Family in-laws(TV)[2012]
Family in-laws(TV)[2012]

《Family in-laws》Ep17:Episode 17

高家, Liu XiYao Asked what happened to Gao YiMing Han Shan, Gao YiMing shook his head and just said he was crying when he sang Big Brother. Liu XiYao For Han Shan's sadness, the family kept in the living room and did not sleep together overnight until the sky was clear. Han Shan stepped out of his bedroom and looked in surprise at Gao YiMing, her in-law's in-law. When Liu XiYao saw her daughter-in-law coming out and hurriedly scrambling to cook rice, she should not be blind to her daughter-in-law. Han Shan thanked her in-laws, told her in-laws she will keep this home. Early in the morning, Wang Jie came to work with Han Shan with concern, Liu XiYao dragged Wang Jie to ask about Han Shan, and Liu XiYao foolishly talked about with his mouth. It turned out that Han Shan's cry was not for their own son, but another man Shu Xin. Dong Shan, Shu Xin, Yuan Ye and Han Shan work separately from each other. Han Shan deliberately avoids Shu Xin. Shu Xin does not want to exert pressure on Han Shan and conceals the emotion. Gao YiMing's musical ideal has been repeatedly frustrated, even though he got the latest shape, but still face the excuse was refused, Gao YiMing hit hard, with a guitar to Shu Chang new job site charming charming bar, just in case Shu Chang was overwhelmed by the scarecrow artist, and Gao YiMing was teasing the scarecrow. Shu Chang was very upset. Liu XiYao and his wife with no intention of re-sale of carvings together, silently sad, she really do not know what to think in order to hit the heart of daughter-in-law. Liu XiYao tidying up the room inadvertently found a letter in the Han Shan room without a letter of credit, the letter turned out to be "dear", Liu XiYao holding a dictionary checked a half-day life, his face gloomy, Gao WeiYue Liu Liu Peeking through Han Shan's letter, Han Shan had other people as well. Han Shan came home, Liu XiYao put the letter in front of Han Shan, turned a word without saying a word into his own room, and Han Shan knew her mother's mind. Han Shan opens the drawer, takes out a pile of letters in a drawer, enters the princess bedroom, and sends the letter to Liu XiYao. Liu XiYao bent on threatening not to intervene in other people's private affairs, but in the end still could not help but reach for Han Shan's letter to read it. Gao WeiYue angrily snatched a letter from Liu XiYao, denounced Liu XiYao selfish domineering, but found Liu XiYao already tears. It turned out that Han Shan's letter was not written to anyone but to his deceased husband, Gao YiFei, who wrote to her husband about the repayment of debts and their feelings in the letter. Liu XiYao suddenly reflected on her grievances, perhaps Han Shan, Han Shan There was not even one speaker at this house, talking to Gao YiFei, who died every day. Han Shan's letter Liu XiYao suddenly touched and Liu XiYao awake, her son really dead. Gao YiFei of Hainan Province, tells the story of Du Ya, daughter of Du BaGen and Du BaGen, who described his never-ending saga. Gao YiFei changed his name to Chen Tien-ping, celibate, deceived in business, A little catch up to life. He must be refreshed for his elderly parents. Du Juan heard tears, and Du BaGen looked suspiciously at Gao YiFei. Coincidentally, the computer at Du BaGen embroidery shop was damaged and Gao YiFei knew his chance of performance was coming.The computer was quickly repaired and functioning under Gao YiFei's operation, and Du BaGen suddenly looked down on the North University graduate, his capable lacking in the factory. Du BaGen decided to leave Gao YiFei in the banana garden, Gao YiFei also said he must use his efforts to repay Du BaGen's life-saving grace.

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