建联合军队,人类团结一致抵抗外星侵略者,在所剩无几的能源城市建立名为“泡防御”的能量堡垒以抵御外星人的进攻。随着纽约、东京、新德里等堡垒城市的纷纷陷落,上海,成为了人类最后的希望。大学生 Jiang Yang ( 饰)追随女指挥官( 饰)进入了上海堡垒成为一名指挥员。外星势力不断发动猛烈袭击, Lin Lan 受命保护击退外星人的秘密武器, Jiang Yang 和几个好友所在的“灰鹰小队”则要迎战外星侵略者,保卫人类的终极一战在上海打响……影片由 Lu Han 和 Shu Qi 两大超人气演员领衔主演,这也是两人的首度合作,并且将会挑战“科幻+战争”这个两人从未涉足的全新题材。 Lu Han 饰演的指挥员 Jiang Yang 曾是一名懵懂的大学生,在经历了外星文明的入侵、战争炮火的洗礼之后,最终成长蜕变为一名少年英雄。 Shu Qi 饰演的 Lin Lan 则出生在军人家庭,已经担任军队指挥官的她性格独立而坚韧,在保卫上海、抵御外星人的对抗中,将与 Jiang Yang 并肩作战。

天·火 (Movie)[2019]


天火岛美得如同世外桃源,几乎让人忘记它位于“Ring of Fire”——全球知名的环太平洋火山带。年轻的地质学家 Li XiaoMeng 为了研发首个火山监测系统“朱雀”,带着团队来到了这里。 Li XiaoMeng 的父亲、隐退多年的火山专家 Li WenTao 得知后赶到火山口,力图劝说她离开。与此同时,探险专家 Zheng Nan 在美轮美奂的水下溶洞潜水,准备给女友 Jia Hui 一个浪漫的求婚。火山喷发了,这些人的命运纠结在一起。为了看见明天的太阳,他们必须与过去和解,合力为自己也为众生在绝境中寻找一条生路。 这是一个关于爱与勇气、选择与放弃、自救与他救的中国式英雄的故事。


Peoples Army soldiers (TV)[2018]

Feature: After the Lugouqiao Incident was described, "The People's Army Soldiers" made the Japanese invasion of Hebei. Under the leadership of the party, Liu JiWen, a farmer's younger brother in Pishan County, Hebei Province, unite with Pingshan children and form the poster 359 Lopingshan Group of the 120th Eighth Route Army in the Eighth Route Army. They went to the anti-Japanese front line. Since then, in the bloody battles with Japan and the Puppet, Pingshan Mission repeatedly made meritorious service, and gradually grow into the main force of the Eighth Route Army. Jin Cha Ji commander Nie RongZhen praised Pingshan regiment as "soldiers on the Taihang Mountains iron." Later, Pingshanuan with 359 Brigade back to defense of northern Shaanxi, led by Brigadier-General Wang Zhen, stationed in Nanniwan, carried out a vigorous mass production campaign, effectively supporting the border war zone. On the eve of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Liu JiWen has grown to be the company commander. At this moment, the 359 Brigade also ordered the Central Committee to form a detachment southward and successively experienced the Southern Expedition and the Northern Expedition, hovering at the edge of life and death for several times. Under the leadership of Liu JiWen, a detachment of the South Detachment has undergone various difficulties and difficulties and finally completed its mission and returned to Yan'an.

Orange Street stock men (TV)[2017]

Feature: Stills Residential neighborhood Orange Street Li's family, Li Grandpa, father, mother for the family's four sons Li DaHuo, Li ErHuo, Li SanHuo, Li SiHuo growth, exhausted heart. Li DaHuo is the eldest left male, finally found his favorite woman Yao AnNa, but facing the problem of unable to bear children; Li ErHuo woman is very good, but do not know how to cherish the existing happiness, lost his real favorite woman Can not find it back; Li SanHuo clumsy, repeatedly offended He BingBing; Li SiHuo college entrance examination failed but baffling to help the teacher raising children warm. Grandpa, father and mother use different methods to influence and help them face all the tests they have given in life, but their work and marriage still remain puzzling questions. Orange Street Li, Li DaHuo hunger strike to his mother said he was going to marry Yao AnNa determination, the final Zhao FengYing could not bear to watch her son hungry was forced to surrender. Encouraged by his father, Li Shengli, Li ErHuo cheer up and restart his life, but unexpectedly met Jiang XiLe, who once disappeared into the sea. Regardless of how Jiang XiLe evaded refusal, Li ErHuo always gave up and finally won back the love of Jiang XiLe again. Li SanHuo gave her a warm companionship while He BingBing was the most frustrated, and two happy lovers married at the fastest speed. Li SiHuo was inspired by the warmth of taking care of the warmth and was eventually admitted to the ideal art school and became a good friend with her warm mother. Four young boys have finally gained their own happiness.

Jiangcheng police (TV)[2017]

Feature: The protagonist Yang Xian looks plain, loves to mouth, busy all day long in the community parents short trivial, but he has endless enthusiasm, with endless wisdom. The story focuses on Yang Xian's true nature as he addresses one problem, how he feels as much about the relationship between fish and water as ordinary residents and his choice between love and law dilemmas. The story also mentions a life and death struggle for entrepreneurs, while fierce competition around the capital and the market, they also do not lose their sense of responsibility of the tragic story, but also tells a few pairs of young lovers, in their respective On the emotional road, life, career, love, marriage feelings and comprehension. This story, and everyone around what happened or experienced things, there is not much difference, perhaps the audience's own story & nbsp ;.

Peoples Prosecutor (TV)[2016]

Feature: Fang DaQing, deputy director of Anti-Corruption Bureau of the Second Branch of Yandu City People's Procuratorate and Xia JingRu, director of Public Prosecution Division led Chen Young, Yu YueLong and Zhou WenWen, young public prosecutors, in the course of handling the case and experienced the realities of love, income and housing Problems that have endured the sharpening of life to them. In handling the case of Li Rui-Jun murder, Xia JingRu and Chen Chen found many doubts. In the end, the prosecution released Wang Shun, the "murderer" who had served his sentence for 18 years, while Li RuiJun, the real murderer, was sentenced to death in first instance. In the "Fox Hunting 2014" special campaign, Fang Xia and others set up a task force that found Jin MingShan, chairman of YanDuYuTian Group, in charge of Liu HaiYong's crime and Jin MingShan set up obstacles to the task force. When Jin MingShan, the uncle who knew herself as a biological daughter, was the head of the case, Xia JingRu chose to bring it to justice.

