Ye Long Changan(TV)[2012]
Ye Long Changan(TV)[2012]

《Ye Long Changan》Ep5:Episode 5

Magnolia at home to the children later at home to call her mother, called the fourth father. After she got home, she heard that the kids were not happy when they called his father. At this time, Zhang JunXiFu found magnolia that they could not get through their home so that she could get a job for Zhang Jun and could not feed her own cotton yarn . Magnolia said that let Zhang Jun pull the car together with the fourth, earning thirty-seven, Zhang JunXiFu happy. The fourth day when the fourth Lao Si pull a lot of goods than before, I did not expect Zhang Jun usually did not do any work, take a few steps to say that they can not do this rough, the fourth did not speak, pull their own Played a flatbed truck, but also pushed Zhang Jun back when. Magnolia at night to go to Zhang Jun home Since Zhang Jun can not do heavy work to sweep the toilet just built on the street, Zhang Jun do not want to dry after listening, Magnolia angry that they deserve it. Magnolia with the fourth year when there are children back to her parents, Magnolia, his mother is still the same, his whole life angry, she did not let the fourth call his mother, Ren Renny let her talk again. Jinyu found a local girl in Xi'an fell in love, named Xi Zhen, Jin took the letter written by Chairman Mao to Magnolia to Xi Zhen, Xi Zhen happy not work. Magnolia and Lao Si eat with their children to go home, Lao Si heart is also a belly gas. By 1955, when Magnolia and the neighbors' neighbors washed cotton yarn in the river, they saw a child falling out of water. Magnolia, who had no choice but to jump into the water, rescued the child. Magnolia brought the child home to change clothes, the child called Liang ChangAn, Magnolia took him to find the boy's grandfather. The child followed his grandpa also came to Xi'an, there is no place to live, Magnolia said after a few words with the uncle know that their ancestors and grandchildren are from Henan. Magnolia brought the two people back to their home first night, the fourth night when she went home Magnolia grandmother to discuss that would like to put the storefront before the street leased to the old man, the old man would do their own bellows, rent The house can also look at their children for them. Magnolia and then discuss with the fourth good price. Magnolia settled well that the two men talked about the big uncle with the uncle rent the price of the house, the uncle said he did not have a penny, and other sold bellows to start a business to give Magnolia housing money, but also say a month Can only give two, no more myself. Magnolia after listening to their father let them live. In the evening, Liang ChangAn called Magnolia said his grandfather was dying, Magnolia quickly rushed to see and found that the elderly sick still coughing blood. Magnolia hurried to the old four to please the doctor, the doctor gave the uncle saw the disease after the drug was opened, the price is also very expensive, but Magnolia still let the four holding money to the uncle medicine. So toss a night, the fourth child hold a belly gas, let Magnolia 爷 their grandfather go, that the house rented to them not only make money but also to paste money inside, magnolia hear do not know how to Say.

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