Daughter hundred percent(TV)[2003]
Daughter hundred percent(TV)[2003]

《Daughter hundred percent》Ep6:Episode 6

Wei Xiang handed Ma Ji and others 40,000 yuan as a meat target and told them to give Xiaofeng as soon as possible. Xiaofeng, flying in the hospital accidentally saw a television report broadcast Wei Xiang when the meat target thing, both heartache, touched. Ma Ji four people to the hospital, we know the origin of Wei Xiang money. Everyone returned to I.M found Wei Xiang rest at home, Wei Xiang wanted to leave, Xiaofeng clinging to Wei Xiang, is willing to do everything for him, all together into a ball. Flying and Xiaofeng go home, Xiaofeng eventually agreed to exchange identity with the flying, the bookmaker preservation report Zhelin "flying" back news, has always loved flying Zhelin so surprised. I.M, et al. Went flying together to the bookmakers to study how to deal with Peter's auction to save the building.

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