XingFuQingNiDengDengWo (TV)[2014]

Feature: Publicity According to Wang CaiHong, a capable barber shop owner, she lives thrifty on weekdays, plan carefully. Originally living in accordance with her track orbit design smooth, do not want to, her husband suddenly disappeared into the rainbow into endless panic and confusion. Niu YiYi, a capable company white-collar worker, married Wang CaiHong's brother Wang ChaoHui and resided at the door of Wang CaiHong before divorcing Wang Zhaohui. After the divorce, Wang CaiHong and Niu YiYi continue to live in the door, do not want to deal with are immune, not to mention they also have their own troubles and troubles, involuntarily, two different personality women had to start mutual support and mutual assistance Life, face the difficulties of life together. The experience of the past so that they find that love and marriage how important to them, so they decided to rekindling their heads, starting again, looking for a happy life, a beautiful love and marriage. Those who sincerely treat life must be blessed. After multiple sharpening, Wang CaiHong finally got the return of life, the kind of real life and sincere love. Finally Niu YiYi also increased her experience of this period of life, found her own flaw, she with a new look and body and mind, pack up, set foot on the road to happiness. The above information source

Gui Lin battle (TV)[2012]

Feature: "Guilin Campaign" tells the story of Japan's flagrant war on Henan and Guangxi in 1944, which has endangered the security of Chongqing and southwestern China. Guilin operation of the national army, deputy chief of staff of the Chinese Revolutionary Army Du ZhangGuan called cadres to deploy United States special envoy Wallace to Guilin to discuss the Sino-US joint operations cooperation program security film battle Guilin actor photos security work, Colonel intelligence officer Li MingJiang Envoy in Gui's security. At the same time that Li MingJiang was concentrating on all the security arrangements, Qing Shan DaZuo, the 11th Japanese special force in Changsha, was assassinating Wallace. He woke up the "cold front" of Japan's special highsteacher lurking in Guilin for many years and sent Yu Tian, ​​a middle leader of Guinness to cooperate with the "Cold Front" action. A tragic and solemn anti-special struggle was launched on the land of Guilin. The peak match of the wise fight makes clapping cheer, soul-stirring heroic admiration. At the same time, between several protagonists blood thicker than the water of the family game; is a killer or lover, is a spy or lover of the heart of love; country hatred before the enemy's tough choices, everyone's story is deduced tangled Love and hate Purely touching love, flesh-and-blood relatives, friendship and dependency, hypocritical cruel temptation, falling mystery love, perseverance of the contest, a few emotional main line in the brutal context of the war added some tenderness and human feelings. Beautiful Guilin, the best of all world, once in the fire of war was how pirates into human hell? The people in the war and their interpretation of what kind of polygamy? Take you back to the smoke filled the war of resistance against Japan, recalling the years of history in the history of the Chinese children have experienced the towering years. The play to Guilin War of Resistance Against Japan during the War of Resistance Against Japan as the story background, fully demonstrated the all-cause resistance contest. Meng Xing played a role as a U.S. military officer, he was assigned to China, responsible for training special operations team members. Jie Ke on the requirements of the special forces team is very strict, he adopted the devil-style training to strengthen the physical fitness of players. On the battlefield, MENG XING fell in love with a beautiful Chinese girl, Miao Xuan, but the other side seemed to have had a long history of belonging. Therefore, although MENG XING's courtship was bold and straightforward, it was still declined. Sixty-seven years ago, in the same cold winter wind, a tragic and heavy battle was staged inside and outside Guilin. The Chinese defenders and Guilin people alone fought valiantly to fight the invading Japanese troops and started the "cowardly Japanese" campaign "Guilin defend the war." Today, this epic battle is about to reproduce the screen, the battle of the top match-ups of the wise clap makes clapping, indolent heroic admiration.

TheRoadOfExploring (Movie)[2011]

Feature: In 1918, the Chinese warlord separatism, chaotic clusters. Mao ZeDong, Xiao ZiSheng, Cai HeSen and a group of passionate Hunan youths came to Beijing with the ideal of saving the country and the people and preparing for going to work-study programs in France. Under the introduction of teacher Yang ChangJi, Mao ZeDong served as a temporary assistant manager at Peking University Library. Here he got acquainted with Li DaZhao, Chen DuXiu and others who are the centerpiece of the new cultural movement. For the first time, they came into contact with Marxism. Soon, His thoughts have entered a vast new world. In the northern winter, he and Yang KaiJi daughter Yang KaiHui heart, a pure and beautiful love quietly germination. Mao ZeDong gave up studying in France and said he wants to stay and study "China's problems." Returning to Changsha, Mao Zedong established his "Xiangjiang Review" with the support of the Xinmin Society and formed a massive patriotic movement in the wake of the May Fourth Movement and the alliance of all circles in Hunan. Mao ZeDong supported the Beijing Students Movement. Zhang Jingyao, governor of Hunan Province, turned his back and used violence to suppress the patriotic people. Mao ZeDong and other members of the Xinmin Society have liaised with members of all sectors of society and openly displayed the banner of "drive for expansion." Although the campaign of "expelling tension" has achieved a formal victory, it can not be fundamentally changed because there is no realistic solution to the reality of military corruption and bureaucratic confusion under the dictatorship and autocratic regime. Even if "Hunan Autonomy" is proposed, status quo. What is an effective way to save the country and save the people? Mao ZeDong is thinking hard. Reformism, anarchism, Marxism and various currents of thought confront members of the Xinmin Society, and their members have also gradually developed their own ideological fission. Finally, Tao SiYong, who advocated for education and saving the nation, chose to leave. Xiao Zisheng, who came back from France, became more faithful in anarchism. The radical Peng Huang ran into trouble. Mao ZeDong and He ShuHeng decided to embark on a journey to Shanghai to attend the "big one" of the CCP. . They are like the water of the Xiangjiang River billowing northward, bringing in the vast stream of history.

