Happy lovers(TV)[2014]
Happy lovers(TV)[2014]

《Happy lovers》Ep42:Episode 42

Shuangyan and Junfeng went to eat places where often frequented, Junfeng kept hinting Shuangyan, but Shuangyan was acting silly. Jun Feng said they both learned from high school now for eleven years, then Jun Feng asked her why she asked about her out today. Double Yan said that if you still want to be friends, do not say anything else. Jun Feng Shuangyan prepared something, he changed Shuangyan a magic, gave her a scarf. When the original high school Junfeng first fight with others was broken, Shuangyan took out his father gave her a scarf Junfeng bandaging wounds. Jun Feng said Shuangyan saved her life, Shuangyan joking gave him Wai up, the two were very happy. At this time double Yan received a phone call, Chen Mu hospitalized, Jun Feng quickly took her to the hospital. Ssangyong and Xiao Jing made an appointment with them. They wanted to be able to cheer up whenever they thought they were really divorcing. Xiao Jing to call Shuangyan, Shuangyan did not pick up, then Ssangyong picked up a phone call, also know Chen Mu hospitalized things, Xiao Jing and Ssangyong quickly and as soon as possible to the hospital. Shuangyan rushed to the hospital, Chen Fu told Shuangyan Chen Mu can not even say a word now, the whole person is foolish. Chen Fu exclaims that Chen Mu, who is usually as strong as he is, is now doing this for her. Chen Mu looks at Chen Fu with a flick of his eyes and thinks she's over-speaking. At this moment, Lin Mu also came and told her from a doctor's point of view that she was stimulated by Chen Mu, asking her whether to let her go to divorce first and let it go. Shuangyan told Lin Mu painfully that he really wanted to be with Vanuatu, but there was so much going on and Lin Mu was looking in the eyes. They really could not go back anymore. As soon as he arrived, he told his mother that he and Shuangyan had to deal with them. Lin Mu went to a meeting, leaving Shuangyan and Yifan together. The original this matter Ssangyong and Xiao Jing is also informed, we do so many are trying to make Shuangyan harmony. One thing listed one by one with Shuang Yan apologize, but Shuangyan feel able to understand him, but it made her tired. Shuangyan got up and wanted to leave. As soon as he got hold of he told her that she wanted her to know that she was her closest person both before and after getting married, so she ignored her feelings. Double Swallow please, if after a while parents ask about their relationship, she hopes she can tell them that they are complex. Once promised, and said he will sign the divorce agreement. Chen Mu rushed out urgently, Shuangyan know that everyone co-fooled himself very angry. On the other hand, Lin Mu also made a plan, she took an annual leave, neither at home nor in the hospital. A call to Xiao Jing, Xiao Jing do not know, brother and sister quickly decided to find Lin Mu. Chen Mu received a letter from Lin Mu addressed to her, and Chen Mu asked her to listen to her because she could not see her. Lin Mu expressed his apology, feel that all things become like this, oneself have to bear a large part of the responsibility. Shuangyan a letter to all read, a very self-blame.

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