Diamond giants(TV)[2010]
Diamond giants(TV)[2010]

《Diamond giants》Ep6:Episode 6

Mining Ling shocked, decided to start strong. So when Bo Tao to the field, in front of the mother, forced all uncle to Cher thing out. Surprised at the mothers heart, the moment did not want to decide and Cher have anything to do, how to how to go. Tao Tao heard, I thought this might never see Cher, in desperation, blurted out to determine Cher is his flesh, also issued a heavy oath. Bo Tao words are said, but can not break away from the heart of the magic barrier, excuse Cher has not yet recognized Zuizong, do not let Cher change the name of the father. A "Yu uncle," let Cher suffered at home. Chong Wei, Mei Mei affected by the mining Ling, the Cher as a white rogue lively, Cher is easy to blame, tears flow to the abdomen. Cai Ling is Zhang Ran to Cher as a lieutenant, her purpose is to let Cher can not stand, leave. Yun Chi could not stand it, for Cher plea. Cai Ling took the feather when the arrow, the responsibility pushed to the mother, rhyme dumbfounded, only watched Cher bullied. Cher was wronged, can not say that, because mining Ling warned her, if you dare to leak a word, are not allowed to eat. Cher spend the day in tears.

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