OutofControl (Movie)[2010]

Feature: Fall in love with the couple, dependent brother, born and die friends, everyone in the calm appearance, are hidden with the maddening secrets. A rainy night, an accidental change in the fate of all the characters in the play, so their lives have been irrevocably changed. The story of the male protagonist "cat" to find the father of the main line, in the process of tracking down, suffered a series of incredible events, cats like falling into a foggy nightmare, he can find out the truth? Film fusion of suspense, reasoning, homicide, car chase, fighting, erotic and other multiple elements, one after another unexpected, pulling out one by one can not tell the secret of life will be brought into the irreversible puzzle ... out of control!

LosingControl (Movie)[2010]

Feature: Fall in love with the couple, dependent brother, born and die friends, everyone in the calm appearance, are hidden with the maddening secrets. A rainy night, an accidental change in the fate of all the characters in the play, so their lives have been irrevocably changed. The story of the male protagonist "cat" to find the father of the main line, in the process of tracking down, suffered a series of incredible events, cats like falling into a foggy nightmare, he can find out the truth? Film fusion of suspense, reasoning, homicide, car chase, fighting, erotic and other multiple elements, one after another unexpected, pulling out one by one can not tell the secret of life will be brought into the irreversible puzzle ... out of control!

Road to heaven (TV)[2010]

Feature: "The Path to the Sky" tells the story of Lin KeNan (Shi Liang) was originally a tank division chief of staff, suddenly transferred from a promising professional soldier to a local commander of the Jingjin Gang military sub-district, so he was greatly surprised because his ideal was As a general, new appointments mean that the general's dream is farther and farther away from him. In the work of Golden Harbor and let him involved in more complex relationships, he began to step by step into the whirlpool of serious contradictions between emotion and justice. The highly individual soldier, who upholds justice, pursues his ideal, and possesses wit in his work, always holds ordinary people in his heart. Ren BenShan (Cao Li ornaments) sentence: "You have the ability to take off your uniform to try to place" accelerated his conversion. Lin KeNan, the deputy director of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission after he switched to employment, first faced the problem of pollution of the chemical industry by his biological father and sister Liang Li and later the conflict between the restructuring of state-owned enterprises and the interests of their own families. Facing the ideal and the reality, And the resulting conflict between family, friends, superiors and subordinates, Lin KeNan painful decision. Ren BenShan, acting mayor of Jinang City, suffered resistance from all sides during a series of reform measures implemented in Jinang City. At the same time, when the state-owned Hongxing Chemical Plant faced a reorganization of assets, Nan Ni (Wang Jing), a former classmate and first love lover who had almost forgotten him, appeared not only to use Ren BenShan to participate in the Red Star Chemical plant restructuring, but also greater ambition ... Private entrepreneurs Xiao FuYe (Shenyang Aerospace University ornaments) has been trying to get Red Star Chemical Plant that one hundred and fifty acres of land, when he learned Zhiqiang Group in trouble, With a keen sense of wolf's generalization, he arranged a winning move between Ren BenShan and Nan Ni. He was quiet and retreat, just as he waited for the opportunity to arrive. A young man forced to pass on the experience of wealth, he was surprised to find Tu Tuo Village is still a beautiful paradise, and the village's primary school teacher Tu Guhua pure pure natural character, so he suddenly felt the passion has long been the passion of things to re-agitate The first time he began to doubt his own behavior and behavior, for the first time felt himself insignificant and first started Depending on the relationship between beauty and ugliness. In fact, he has been struggling to pursue his true spiritual destination. When he found that he was left with only poor money, the beauty of pastoral landscapes in Tujia village, the kindness of fellow villagers and the pursuit of truth by Lin KeNan finally made him realize that Found myself. So a new plan sprout. Lin KeNan, Ren BenShan and Xiao FuYe The different paths of life experienced by these three men of different genres reflect the progress and harmony of our great era. As long as the heart has an ideal, the road is always overturning & nbsp ;.

Aibidongtiangengleng (Movie)[2009]

Feature: Chen Qisheng is Interpol captain. Every day from the open eyes, Chen Qisheng little when not busy. "3.18" major case yet to be done a knot, Interpol team has received a report, a small river in the suburbs of the mountains drifting from the upper body of a woman, Chen Qisheng put things down, drove to the scene of the incident, promised his wife To the office for divorce procedures, forgotten completely. After getting married for more than a dozen years, Chen Qisheng was busy with the case throughout the year. His wife, Lin Mei, was busy with company affairs. What he had just married had not felt anything in those years. Forty people suddenly felt that they had shortcomings in their lives that they often felt indifferent and indifferent. Lin Mei feel the lack of communication, the husband busy early and late cases of the case, there is no time to communicate, finally not separated, just found a little feeling of igniting passion, a call again called Chen Qisheng away. Is a woman, can not stand such a cold life, Lin Mei divorce. In fact, Lin Mei proposed a divorce is not once and twice, each time the signing of the divorce agreement signed by Chen Qisheng busy with the case left behind. Chen Qisheng do not want to divorce, Chen Qisheng is not not love Lin Mei, that is, each time accompanied by his wife and busy with the case, Chen Qisheng always involuntarily flutter in the case. The case of a woman in the suburbs is related to Dr. Lu Weng Di, who often helps the Interpol team conduct psychological interrogations. The victim was Shi Wenyun, the wife of Lu Wen Di. Shi-Yun Shi's case is getting clearer, and Xiao-Ruo had a lover relationship with Shi Moyun intercepted by the Interpol from Guangzhou. Xiao Ruoshui did not do the timing, Lu Wandi surrendered voluntarily, admitting his wife learned that he was killed. In the process of interrogating Lu Weng Di, Lu Wandi's confession and reflection gave Chen Qisheng a touch: the breakdown of feelings often starts from indifference. Chen Qisheng began to reflect on myself, suddenly remembered to give a call Linmei aside. The tragedies of Lu Wendi and Shi Moyun would hardly be repeated if they were not called by Chen Qisheng. Lin Mei received the call early return the next day, while making a major decision to give up their own careers, full support for her husband Chen Qisheng. Lin Mei made a huge sacrifice, Chen Qisheng moved. However, at a special class reunion, Chen Qisheng once again make a cool appointment, leaving Lin Mei to leave a signed divorce agreement and fly to Nanjing to visit her mother. Lin Mei gone, Shi Yunyun case truth. From the repentance of Lu Wen Di, Chen Qisheng found he owed Lin Mei too much. A plane flying to Nanjing soared into the sky and brought Chen Qisheng a desire to come back again.

