Gardenia open 2017(TV)[2017]
Gardenia open 2017(TV)[2017]

《Gardenia open 2017》Episodes

《Gardenia open 2017》Ep8:Episode 8 Xie Ruo Lin found himself pregnant out of the dormitory

Bai YouYou and Gao Shang Encounter Yu ZiHeng at the Job Fair. Gao Shang does not care about Bai YouYou's resume production. He is confident that Bai YouYou can find a job. Bai YouYou does not want to find a job through the relationship, she hopes to rely on their own strength. Yu ZiHeng at this time by virtue of their strength was a magazine magazine, Bai YouYou just want to be recruited into the magazine, who knows the magazine recruiter dislikes Bai YouYou resume simple without any advantage directly rejected her. Bai YouYou lost back to the bedroom, she and Yu TianQing feeling hard recruitment. The two men were totally unaware of the unusual situation of Xie RuoLin. A knock on the door at this time, Xie RuoLin quickly ran to pick up the courier has just been sent. She took the courier directly into the toilet, and then use the courier to check if she was pregnant, because she had vomited these days, she was worried about her pregnancy. Soon Xie RuoLin stumbled out of the bedroom announced that they have to move out to live. Bai YouYou suddenly received a call to work, she almost jumped excitedly, she did not expect to actually passed the interview. The next day, Bai YouYou rushed excitedly to his long-awaited magazine, the editor-in-chief asked her and Yu ZiHeng There are two other girls interviewed by the group, Yu ZiHeng initiative to put forward a group with Bai YouYou. Editor in Chief Bai YouYou said, most people look down on the relationship between people. Bai YouYou know that I can enter the magazine is Gao Shang asked the relationship. Xie RuoLin insisted on moving out and Hu KanKan watched her take the luggage and take the initiative to help her. Xie RuoLin shunned Hu KanKan's eyes. Hu KanKan was at a loss. He sent Xie RuoLin as an older brother to a rented apartment. When they went there, they found out that the other rented house was Gao Xing. Gao Xing just moved out because Hu KanKan misunderstood Gao Xing's pursuit of Song Wei, both of whom had fallen out of control. Xie RuoLin has been worried about her pregnancy, she was in constant panic, a huge psychological pressure in her heart heavy. She watched the television thinking about her own suddenly crying, Gao Xing heard the movement out of the room, although he did not know why Xie RuoLin sad, but he still lovingly lean on her to rely on.

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