Sui Tang hero 3(TV)[2014]
Sui Tang hero 3(TV)[2014]

《Sui Tang hero 3》Ep68:Episode 68

In order not to worry about Xue DingShan's family members, Wang Ao made a special trip to write a letter to Liu JinHua, saying that Xue DingShan had been rehabilitated in Yunmeng Mountain. Xue RenGui No longer in a hurry for Xue DingShan to read the letter, Xue RenGui remembers that the former leader of TIENC did not make progress across DIA meters, and instructed Xue JinLian to go to the town to buy some snacks to serve the iron Cattle and others. Xue JinLian has just left her home and met two neighbors. Two neighbors are planning to send some food reliefs to Liu JinHua. Xue XueGui has come back and his neighbors are very surprised. Xue RenGui is very grateful to his neighbors and his husband Built into the palace so that the couple lived in the palace. Li Fei Cui see Xue RenGui and Liu JinHua loving happy, frustrated to return to capital trying to become a monk, Nike Air Max Shoes, Luo Tong and Tiefu learned Li Fei Cui's behavior, the two were extremely aware Li Fei Cui because Xue RenGui Only a monk. Li Fei Cui came to Nunnery and knelt under the statue of Buddha. The nun came over to Li Fei Cui and proposed to shave Li Fei Cui two years later. Li ZhenZong learned that her daughter Li Fei Cui was a monk and angrily came down to Zhang Zhi-feng. She denounced Zhang Zhi-feng for not telling Lee Fei Cui not long ago, so that Li Fei Cui could not decide how to shave her. Luo Tong and Tieniu came to Nunnery to look for Li Fei Cui, two of them standing outside of the temple, one of them entering the temple to persuade Li Fei Cui and Li Fei Cui to persuade Li Tong to persuade them to come to the court to show their feelings , Decided to go out for Nepal did not want to be harassed by others. Li ZhenZong see daughter Li Fei Cui determined to be a monk, grudgingly came to the hall to Li ShiMin cry, OuyangFeiYan heard Li ZhenZong's cry, immediately Li ZhenZong Li Fei Cui's whereabouts, Li ZhenZong see Ou YangFeiYan care Lee Fei Cui, a tear of a nose reveals Li Fei Cui practiced in the breeze. Hua DaJiao et al. Came to Qingfengnian for Li Fei Cui. Li Fei Cui met Hua DaJiao et al. Accompanied by a nun. Yu YouLan met Li Fei Cui and took the code for himself. Li Fei Cui dismissed his thoughts, Hua DaJiao standing on the side of Li Fei Cui's practice is also laughable, a serious persuade Li Fei Cui back to the house. Regardless of Hua DaJiao's persuasion, Li Fei Cui turned back to the temple. Luo Tong see Li Fei Cui insisted on being a monk, shaking his head with regret.

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