Drugs Fighters (TV)[2009]

Feature: On the border of the narcotics pioneer stills, an arrest operation failed in an unexpected manner, resulting in the death of Da Fa, the undercover police officer. Before planning for a new operation, the Luoshan Public Security Bureau found more and more evidence that Ye ChunSheng, vice-captain of the anti-drug brigade, was the intruder who was a drug dealer. Secretary Fang GuoAn ordered the arrest of Ye ChunSheng. Ye ChunSheng learned that things have been revealed, hurried to flee, and saved the drug dealer Xiao GangPao, who successfully crossed the border. In fact, this is the long-run operation of the Luoshan police. The secret police station undercover Chun Chun and undercover Chen HaoDong from the Public Security Border Defense Forces. They cooperate with each other, get the trust of drug trafficking syndicates, quickly found the source of drugs and drug lords. In order to cover Ye ChunSheng successfully, Ye's wife and children suffered so much and made a major sacrifice. In order to ensure the safety of Ye ChunSheng, the police decided to take early action to meet Ye ChunSheng's return and completely eliminate the entire drug trafficking network.

Memorandum (TV)[2009]

Feature: "Memorandum" tells the story of Liu ZhiJun (Ce Wang), captain of the Security Bureau reconnaissance team, who led the execution of the spy operation named "Cheetah" Satellite design. The Security Bureau received instructions from the Central Government, set up a special inspection team with the Security Bureau and the Public Security Bureau, and the team leader was headed by Wu Mei (Liu Jia-decorated), head of Security Bureau Inspection Division. The investigation team started the investigation of the satellite R & D institute 322, but the work everywhere ran into a wall with little success. At the same time, the foreign spy organizations also attacked the 322 networks. The internal and external inspection teams in Shen WeiGuo (Xiaohe Lu) Help, successfully dug Fangsong (Chacha Song ornaments) hidden within the 322 internal spy. Wu Mei wanted to follow the example of "Yin Hu," the behind-the-scenes conductor of the espionage organization, but in the "Yin Hu" trap. Fang Yao was killed by killer "Hu Die" (Feng Zu ornaments), clues suddenly interrupted. Hu Die escaped to Bin Yang, where Lin XiaoLian (Hou Yaohua), a spy lurking in Bin Yang, responded. Lin XiaoLian's mission is to BinYang Satellite Measurement and Control Experiment Station 727 start, but the hunt "Hu Die" from the inspection team disrupted his deployment. Spy Liu Peng (Weifu Ma) was killed in a car accident during the hunt. In an emergency, Lin XiaoLian pulled Tong YiFan (Hongsheng Zeng), secretary general of the municipal party committee, down the water. With the help of Tong YiFan, "Hu Die" entered the 727 station and was discovered by Qin Feng (Jun Zhao) of the Binhai Security Bureau. In a battle of life and death, Qin Feng was unfortunately sacrificed and "Hu Die" was also killed. Tong YiFan can not stand the condemnation of confession, take the initiative to plead guilty. Lin XiaoLian about to leave the country was brought to justice. Espionage operations have been frustrated, "Yin Hu" can only desperate to launch the final offensive Space XIV. Nineteen hospital security chief Luo Bing became a tool for spying. Wu Mei in order to capture the "Yin Hu" Pang Jian (Mexico Yang ornaments) undercover into the nineteenth courtyard, a you in me, I have your secret war quietly began. After both of Yin Hu's theft plans failed, he kidnapped Wu Mei's daughter Xiaotong Guan and intimidated chief engineer Zhou Xu to use her core secrets for her daughter's life. At the moment of national interests and daughter safety being threatened, Wu Mei came forward with "Yin Hu" to launch the final contest & nbsp ;.

because I have you (Movie)[2008]

Feature: Wang Gao grew up in a small town in the northeast. His mother, Gao HongJun, is a local educated youth from Beijing and his father is a native. Wang JiLiang is a truck driver, gamble regardless of home, owed a large sum of gambling debt outside. Gao HongJun Character tough and straightforward, often relatively quarrel with Wang Shou-feng, the relationship is on the verge of collapse. Wang Gao looked in the eyes, gradually indifferent. Lord Nai Nai hurts him because he is the only grandson of the old royal family. Wang Gao is the best partner of aunt's cousin Longevity, both of them are like brothers. By chance, Wang Gao knows his own life experience, so he is not Wang JiLiang's own life. When the mother gave birth to him or educated youth, could not feed him gave him away. Later, when her mother met Wang Ji Liang, the king could not have a child and married her mother for the sake of her family and accepted Wang Gao. Wang JiLiang hard-fought gambling abuse, but also blatantly find a young girl brought back from the field. Gao HongJun really unbearable, resolutely divorced, alone back to Beijing. She did not take away Wang Gao, for fear of the elderly can not stand the king, while she felt her future uncertainties, only inhabited in parents' homes, temporarily unable to take care of his son. Wang JiLiang's relatives come home noisy, controversy Ye Ye was angry, died soon. Nai Nai was unable to leave Wang Gao and had to go to Beijing to find her mother. When he first arrived in Beijing, Wang Gao did not want to see his mother. He wandered alone, saw a girl being robbed, then shot help. Girl called, bigger than Wang Gao, hearty personality. Liu Jia listens to Wang Gao about his experiences and admires him. Liu Jia became Wang Gao's first good friend to Beijing. Mother and child finally meet, the future is a slim one. Gao HongJun works in a bookstore and lives in her parents' home. Wang Gao Grandpa is a stubborn old soldier who is extremely dissatisfied with her daughter's life and refuses to accept Wang Gao. The same stubborn Wang Gao can not get along with grandma grandpa, my mother had rented him everywhere, they are optimistic about the face of hardship. Grandpa home branch as a trophy collection pistol, Wang Gao heart yearning, but grandpa is not allowed him to touch. Gao HongJun meets her high school teacher Chen Xieming and Chen Pei Gao GaoJun optimistic, also likes the stubborn rebel Wang Gao. To help them, Chen lent them a set of bungalows. In fact, at this time separated from his wife, lent the house he had no choice but to improvise. Chen wife came to the cottage, see Gao HongJun misunderstanding, Gao HongJun know Chen has difficulties, so the vacancy bungalow, mother and child move again. Liu Jia asked Wang Gao to meet her boyfriend, Guo Yiyi loves Big Brother and introduced Wang Gao to work. Wang Gao had a pure love affair with Liu Jia. However, he was ashamed to express his sorrow because of his relationship with Guo Liu. Guo Wei's momentum and his contempt for Liu Jia's possession make Wang Gao inexplicable. Wang Gao Father Zang JunLing Find Wang Gao. He was also a young educated youth and was separated from Gao HongJun during the Cultural Revolution. He did not know that Gao HongJun was pregnant with their children at the time. Zang Xiahai business to become rich, Hao Hao shot, surrounded by young girlfriends, his presence Wang Wang psychological imbalance. Wang Gao feel Zang out of tune, but after all, is his own biological father, he still struggled to get close with the Zang. Aunt Nai Nai suddenly came to Beijing with dragon students, the two brothers rejoiced. Lung Health infected with severe kidney disease, is to see a doctor. Wang Gao was denied permission by Zang JunLing to raise money for the dragon and replaced him with usury.Longsheng surgery succeeded, Wang Gao was in trouble. Wang Gao a thought of stealing Zang's money was found, turned his face. Guo Wei helped usher loan sharks, and Wang Gao gratefully acknowledges him. Chen Xieming suffered a marriage accident, dark sparks with Gao HongJun. Wang Gao also accepted Chan's mom's boyfriend, a valuable love that brought bright colors to both mother and son. At this moment Chen Shuang fell ill and kind-hearted Gao HongJun helped Chen to take care of his wife, but it resulted in Chen's wife's compound. Guo Wei discovered that Zang JunLing's girlfriend, Kou Qin, was in a tryst with other men and wanted to extort Kou Qin and encouraged Wang Gao to do it. Wang Guo was offended by guilty conscience Guo Wei, but he was kind to Wang Gao, Wang Gao very contradictory. Guo Wei Ransom behavior revealed, resulting in the break of Wang Gao father and son. Liu Jia no longer confused with Guo, intends to go abroad to school. In the trough Wang Gao saw his mother's feelings hurt, the death of Longsheng also came at this time, all the hate unequivocally eruption, Wang Gao impulsively want to steal grandpa's pistol, thanks to my grandfather in a timely manner to stop . After some hopeless catharsis, Wang Gao got calm. Grandpa looks up to Wang Gao and reflects on his over-excited attitude towards Wang Gao's mother and son. Zang JunLing understood his son and father and son found a way to communicate. Liu Jia came to say goodbye and said Wang Gao would be the best Friends; aunt in accordance with the last words of the Dragon's life sent money to Wang Gao, let him buy a beloved computer; mother bravely face feelings of setbacks, continue to give Wang Gao the best example. After experiencing setbacks and experiencing painful growth, Wang Gao finally realized the true meaning of life and felt the strength of his affection ......

