There are children 4(TV)[2007]
There are children 4(TV)[2007]

《There are children 4》Ep27:Episode 27 Unbearable Commitment

Liu Xing came home and said he seemed to have seen his idol in the community, gymnastics prince Ma Chao. Everybody laughed at Liu Xing in making news. At this moment, Liu Xing heard the news again that Ma Chao was suspended for violating team rules. On this day, Liu Xing and Shu Biao talked about how he saw Ma Chao and were similarly laughed at by Shu Biao. He did not want these words heard by a fat man on the curb. Fat man took Liu Xing aside and claimed to be a reporter. Ma Chao really came to this district. More excited about Liu Xing, the reporter asked him to unveil the reasons for the abnormal mood in Ma Chao. Liu Xing happily agreed. Liu Xing was punished by his parents because he was "staying a bit." Parents did not believe him. Gradually, Liu Xing found that the reporter was trying to mistrust the business purpose out of the news that this would only have a negative impact on the company. This day, Liu Xing contradictory mood walking in the garden, while the horse actually came to him. Liu Xing decided to help Ma Chao out of the bottom to regain glory for the country.

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