Internship angel(TV)[2015]
Internship angel(TV)[2015]

《Internship angel》Episodes

《Internship angel》Ep12:Episode 12 - Diocesan accused of stealing watches

Diocesan found the patient's stomach throat plug, then informed the fire for the new throat, but in the process of throat, pull Xin asked fire problems, so she could not work. See Xu Xu after fire, that is responsible for taking over him, prompting Xu Xu to teach him, but Xu Xu received him as a disciple. Xu Xu did not agree to give the model of the patient he had used to the top. Qi Le and heart sister pie in the bridge to meet the young sleeper Daimin, heart sister that he is new, and I heard that he had hit his wife. Suddenly the people mad, has been embraced Qi Le thought she was a wife. The people were sent to the accident and emergency department, Zhifeng diagnosis found that people are taking drugs. Diocesan unjustly worried about people being sent to the ward after the very nervous of their own items, especially a charge. The people were complained of smell, after the shower claimed that the watch disappeared, envy only invited David to search. In the end even in the body of the people searched to find the watch. Chi Ming refers to the serious situation, we must severely punish. Shi Qin refers to the will to depression, only practice in the room inserted throat. Suddenly came a loud noise in the toilet, everyone thought that suicide. Chi Ming explained to the people that the exodus has been suspended from suspension of duty and will be subject to internal sanctions. Chi Ming insisted that Xu Xu was a leading teacher and Xu Xu firmly denied it. Xu Xu started to investigate the theft in order to be further innocent. Promote the patient model to Xu Xu. When he said he was foolish and unworthy to be Xu Xu's apprentice, Xu Xu told him not to give up. Chi Ming appears, he is ridiculed Xu Xu and Diocesan are waste, lit Xu Xu heart of anger, let him rekindle Hu Shi's passion. Qi Le struggles to find out the truth Qi Le found Mrs. Min's address, and she was working in an apartment. Qi Le came across many prostitutes when he went alone. Qi Le saw Mrs. Daimin pregnant, and begged her to excuse him. But Mrs. Min was full of grievances, accused the people often hit her, debt-ridden and infected with addiction. Mrs. Qi invited Qi Le to return the wedding ring to her and decide to divorce her. Qi Le told the people that he had seen his wife, Qi Le said that his wife would forgive him if he was willing to detoxify. However, the people knew they had hit her, so I hate myself very much. Qi Le asked the people about the truth of the theft. DaMing refers to his watch in the toilet tank, but I do not know why it is in the body. Qi Le recorded the words of the people, and then David sent to listen. After Xu Xu receives the truth out of his profession, he can work and study again. Diocesan for the first time responsible for the success of gastroplasty, he and Xu Xu are very happy. Xu Xu refers to a disciple who previously received a disciple, but later learned to protect the incident, after which he did not receive disciples. Jun on the way back to the flight rescue team, saw Chi Ming has followed him, and later learned Zhiming Gang joined the flight team. Jun told the person in charge Zhiming's personality is not appropriate to hire him. However, the person in charge said Chi Ming is quite good. For the first time, she took part in the rescue work and helped Yi Sheng to solve a big problem and greatly satisfied all the rescue workers. People started to addicted to drugs, chills and vomiting. Qi Le wants to help him Yi Sheng, but the big man pleads Qi Le and wants to find his wife.

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