Hometown Cloud (TV)[2006]

Feature: The play revolves around the little-known twists and turns of a few returnees and vividly depicts the colorful beings of contemporary Chinese society, playing the symphony of destiny in the era of knowledge-based economy. There are both returnees fought hard for the "hometown cloud" stills, as well as new and renown human beings with individuality; there are both intellectuals who are indifferent to fame and say no regrets, and those who are foolish and bureaucratic; both cunning "Entrepreneurs," as well as speculators who engage in drilling operations, both have masters of transnational corporations president and honest scientists ... The differences in culture have rubbed the intriguing sparks and made the joys and sorrows of different values. Innovation forces breakthrough in the conservative mechanism, entrepreneurial hero again and again in the bumpy tragedy of defeat, the national high-tech industries stand in front of a strong multinational firm ... ... The first Chinese students to return to entrepreneurship television drama "hometown of clouds," the opera will Let the audience understand the "returnees" story under the halo. It is worth mentioning that the film's producer is the original "Dream of Red Mansions," the actor Yuan Mei, this is her first production of the TV series. Yuan Mei said she felt that the story of the good structure, the story twists and turns. For example, in writing about the motivation for the hero to return to China, the play does not mean that the truth is great. He also has psychological contradictions. The United States has given him a good position to do academic research in a better environment and conditions, but only if he wants to join the U.S. citizenship . In the face of choices, he did not suddenly decide to give up all this in order to serve the motherland, and he was shocked by the description of such a violent psychological struggle. Stone cool hero is a real "returnees," Yuan Mei said: "Shi Liang is the most attractive characters in the play, he took the character's image and psychology are well taken, we can say that these are not everyone Can be performed. "Shi Liang modestly said he read 3 years in France MBA, is a real" returnees ", and because of this, he was the director fancy.

shengsxh (TV)[2006]

Feature: Cast: Nanoka Hara - Acted - Luo Yue Shang Rong - Actors - Mi Lan Beautiful female college students Mi Lan and Mei Ah Du are fresh graduates of the Vocal Music Department. Although their background is very different, they have become very good friends for four years. At the graduation party, Mi Lan their idol, Ouyang Lan was absent but failed to play, both very disappointed, but this time, Ouyang Lan's body has been found in the suburbs of Taihu Lake ...... Mi Lan a year ago An unforgettable encounter on the Lake and very yearning, suddenly decided to go with the United States and Asia to Taihu Lake. On the train back to Taihu Lake Taihu police encounter Bingbing. Mi Bing obsessed with the study of voiceprint technology, pure and elegant with a voice of nature at first glance Mi Lan, but out of some concern, did not disclose his true identity, Su Bingbing invited Mi Lan to the beach after the Taihu Lake Look, by his guide, Mi Lan promised. Su Bingbing excited hard to sleep ...

