Night market life(TV)[2017]
Night market life(TV)[2017]

《Night market life》Ep42:Episode 42

Ou XiaoMin think they are Ou DaZhi They killed Jin Ming, she cried and shouted Ou DaZhi out, refused to forgive Ou DaZhi. Ou DaZhi also very painful, he intended only to stop Ou XiaoMin and Jin Ming left, did not expect to cause such a big tragedy. Now no matter how Ou DaZhi atonement, can not make up for the rifts between their brothers and sisters. Horwath comfort Ou DaZhi, blood relatives will not break, one day Ou XiaoMin will forgive him. After Haohua's enlightenment, Ou DaZhi feel better. Yuqin wants to bring the ashes of Jin Ming back to the United States to be buried, while Jin GuangYu disagrees. Yuqin decided to stay in China and accompany Jin Ming. Jin GuangYu Drink at home worry, do not want to die. Nana and Li QingXiang came to see him. They fanned fire and accused Ou DaZhi of taking full responsibility for the incident and stated that they would work well with Jin GuangYu and help him remove Ou DaZhi. Ou XiaoMin want to commit suicide, thanks to Ou DaZhi found early, timely delivery to the hospital, Ou XiaoMin life without serious problems. After Ou XiaoMin wakes up, she still refuses to forgive Ou DaZhi. Wei Hong enlightens Ou XiaoMin. Life has many things to encounter. Since it happened, we must face it bravely and give everything to time and time will be healed. Horwath, Wenjuan and other children came to the hospital to see her, Ye Jing returned Ou XiaoMin sent a picture, I hope she can be healthy and happy. Ou DaZhi and Wei Hong went to Ou XiaoMin to buy supplements. When they came back, Ou XiaoMin found out that Ou XiaoMin had left the hospital. All of them were anxiously waiting for Ou XiaoMin to look for Ou XiaoMin but could not find her. Jin GuangYu asked Fang ZhongLing to contact Hengda Group to launch a night market renovation project as soon as possible to devastate Ou DaZhi. Lily accidentally spilled drinks in the outlet, resulting in a short circuit at night markets, the night market suddenly plunged into a dark, bothering the night market. Fang ZhongLing think this is the opportunity to get rid of Lily, with Lily in violation of security regulations as an excuse to drive her out of the night market. At this time Hengda Group always found the night market, he had previously secretly pulled Lily's hair, and Lily sent the hair to the identification center. After DNA alignment, it is proved that the sum Lily is the father-daughter relationship. Told Lily about the incident and took her home. Lily blame his father for so many years did not protect themselves, so that I suffered a lot of pain and grievances. To always say that she was looking for her for many years, but never thought she would discuss life on her own land. Lily knew that the night market was in the general industry. Lily can not accept the moment, ran to the night market to find Wei Hong talk. Wei Hong enlightened Lily, and Lily decided to accept her father slowly. Lily returned home and agreed to stay home, in the total absence of this daughter for many years obedient. Ou XiaoMin missing many days, Ou DaZhi not find everywhere. Ou XiaoMin alone came to Jin Ming tomb, tell his thoughts about him. At this time, Jin GuangYu, Fang ZhongLing and Jin Liang came to the tomb, and Ou XiaoMin quickly hid behind the trees and avoided them. Ou DaZhi got no supply again because of Li QingXiang's upset. Ou DaZhi bent on looking Ou XiaoMin things, do not feel worried about business, simply stopped business. Fang ZhongLing see Ou DaZhi shop closed, praised Nana them to work effectively, asked them to properly clean up under Wei Hong, Nana mouthful agreed.As many times did not eat, Ou XiaoMin fainted, be well-meaning person rescued to the hospital. After examination, Ou XiaoMin lead to coma because of severe malnutrition, the doctor asked her to take more care of the body, otherwise the fetus can not get the fetus healthy growth. Ou XiaoMin This knows that he pregnant with Jin Ming's children. Zhigang bought the new clothes and new bag with money from Li QingXiang and drank drunk and went home. When the East Star learned that Ou DaZhi could not get the goods because Zhigan made it bad, he told the Ou DaZhi that Ou DaZhi was rushed to Zhijun and wanted to beat him.

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