Legend of Shaolin Temple(TV)[2007]
Legend of Shaolin Temple(TV)[2007]

《Legend of Shaolin Temple》Episodes

《Legend of Shaolin Temple》ending episode Episode 30

Hui stone and other Shaolin help Yang Jian laid a few small city pool, ready to attack Gao Yang's Lao Jinyang. At this time Yang Jian was informed, abbot was held in Jinyang Gaoyang's palace. The disciples vowed to rescue Master. Yang Jian said, I have a way into the palace, he brought Du brought over, Du Jin has become a waste, he begged Yang Jian, he did not want to revenge. Yang Jian just wanted to make use of what he now eunuchs identity so Hui stone and others successfully entered the palace. Hui Shi et al disguised into Jincheng, they successfully persuaded the ocean generals general Lu generals should be in cooperation to assist Yang Jian Siege. In the evening, under the leadership of Du Jin, they picked Cai Dan and Chai Tam into the palace. Shaolin disciples do not know, all in the high-profile planning and watching under. He invited the abbot to the attic, saying that he would ask the abbot to watch a good show. High performance and Hui can see Hui Shishi and Shaolin disciples in attacking the first palace gate, high performance proud to Hui Ke said, wait a while, your disciples relying on their high martial arts will pass through the first palace gate, Then, they will also pass the second palace gate, the third palace gate, until the palace of the Emperor Gao Yang, I want to borrow Shaolin disciples hand to kill the ocean! Because he blocked my way! Later, wait for your disciples to complete the king's mission, they will also be killed! Finally, is you - Hui Ke can master! Hui can be said, however, this is a good show has just begun, who knows they will not press the prince's drums children sing it? Or look down and say? Shishi and other Shaolin disciples broke through the three palace gate, kill the retreat of the palace guard, into the ocean's palace, high ocean and drunk, because of excessive drinking, has been blind. Hui Shi told the ocean, you have become a loner, no one around you, and all abandoned you! At this point, Du Jin became a waste of people, he caught the high dependents of the ocean came, want to slaughter, was stone benefit blocked. Du Jin crazy. Hui Shih would like to influence the ocean by Dharma, let him repent for life, Ocean drink a glass of the last few drops of wine, fell on the dragon case, died. Hui Shishi and Shaolin disciples out of the palace gate, high performance and a group of arena, big master inside the palace outside. Disciples go up to fight, high-level people will Hui Hui brought up, Gao Yan to kill abbot threatening, let Shaolin disciples put down weapons, disciples had to throw away weapons, is at this time, a bodyguard to report, Yang Jian army has Jincheng captured, is heading for the royal palace. High stupidity to calmly say, panic what? Unexpectedly, the guards to see the general trend has gone, in order to survive, sword wielding high performance. Gao Jian died, Yang Jian led the army arrived, other rivers and lakes masters and Tai masters have thrown away weapons, animal beast San ... ... Yang Jian and General Lv kneeling in front of Hui Stone, Yang Jian said Prince His Royal Highness, faint Jun has punished, Qi Qi has been extinguished, Please His Royal Highness as early as you, to secure the world! Hui Shih looked at Hui Ke, suddenly Hui can kneel down, is already burst into tears: "Master, disciples temple in the book has not copied, please Master allowed the disciples to go back to the temple to continue copying ... ..." "Amitabha ......" Hui can read the sound of Buddha.

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