Magistrate yellow jacket (TV)[2005]

Feature: Huang MaGua, a member of Yangzhou People's Government, repeatedly went to Beijing to try all his tribute to Mount Gongshan. He was the champion of Wenchang Xinggao. Only one test at Imperial Palace and the emperor's response could be taken as the champion. Above the temple, Huang MaGua showed the scholarly ethos and argued with Qian Long for the sake of officialdom. Although Qian Long believed that Huang MaGua was justified, he did not know anything about it as an official. Qian Long sorry, dark will keep the capital Jing Meng Huihui not get married at the old girl Meng JiaoJiao appointed to him. Frustrated, Huang MaGua was stopped by Mr. Tang JingZhi, a fortune-telling man, who said he still has three years of evil and only after his marriage was made in Jiangnan. Huang MaGua did not believe this one, and he did not have the money to pay fortune-telling fees. He excused Tang JingZhi. At this point, Meng JiaoJiao with a close mantle Da Feng come fortune-telling, drowsiness people big, sound like Zhongzong, angrily Huang MaGua obstruct others fortune-telling, Huang MaGua and wavering establish conflict, Huang MaGua actually will be pretentious Da Feng Daimon as a defender daughter. Meng Jinghui thinks that Huang MaGua is not only presumptuous but also a bad kidding party, punishing him. Unexpectedly, Huang MaGua is very enthusiastic about Huang MaGua and is willing to marry him. Huang MaGua really does not know what to do. On the wedding day, Qian Long decreed to reform Meng Jinhui's official. Although Huang MaGua insists on being pretentious and married, she dwells on Huang MaGua's dedication and does not want to drag him down. He betrays him in Mengfu and hugs Huang MaGua. Huang MaGua had to believe in Tang JingZhi and returned to her hometown of Shaoxing. Previous colleagues do not want to interview, old friends also have to avoid, Huang MaGua feel scholarly human thin paper, he does not blame people. To rescue himself, he came to Yangzhou, decided to open to teach students, but no one is willing to send their children to. Huang MaGua had no choice but to go to the market to work hard to survive. Yangzhou magistrate Feng JiDe is also a poor student who studies hard to learn. He is a thirst for love and has learned that the situation in Huang MaGua is very sympathetic. He wants to appoint him to serve as a county education guide and educate local children. Feng Magistrate personally visited the food court, and Huang MaGua thought that officers and men had captured him and fled to flee. Feng JiDe stopped him and asked to go back to the county government for a long time. Huang MaGua knew that Feng JiDe had a very good official status and was unwilling to hurt him, but Feng JiDe was very polite and Huang MaGua had to take the lead. Tang JingZhi suddenly appeared in front of Huang MaGua and told him that he was going to capitalize for the fortune and tell Huang MaGua that Meng Jinghui was sent back to his hometown for custody. Meng JiaoJiao, with a maid of Da Feng, is about to come to Yangzhou to marry him and Huang MaGua to Jiangnan Just around the corner. Jiao Jiao came to see Huang MaGua Yang, Feng County Order personally married for the two. Tang JingZhi came to congratulate and tell Huang MaGua, good things are coming. Two days later, the current governor of Yangzhou was arrested and taken to Beijing for the purpose of taking illicit smugglers' salt. The lack of Yangju Prefecture was taken over by Feng JiDe. Huang MaGua's vacancy occurred in Yangzhou magistrate's post. It turned out that Feng JiDe had secretly recommended Huang MaGua as an alternate magistrate and Huang MaGua said he would not let up the cultivation of Feng JiDe. Feng JiDe Encouragement Huang MaGua works with him to serve the court and be a good parent. After Huang MaGua took office, he was busy with understanding the public sentiment and using unusual ways to solve people's difficulties humorously and intelligently. Encounter can not solve the difficult, Tang JingZhi will always appear on January 12, Huang MaGua think Tang JingZhi is not a magic weapon, may have the ability to lead the universe.Feng JiDe also gave full support to Huang MaGua, improving people's life, standardizing grain and salt market, and creating good performance. Because Huang MaGua is not a dark bureaucratic habit, speak honest, but fortunately there Feng JiDe side of the maintenance, to be petite point, Huang MaGua progress rapidly, county magistrate when the handy; but after all, is wavering woman Huang MaGua see drunk Home, but also that the wine regardless of home, always suspicious, tracking stare slightly, which led to misunderstandings constantly, so that Huang MaGua dumbfounding. Liu Qing, a beautiful young woman from the town, and Fei Hsiao-jun, the husband, run the liquor stores left behind by his ancestors. His younger generation was killed by toxins. Liu Qing was considered the culprit to enter the cell. Xue Fan and Shao Jun are good friends, insist Liu Qing can not murder pro, the murderer is often out of wine, and Fei Shaojun have had a conflict with Tang JingZhi! Huang MaGua was taken aback. Although he did not want to believe that Tang JingZhi would have done such an outrageous act, Xue Fan pointed out his own record. Liu Qing admitted that he and Tang JingZhi did indeed feel very sad and had to order Tang JingZhi. Wang Fengtou was ordered to bring the public to catch quickly to hunt Tang JingZhi in the city of Yangzhou, while Tang JingZhi did sneak into Huang MaGua's room during his night, telling Huang MaGua that there was another hidden secret in his death. When Tang JingZhi left, he was chased by the king, but Tang JingZhi soon disappeared. Tang JingZhi in distress, a woman shot rescue, she frankly told Tang JingZhi, she believes that young handsome death is her cousin Xue Fan blame Tang JingZhi, because Xue Fan has long been intrigued Liu Qing beauty. Tang JingZhi know the woman in front of Feng Zhifu was actually a kilogram - Feng XiaoYue, but he did not know why Feng XiaoYue betrayed her cousin. When looking for evidence and witnesses, Tang JingZhi was captured by Wang Baotou. Jiao Jiao Huang MaGua trial Liu Qing case, a kind of sour feeling, afraid of Huang MaGua and Liu Qing have infected, let Da Feng disguised as men into jail, look Liu Qing in the end how beautiful. Da Feng was moved by Liu Qing, crying all the way back to the cousin about Liu Qing's grievances, and Johnson really fate, frankly say he is more innocent than Dou E it! Court, Xue Fan testified that Tang JingZhi, unexpectedly, Feng XiaoYue with Xue House mate Lang appeared in the lobby, to tell the truth about the young Jun victims. Lange was Xue Fan long-term possession of the body, and was tricked by Xue Fan Liu Qing buy poison, take the opportunity to Fei Po Jun wine glass poisoning, and later, Xue Fan even to kill Langer, Tang JingZhi save her life. In truth, Huang MaGua