Diamond giants(TV)[2010]
Diamond giants(TV)[2010]

《Diamond giants》Ep8:Episode 8

Cher returned safely, Bo Tao relief, announced in public to let Cher recognize ancestral successor. Cher moment unacceptable, rhyme Chi busy explanation Bo Tao's difficulties, Cher is still not called out "father." Bo Tao did not angry, he is willing to wait, I believe the time can be flattened wounds. Mining Ling dedication, anti-self-defeating, contributed to Bo Tao, Cher father and daughter meet, conceal the loss. Cher recognized ancestor the day before yesterday, the business out of the situation, Bo Tao rushed to Shandong. On the way back in a car accident, medical emergency. Know that he is going to die, life all-tert-Cher bring, exhorted rhyme Chi must let Cher recognized ancestor. Bo Tao in Cher called "father" sound, peace of mind to leave. Tao Tao accidental death, in the mother can not stand this blow, fell ill. Cai Ling seize the last opportunity to bo, said Cher hit with evil, first grams of dead mother, and now dead grams of dad. Ever since she came home, she has no peace at home. Would not she want to kill more people if she turned her back to her ancestors? Still immersed in the pain of mourning the mother, was bewitching demeanor, regretted what had been promised. Yun Chi insist Cher must recognize ancestor, it is Bo Tao's last wish, all uncle was present, is a witness. Yu mother, mining Ling nothing to say. Cher finally recognized Zuizong, but the mother has a condition, that is, Cher and other people are not allowed to live in the same room, so as not to commit red. Yun Chi see the situation stronger than people, not good to say something, quickly called Cher thanks grandma. In this way, Cher into the home. Yun Chi at home generation, while retaining the Cher cherish miss, gave Cher a name, Yu AiXue. So rhyme to the backyard of the servants slightly clean, let Cher live in. Cher was wronged, and she did not cry crying noisy, Rhyme Chi looked even more distressed, greetings, personally cook to eat Cher, the Cher as their own daughter hurt. Cher also felt the affection, the Yun Zhi as the only relatives in the world.

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