released Liu Qing and Tang JingZhi, and Xue Fan was put on death row. Xue Fan's father, Yangzhou prefectural salt supervisor Xue ZhongGui, repeatedly bribed Huang MaGua, but was rejected. Cai Ji, wife of Feng JiDe, came to visit Huang MaGua to get away with Xue Fan's death. Huang MaGua firmly said that murder to pay! Feng JiDe helplessly come forward to find Huang MaGua. Huang MaGua knew that Feng JiDe had a goodwill for him, his heart was very contradictory. Two people silently opposed Huang MaGua. I do not know how to refuse? Into pain ... .... The situation facing Feng JiDe made him even more dilemmas. Xue ZhongGui told Feng JiDe that he handled a lot of problems with salt Ji, taking charge of Feng Ji's bank deposits, selling private salt, seizing salt merchants' stores and accumulating a lot with Cai Lian money. Feng JiDe heard furious, accusing them of brother and sister trapped him unjust, asking them to return the county library, otherwise he wanted to destroy the pro-crony.Xue ZhongGui revealed the receipt signed by Feng JiDe, a total of tens of thousands of two total. Feng JiDeDe suddenly surprised, Xue ZhongGui let him sign the instrument he did not even read the contents of the sign. What made him sad even was that his wife Cai Lian was cheating on him. Feng JiDe do not understand why exactly? Ask Cai Lian Do not know that he was in a cold window for ten years, in order to be a good official? Cai Lian indeed said that they are both poor family background, suffering terrible, served as county magistrate, one hundred thousand snow silver. Feng JiDe sad to say that you are buying silver for me to buy a coffin! Feng JiDe can not get rid of Xue ZhongGui's shackles, both are dead ends, he hugged round fortunate enough to do the beast fight. Huang MaGua said he can not play with the law of the country and refuse to change Xue Fan's death penalty. Feng JiDe immediately ordered Huang MaGua to win, saying that Huang MaGua had selfishness in the trial of Liu Qing's case, received Liu Qing's bribe, fancyed Liu Qing's beauty, and tried to take it for granted. Huang MaGua was furious, referring to Feng JiDe as a mentor for letting him down and imposing morals on him. Feng JiDe did not give him a chance to plead guilty to escort Huang MaGua into a state jail. Cai Lian has spread rumors that Huang MaGua loves Liu Qing's female color. Xue ZhongGui searches for missing Tang JingZhi and Liu Qing. She is always jealous. Huang MaGua is on the verge of death. When she arrives at the jail, she wants Huang MaGua to feel at ease. She believes her husband is innocent. Although Huang MaGua is happy, she still has a ridiculous feeling. He should petitely try to find Tang JingZhi, do not tell the king to catch the head and anyone. Wavering and Da Feng desperate, had to rushed to the governor Yamen drumming injustice. Feng XiaoYue advised Feng JiDe to turn around and put Huang MaGua back in a hurry. In such a mistake, he really should not be over. Feng JiDe knows that her daughter is good for him, but he has no alternative but to do so. He secretly came to the cell to adjudicate Huang MaGua, was cursed by Huang MaGua, and asked Feng JiDe conscience was dog bite it? Where did Feng JiDe, who once taught Huang MaGua a good official, just go? Just then, Tang JingZhi, Feng XiaoYue, Da Feng arrived, accompanied by the governor and waited diligently and saved Huang MaGua. Xue Zhong, Xue Fan, Cai Lian With gold and silver to flee, being blocked by Tang JingZhi rate, Xue Fan to take pretending to be hostage, but was anti-spoiled, Xue Fan do not know waited on the generals love Wuquan get stick. Huang MaGua did not see Feng JiDe screaming badly. At this point, Feng XiaoYue asked Huang MaGua to return to the government office and Feng JiDe was waiting for him. Feng XiaoYue Why do not you feel bad about your father? She hopes Feng JiDe will dare to face the reality and take responsibility! Huang MaGua was surprised at the entrance to the lobby and saw Feng JiDe facing a kung fu dress on top of the case. He wore heavy kowtow to apologize to Emperor Qian Long who was in the capital. Feng JiDe burst into tears with indignation. The purpose is to be a good official, when faced with a choice, to forget about the public, the difference between one idea, one step wrong, contrary to the original determination. He wanted Huang MaGua to learn from him as a guide and to persevere in his study of the richness and the inability to be inculcated in prostitution. In a general sense, Huang MaGua nodded clearly in mind. Huang MaGua tears back memories of Feng JiDe's help to him at the time, but he can not violate the law. He urged Feng JiDe to confidently admit that perhaps the emperor would give him a chance to rejuvenate himself.Qian Long Emperor visited Jiangnan and summoned Huang MaGua to say that the original examinations knew he would be a good officer in the future but netizens were immediately sent to serve as officials in the southern part of the province. Huang MaGua's straightforwardness would not be the same. First setback his arrogance and observe his adversity self-sustaining efforts, and then arranged for Tang JingZhi instructions he sent in the south, arranged for him and Meng JiaoJiao Jiao marriage, arrange Meng Jinghui was seized, forced Huang MaGua back to Yangzhou, Tang JingZhi To Yangzhou secret investigation of private salt and corrupt officials, secretly assist Huang MaGua, all in the control of Qian Long. Qian Long went on to say that Feng JiDe was originally a good officer who was ready to reuse. However, he was deeply remorseful in repentance, exiled the Xinjiang military effectiveness, wearing crime meritorious service, his wife peers. Huang MaGua understands why Tang JingZhi has foresight on many things. Huang MaGua's personal qualities and official thinking of serving the public were appreciated by Emperor Qian Long. Emperor Qian gave the "good official" of Jinbian, handing Huang MaGua a prefect of Yangzhou and a "Huang MaGua." Encouraged Huang MaGua to do well, what's up though. May Huang MaGua nature does not change, actually proclaimed Qian Long Emperor said: the emperor came to visit the south of Yangtze River, Yangzhou parents can see Long Yan, is fortunate enough. Only local officials at various levels to discuss the emperor Longyan Yue Wyatt, the people of Libin have been suffering ... .... Huang MaGua said all the officials present were surprised and Tang JingZhi could not stop Huang MaGua, who said he was interested. Qian Long Huang laughed: Huang Aiqing said, in fact, good words, so minded, is a good officer, I think again and again, Huang Aiqing said 'for the people to do the official, not as officials and officials. 'In fact, the wisdom of the mind, deeply cherished, with Huang Aiqing still magistrate, Yangzhou prefect by the Tang JingZhi Provisional. Qin this! The crowd was stunned and looked to Huang MaGua. Huang MaGua was happy to say: "Stills (2) Stills (1)

Good morning birch forest (TV)[2005]

Feature: In the winter of 2002, a number of murders and a smuggling of cross-border arms occurred in Russia's Alta state, a city bordering the Chinese border city. A series of cases brought the two countries together. Scouting around two notable Chinese names, namely, Yuri and Wu Xiaojun, Zhang Zhiyuan, the principal culprit in the arms smuggling incident, and the witness of the car bombing, Sergei, were killed. Dr Vivalyev, an important witness to the killings on Neva Avenue, disappeared. Russian and Chinese police temporarily confused ... ... It turned out that Fu Fifi is the core figure of drug trafficking gang Fu Fifi himself hidden in the dark. She was the first to make the case of military personnel barrier to the eyes, to kill and expel someone to remove the yellow wife, indirectly kidnapped Suker's daughter ... ... After the incident was revealed, Fu Fifi and his men hostage Wu Na, Huang Jianhong fled to Lake Baikal, the Russian Ministry of Interior Urgently dispatch special forces to rescue Chinese counterparts. Fu Fifi et al. Suffered a snowstorm on the road to escape. Huang Jianhong escaped while the killers robbed the warm clothes. Wu Na with the branches made of snow plow frostbite Fu Fei Fei difficult to go to the rescue team, and in the moment they find the rescue team, Fu Feifei fired a bullet of evil ... ...

Flashy city (TV)[2004]

Feature: This is a social drama about how men and women in the city face the temptations of the real world and how love and career, family and morality are viewed. Beautiful, bright and cheerful Shang XiaoYan is a sales lady, she and college classmates Feng WeiYi is a pair of lovers, they are in good spirits, both are looking forward to the future, ambitious, hope that through their own efforts to have Housing a car's life. However, when their company owner Zhu GuangTian expressed his affection for Xiaoyan and pursued her, the first one that collapsed was not Xiao Yan but reed, and he did not think anyone could resist the temptation. Therefore, Love of two people began to have doubts, or even withdrawn. Their pure good feelings, can overcome the kind of cruel temptation? Zhu GuangTian and Wen Zhu These couples, successful businessmen from the commercial sea community, found that their feelings had died after they had money and status, as well as Zhu Beibei, a son of a primary school that had been educated. The two met not Quarrel, mutual accusation is an endless Cold War. Wen Zhu learned through private detectives that Zhu GuangTian is pursuing a woman named Shang XiaoYan and that a divorce war has just begun. In the meantime, Wen Zhu borrowed money to win over Wei and competitors in the mall and Zhu GuangTian In full swing, Zhu Beibei accidentally drowned when playing in the reservoir ... ... they are shocked, apart from the sadness will go from here? Zhi Xiong and Zun Yi are a model couple, living a dull, quiet and happy life. By chance, Zhi Xiong discovered the hidden secrets of Zun Yi for many years: She turned out to be her first brother Hao Xiong's first love! Zhi Xiong has a very strong cup cheating feeling, kind and credible Zun Yi, in his eyes a change, in his heart become ugly and vulgar, and all his depression have to talk to all because of the unit for the purchase and Miss Xiao Yan know sales. Xiaoyan at this time due to the strong pursuit of Zhu Guangtian, and ruthlessly get rid of, has become a laughing stock for company-wide people, so two people who share the same pity ... fate is often make fun of people. After a brief passion, while Xiaoyan was preparing to divorce Zun Yi while Zhi Xiong worked hard to adapt to Shang XiaoYan's life, she broke up - and she found that under Zhi Xiong's gentle and sometimes temper veil, there was a more mediocre But man's face. In the life of Xiaoyan, they also have to face a difficult choice ... In the end, how to deal with affection, love, friendship and career in a person's life, different people will certainly have different answers to you Where is the answer? Perhaps, in a dialogue with the playwright! Aspect Explore the character "Shang XiaoYan" is not the traditional female image, in her body combines all the characteristics of all women in contemporary society - integrity , Kind, humbly, at the same time sentimental, sensitive and vain vanity ... Everyone more or less will find their shadow on her body. She is contradictory and sympathetic. As Jun Wang, director of the play, puts it: In this pluralistic society, we need a tolerant attitude, tolerance for others and tolerance for ourselves.


Feature: This is a story about four women, they are looking for in the dull days, sentiment in the memories of the past, lost in the affair, lost in the past. Crying laugh, hurt too painful, only chewed out the life of this olive a different kind of taste. Although Ma Ma (Peng Yu) was widowed for years, her love story with her dad has always been regarded by the three daughters as a classic. Although none of the sisters have really seen those soulful scenes, the description of what the mother puts in is the best proof. A sudden advent of unfortunate broke the tranquility of this family - Sister Song Xue (Ni Ping ornaments) son Feifei lost in the birthday! Song Xue and her husband, Guo MingDa (Shi Liang ornaments), have lost their fulcrum in their feelings. They wanted to comfort each other and hurt each other. They wanted to tolerate one another's tolerance so that they fell out of control with each other. The result of both parties' hard work was pushing the other side more Far, hard-working, two people helpless chose to break up. Second sister Song Yu (Zhu Yuanyuan ornaments) and her husband Wu DeLi (Bing He ornaments) The biggest goal of this lovers of joy is to be rich. When they finally realized their dreams by coincidence, they found that the price had been so heavy - the trust and respect between husband and wife had vanished, and even if they had the intention to repair them, they had to run away with it. The younger sister Song Feng (Yan Zhang ornaments) face many suitors never entrusted sincerity until meeting Huang XianWei. Who knows Huang actually had pursued Song Xue's old classmates, sisters alternate gap. In the end, though, Chen Hao (Wang Jinpeng), a rather extreme environmentalist, was chosen, but the overly idealized feeling is nothing more than a castle in the air. Witnessed the different encounters of the three daughters, Ma Ma unveiled the myth of happiness established by her over the years and announced her engagement with the old man (Ge Zhijun), whom she had always dismissed. In the face of her daughter's inquiries, Ma Ma explains - happiness and romance are in the days of a porridge, not in seemingly perfect legends. Only the bitter sweet and sour have tasted in order to truly understand life. Ma Ma married on a sunny day and the three sisters welcomed her new life on another sunny day.

Tonka (Movie)[1997]

Feature: An outstanding track and field sprinter who has been in high gear during his career in sports, unexpectedly encountered an Indian girl while in a low state - Tonka, Tonka running on the runway between Plane and Plane during the daytime, and one sleeping next to the highway at night She has great athleticism and speed in the big advertisement box. Tonka fell in love with him and let him find new confidence, courage and running fun. Beijing International Sports Film Week exhibiting films

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